Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1435: Mad killing

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

The two brothers who were shot by the opponent Chen Xingchen ranked in the top 20, but did not make it into the top 10.

If the two fight alone, they won't be among the top ten.

But the brothers and sisters share the same heart. If they join forces, even if it is the first ten geniuses, they should be a little bit scared.

Most importantly, their two brothers are soul Taoists.

The reason why they let them go is because Yuluo knows that the primal **** of human warriors is the most vulnerable.


The two brothers exhibited a combined strike array.

Suddenly, the breath of terror spread.

This combined attack circle is very weird and can multiply the attacks of the two brothers.

Buzz ...

Fang Chen felt that there were ripples around him.

"Soul attack?"

With a chuckle, Fang Chenshi exhibited the Five Thunders Tribulation Method.

Since it is necessary to reverse the situation, there is no need to keep your hand.

The third layer of the Five Thundering Tribulation Act was exhibited, and the terrifying soul breath breathed out instantly.

Transformed into two soul road spears, stabbed fiercely at the two brothers.

Thump ...

It was originally thought that there would be a fierce battle.

But the final result was beyond everyone's expectations.

"How can it be?"

Even Yuluo exclaimed.

The two brothers jointly attacked, and were actually directly broken by the Blood Sword Saint, and also the two brothers were seriously injured.

"This kind of garbage is also worthy of my shot?"

Fang Chen is arrogant.


Yu Luo was angry and wanted to shoot.

But he was stopped by the people behind him.

"Brother Yuluo, let's come."

One of the aliens said.

The few aliens who are ready to go are the top ten geniuses in the Stars and Clouds list.

Together they will solve Fang Chen.

However, Fang Chen did not have time to **** them.

"Let's go together, otherwise there is no chance." Fang Chen said lightly.

"Damn it."

A certain alien could not help but take the lead.

It was Fang Chen's iron fist that responded to him.

With a punch, the head shattered and instantly died.

This scene made some other people feel a little palpitated.

"Joined to kill him."

In the top ten of the Stars and Clouds list, in addition to Yu Luo, others joined forces.

This combat power, even if Yu Luo is facing, dare not underestimate.

However, Fang Chen didn't even look at it.

"Yes, it makes me feel a little bit of pressure."

Fang Chen snorted and took out the red glass sword.

A sword was thrown away, and a terrifying red light appeared in the sky.

The appearance of this red ray made the powerful people on the list of stars have frightened.


Many aliens shot together and attacked fiercely to Fang Chen.

"Wan Lei Rong Tian Shu."

Thousands of thunders rolled in the sea of ​​clouds, and the horror of thunder sounded through the sky.

After the realm was promoted, Fang Chen's display of Wanlei Rongtianshu was even more terrifying.

Although it is still 10,000 thunders, its attack power has been doubled.

"this is……"

After watching the battle, Yuluo's face finally changed greatly.

At this moment, he had to admit that the strength of Blood Sword Saint exceeded his imagination.

"It seems to be quick and quick."

Yuluo clenched his fists and turned to glance at the Terran Warrior under the Ivory Mountain.

Densely packed, there are human warriors everywhere.

At this time, Yu Luo thought that the time was ripe.

Thump ...

The scary red glass sword quickly penetrated into the alien closest to it.

Immediately afterwards, the alien strongman killed directly.

Under the ivory mountain, there was an uproar.

"God, how strong is Blood Sword Saint?"

"Is he ready to single out the alien star charts?"

"It's really powerful. Even with this strength, even if it is against Yuyu Luo, can you still fight against it?"

"It's ridiculous that some of our human race actually refused to accept the blood sword saint."

"If someone can turn the tide like a blood sword saint, I have nothing to say."

For a time, public opinion turned to Blood Sword Saint.

Many human warriors began to support the Blood Sword Saint.

Some even wanted to climb the Ivory Mountain to help the Blood Sword Saint, but finally calmed down.

The reason for the Blood Sword Saint.

The first is to kill aliens.

The second is to build momentum.

Solidify the human heart of the human race and disrupt the plan of the alien race.

Thump ...

On the Ivory Mountain, Fang Chen's red glass sword is like a devil's long sword. The aliens on the Stars and Clouds list can't resist it.


