Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1479: Team up

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But he heard that Blood Sword Saint had a very powerful hiding power, and even the emperor of life and death could not see through it.

However, I didn't expect to lose a avatar before waiting to kill the Blood Sword Saint.

The evil star king is very strong, and he is practicing the secret ways of evil Dao.

Therefore, there is only one of his avatars.

As we all know, the more avatars, the more the warrior's spirit will be separated.

Yuanshen separated many times, will affect the cultivation of the deity.

Xing Xingjun wholeheartedly wants to step into life and death, so he only condensed a avatar, just in case.

Now, however, he has been wiped out by He Xingjun, who is known for being honest.

"damn it."

Xie Xingjun roared in anger, his big hand waved, his hands together, a terrible evil breath instantly filled.

Evil Star King really fights with He Xingjun.

Fang Chen is still in the enlightenment array.

He didn't know that in the void, the two strongest in the realm of fighting were fighting.

In fact, the Fire Demon Dzi Bead is absolutely the treasure for Crane Star King.

Once the power contained in it bursts out, it can be compared with a blow from a strong person in life and death.

This is also his killer skill, in general, it will not be used easily.

But right now, he can't take care of that much.

The owner of Green Bamboo Island was invited by him.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, he still resolutely used the only one Fire Devil Dzi.

Destroyed an avatar of the evil star king.

Evil Star Jun is going crazy to attack, while He Xingjun is defending conservatively.

In one or two visits, the forces escaping from the two battles constantly destroy the surrounding mountains.

Only Xuehe Mountain is safe.

Whenever a strong air current hits the Blood Crane Mountain, it will be blocked by the blood red halo.


Each time the blood-red halo is struck, Fang Chen's body will twitch once.

Boom Boom ...

With the blood-red halo constantly being hit, the golden heart also jumped up quickly.

Buzz ...

Inside the golden heart, there was a strange breath, blending with the blood-red halo.


Fang Chen's heart moved slightly, and he felt that the golden heart seemed to communicate with the blood-red halo.

Sure enough, Fang Chen's guess is correct.

After a while, the blood-red halo changed a lot.

A lot of strange breath appeared in the golden heart, and it fell into the blood red halo.

At this moment, Fang Chen's mind emerged the general framework of the entire broken array.


Fang Chen was shocked.

He has been looking at the rough frame of the broken formation, and once he has the rough frame, he has the opportunity to repair it.

"What a complicated formation."

According to Fang Chen's understanding, this formation should be a ninth-order formation.

But after years of baptism, coupled with its ruined degree, it is now barely able to exert the power of the eighth-order array.

Fang Chen closed his eyes and began to understand the broken formation.

He accelerated his surrounding time by a hundredfold.

Huh ...

After half an hour, Fang Chen opened his eyes.

His face was full of shock.

"I don't know which master came from, it's too shocking."

Under a hundred-time acceleration, Fang Chen has successfully realized this formation.

With his current strength, he is able to arrange a reduced version of the formation.

"Start repair."

As Fang Chen was ready to repair, he suddenly discovered the battle in the sky.

"Who is the person who is fighting with He Xingjun?" Fang Chen was puzzled.

The battle in the sky was too fierce, and Fang Chen was palpitated.


After a major impact, He Xingjun's body retreated significantly.

"He Xingjun, come into the formation." Fang Chen hurriedly said.

He Xingjun is not thin to himself. Seeing that He Xingjun is in trouble, he has to help.

He Xingjun heard the words, without saying a word, directly into the formation.

"He Xingjun, do you think I would have to hide from you in that broken formation?" Evil Xingjun's breath rose around him, looking down at Hexingjun below, and said coldly.

"Today, if my evil star king does not kill you, I swear not to be a man."

The evil star king has killed his red eyes, and his avatars have been destroyed.

Without killing He Xingjun, it is difficult to calm down my anger.

"how about it?"

He Xingjun looked at Fang Chen and asked.

"He Xingjun, I have completely mastered the broken formation. Although the formation is broken, the remaining power is very powerful. If it is detonated at one time, it will be enough to damage the evil star." Fang Chen said: "However, only once opportunity."

Fang Chen told He Xingjun about the meaning.

The latter heard it, thought for a moment, and then nodded.

"I'll contain him, you are responsible for detonating the power within the array."

After all, He Xingjun started.

Although he is at a disadvantage, he really fights, and he has no fear of the evil star king.

However, the evil star king has fallen into a frenzy, and if he does not end the battle, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, he must rely on the hand of broken formation.


The evil star monarch shot powerfully, and there was a meniscus above him, which was extremely dazzling.

Within the meniscus, there is a **** breath.