At this time, many aliens keep retreating and want to escape.

"No one can go."

Fang Chen said.

In front of the powerful offensive, the figure flickered, and the real intention of time and space was pushed to the extreme, dazzling.

Thump ...

Fang Chen beheaded an alien closest to Yuluo.

"Brother Yuluo, save me."

Before the alien died, he shouted loudly.

After Fang Chen beheaded the alien, he turned and continued to kill the enemy.

Yu Luo's complexion was completely gloomy.


In the eyes of the crowd, the first genius of the list of stars and stars in the list of stars and stars fell, and he actually attacked Blood Sword Saint.

Under the ivory mountain, the warrior of the human race, the verbal criticism.

However, Yuluo could not care so much.

The most important thing is to kill the blood sword saint.


Yu Luo hit Fang Chen with a boxing, and he was ecstatic in his heart.

Fang Chen's body stepped back, and then stabilized his body.

Buzz ...

The sword-shaped runes on the surface of the skin quickly gathered in the place just hit by the plume, and then quickly disappeared.

"Can't help it finally?"

Fang Chen grinned and said, "I will give you a chance to play against me."

As soon as Fang Chen's voice fell, Honglijian shot again.

"Wait for me to resolve these miscellaneous fish first."

"With me in, you never want to kill them."

Yu Luo shouted in anger, blocking Fang Chen.

However, under the real meaning of time and space, Yu Luo couldn't capture Fang Chen's figure at all.

Instead, Fang Chen killed one person with a sword.

"You can't stop me."

Fang Chen ignored Yu Luo's attack and continued to kill the enemy.


Outside, the main building of Bone City, the meeting hall.

All the elders gathered in the meeting hall, and the bone-bearing city master was among them.

"What's happening in Purgatory?" Lord Bone Bone hurriedly asked.

A man quickly ran in to report.

"Urban Lord, Blood Sword Saint is on Ivory Mountain, challenging the strong players of the alien stars, and is now fighting."

"How specific?" Asked the elder.

"Most of the aliens on the Stars and Clouds list died under the sword of the Blood Sword Master. Now, the Blood Swordsmen are fighting the feather fall at the top of the Stars and Clouds List." The next person continued.

After hearing that, a burst of laughter broke out in the meeting hall.

"Hahaha, this blood sword saint is really a savior."

"It's still a good sight for the city owner."

"Yeah, we are still blaming the city owner for violating the regulations of Bone City. Who can think that Blood Sword Saint is actually the warrior who turned the world around."

"After this battle, the geniuses of the alien celebrities and stars are suffering heavy losses. In a short period of time, we will occupy the absolute advantage of the battlefield of the stars.

"This is an excellent opportunity to change history."

At this time, many elders realized the good intentions of the boneless city master.

Only Bone City Lord only smiled slightly.

It seems that everything is reasonable.

However, in his heart, he expressed the approval of the other party.

"Blood Sword Saint, you didn't let me down."

According to the reports of the subordinates, the Bone Master knew that the Blood Sword Saint had not yet exploded in full strength.

The massacre of aliens in the Stars and Clouds is only part of the plan.

The real plan is to elicit the organization of the black robe warrior, and then wipe out the net.

"Your strength, against Yuluo, no pressure. The only thing to be careful of is the black robe warrior."

This is what Fang Chen told him before returning to purgatory.

Now I want to come, Bone Bone Lord is very visionary.


On the Ivory Mountain, blood flows into rivers.

Although Yuluo forcibly took action, obstructing Fang Chen.

However, there are still a lot of aliens who came with him, all died under the red glass sword.

Thump ...

After the alien genius of the last star Fengyun Bang fell. "≠" ≠ "≠" ≠,

Fang Chen jumped forward and took a few steps back to stop fighting.

With a smile on his face, he looked at Yuluo.

"Now, do you still think I am not qualified to let you go?" Fang Chen joked.

Yu Luo's face was gloomy, and now he has no previous confidence.

His eyes were scarlet, staring at Fang Chen.

"Your strength is beyond my expectations. However, my brothers will not die in vain. You have to pay a heavy price for this." Yu Luo said fiercely.

Up to now, he has not clearly understood the current situation.

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