The evil star king grabbed a big hand, directly held the meniscus, and swooped down.

call out……

He Xingjun cast a thorn, and shuttled through the void. At a critical moment, a soft whip was shot in his sleeve and wrapped around the evil star Jun.


The crescent moon in He Xingjun's hand burst out with a dazzling light, which was very appalling.

At this moment, he was extremely confident.

Who will compete with each other as soon as the meniscus comes out?

The body was entangled with a soft whip, and Xingxingjun urged his whole body to break free.

Click ...

The soft whip has cracked and is about to be broken by the evil star king.


He Xingjun felt a little anxious in his heart and sent a message to Fang Chen.

I saw the latter closed his eyes, the whole body escaped a strong array of breath.

The blood-red light spread instantly.

On the Blood Crane Mountain, in the broken formation, a certain face was punctured.

The wild power poured out like a torrent.

"this is……"

Feeling this terrifying breath, Xie Xingjun's face finally changed.

"Suppress everything."

The crescent moon in the hands of the evil star king suddenly bombarded into a terror torrent like a horse galloping.


The deafening voice resounded through the sky.

The void torn, a terrifying torrent, submerged the meniscus, and then submerged the evil star king.

"too strong."

He Xingjun, who was hiding in the distance, felt pale after feeling this breath, and was afraid for a while.

If this force is aimed at yourself, I am afraid that even the scum will not be left?


After detonating the power within the array, Fang Chen was directly exhausted and collapsed, sitting on the top of the mountain, panting,

Click ...

The torrent is like a broken bamboo, and after crushing the meniscus, it devours the body of the evil star king.

"Do not……"

In the air, the unwilling voice of the evil star Jun could be heard faintly.

However, under the destruction of the terror torrent, he escaped.


When the terror torrent dissipated, the body of the evil star king was broken.

Seeing this, He Xingjun was a bit dazed.

Who would have thought that the master of the incomparable archipelago died in his own hands.

You know, the Lord of the Islands is sheltered by the power of will, and the defense is extremely strong.

However, under the terror torrent, the evil star monarch died.

"He Xingjun, does this person have any enmity with you?" Fang Chen, who passed the gods, asked aloud.

"Evil Star Jun is here to kill you, it should be hatred against you." He Xingjun explained.

"Huh? Kill me?"

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's eyes flickered with golden light, and he had already thought of the mastermind behind the incident.

"Yuan Ming." Fang Chen muttered secretly.

He Xingjun didn't want to say much and changed the subject.

"Island Master, you have mastered the broken formation, does it mean that it can be repaired?"

Fang Chen nodded: "It can be repaired, but its power is definitely not as good as before, and it requires a lot of materials."

"It doesn't matter." He Xingjun was very happy.

"I have listed the necessary materials, you go to prepare." Fang Chen said.

He Xingjun took the list and left Xuehe Mountain.

"Be careful, the evil star king is the master of the archipelago, and we will kill it, there will be trouble." He Xingjun told him.


The holy land of the human race, within the temple.

There is a wall, there are countless life Jane hanging above.

On weekdays, these life orders are hidden in the dark and cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Today, suddenly, Jane appeared, and then one of Jane's lives, cracked with a click.

"No, the Lord of the Evil Soul Islands is dead."

Immediately afterwards, such news came from the holy land.

The appearance of this news triggered a sacred place.

The death of the archipelago is rare.

You hardly even see it.

Who is so bold, even the master of the islands dare to kill.

"We must investigate clearly and dare to take action on the holy land. This is provoking the human race."

"Yes, the death of the Lord of the Islands, this is a big event, it must be taken seriously."

The holy Lord of the human race has left the Holy Land for some things, and the elders must stand up.

Inside the temple, there is a bronze mirror.

This bronze mirror is connected to the will power of the major islands.

As long as the corresponding will power is entered, you can see everything the Lord of the Islands has experienced.

This is also the control of the archipelago by the Terran.

The bronze mirror, which has not been used for many years, was urged by the elders today.

The elder palm waved his hand, and a faint force of will was drawn into the palm of the ground.

Then, the palm of the elders touched the bronze mirror.

Wow ...

A picture appeared on the bronze mirror.

The evil star king is fighting with the crane star king, and his avatar is destroyed by the fire demon bead.

Afterwards, Fang Chen and He Xingjun joined forces to lose the deity. ︽2︽2︽. * 2 Pavilion︽2,

"Blood Sword Saint?"

After seeing the Blood Sword Saint, the elder frowned and said to himself.

"This matter involves a lot. The formation controlled by the Blood Sword Saint is a little weird."

After thinking for a long time, the elder gave an order.

Send a messenger to the Evil Soul Islands to bring Crane Star King and Blood Sword Saint to the Holy Land.

He has to interrogate this matter himself.

The lord of the islands cannot die in vain. Be sure to investigate and give the world an account.

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