Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1498: Holy Dragon Heart

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Almost everyone will be able to condense their avatars.

Some people condense one avatar, while others condense two avatars.

The more avatars are condensed, the more Yuanshen is divided, which affects future practice.

Therefore, most of the warriors condensed a doppelganger.

Jiang Kuangdong used the avatar, the horrible mystery of the Soul Dao, and it was instantly displayed.

Rumble ...

Although the puppet has no primordial spirit, it has a control center.

Jiang Kuang's doppelganger is a master-level soul repair, with super attack power.

The mysterious way of Soul Dao was exhibited, and the puppet was instantly enveloped.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Kuang's deity jumped across the bridge.

Click ...

The puppet got rid of the attack of the Soul Dao Mysterious Method, slammed with a punch, and smashed **** Jiang Kuang's arm.

Blood donation spilled across the sky, Jiang Kuang's doppelganger cut off one arm and fled the bridge.


On the other side of the bridge, Jiang Kuang's face was somber.

At the cost of an avatar's arm, he passed the Neiheqiao test, which suffered heavy losses for him.

However, there is no way, for the last inheritance.

"Grandmaster-level soul repair is really amazing."

In Fang Chen's mind, recalling Jiang Kuang's secret mystery of the Soul Dao that he had just cast was too powerful.

After Jiang Kuang passed, Luo Qinghan, Ling Ming, and Ling Lian Zhu followed.

The strength of the three of them is relatively weak.

However, through the Neihe Bridge, the test is not only strength.

There are other ingredients as well.

Huh ...

In just a few breaths, Luo Qinghan failed.

Simply, he escaped the disaster at the expense of avatars.

Click ...

Luo Qinghan's doppelganger was shattered, and his deity was taking this opportunity to escape from the bridge.

"Brother Luo, are you okay?" Lingming asked.

Luo Qinghan paled, shook his head slightly, and turned to leave.

Lingming glanced at Luo Qinghan's lonely back, then turned to look at Linglianzhu.

"Li Zhu, the puppet is too strong. You didn't bring a doppelganger in, so give up." Lingming said.

Linglian Zhu nodded gently.

When Jiang Kuang's doppelganger cut off her arm, she was ready to give up.

Among the few people present, Linglian Zhu was the weakest.

Although she stepped into the seventh layer of fortune, she was not strong enough.

Even Jiang Kuang must lose an arm of her avatar. With her strength, if she breaks hard, the deity will be destroyed.

Once the deity is destroyed, the remaining avatars will also be implicated.

It is almost the same as breaking off the path of martial arts.

This is something that is not allowed for the Lingzu Tianjiaolinglianzhu.

"Brother Lingming, you also have to be careful." Linglian Zhu urged.

"Relax, I'm ready." Lingming focused on her head.

Linglian Bamboo also left the picking hall, above the golden stone platform, only Fang Chen and Lingming were left.

The latter and Fang Chen glanced at each other, and then took the lead on the Neihe Bridge.


The moment when the puppet appeared, the whole body of the soul blew out a terrifying breath.

On the surface of his skin, complex complexes of silvery gray appeared. These patterns quickly formed a strong defense.


Lingming sipped a little, his whole body gathered on the fist, and then punched with a punch.


All bridges were trembling, and the puppet easily resisted Ling Ming's attack, and then launched a counterattack.

Just when Fang Chen thought that Lingming was about to fail, something unexpected happened.

Lingming's body disappeared instantly.


Fang Chen's consciousness spread and shrouded above Naihe Bridge.

However, no matter how he searched, he could not find the body of the soul.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen's heart was a little shaken.

Lingming actually has such a means against the sky, hiding it too deep.

call out……

While Fang Chen was surprised, Lingming's body emerged from the void, and then gave the puppet a violent punch.


Unexpectedly, the puppet's body was repulsed by Ling Ming.

"This is the time."

Lingming seized the opportunity, toes a little, his figure disappeared again.

When he next appeared, he was already at the other end of the bridge.

Suddenly, the purple sword and Yuan Ming's face changed.

Only Fang Chen realized.

His eyes are full of surprises.

If he guesses well, Ling Ming's just-applied means is a kind of super real meaning of space.

"It can be concealed in an instant, which is definitely the real meaning of space. And it looks absolutely superb, and may even be peerless."

Fang Chen's heart shook.

In addition to him, he was the first time he saw a warrior suspected of being truly peerless.

His eyes could not help but look at Lingming a few more times.

In the first two tests, Ling Ming has been tepid.

Although he is the strongest among the younger generation of the spirit race, his limelight is completely suppressed by Jiang Kuang and others.

Even in the hearts of everyone, the Blood Sword Master can suppress him.

However, the bridge test allowed Fang Chen and others to recognize the power of Ling Ming.

"He has been hiding."

Fang Chen secretly said.

He can be sure that the real meaning of the psychic space is different from his real meaning of space and time.

However, what the true meaning is is still uncertain.

"It's your turn."

Shaking his head, his complicated thoughts were put away, and Fang Chen's eyes fell on the bridge of Neihe.

Hula ...

One step out, boarded the Neihe Bridge.

Yuan Ming and Zi Dao did not speak, their faces were full of disdain.

"Not everyone can set foot on the bridge."

The puppet was expected to appear, and the other party launched an attack.

Without saying anything, Fang Chenshi exhibited the fourth floor of the Five Thunders Tribulation Act.

The Five Thundering Tribulation Method is a very powerful mystery of the Soul Dao.

After reaching the fourth level, after cracking the curse, the power is even more powerful.

Rumble ...

In the sky, thunder flashed and swooped down.

Instantly merged with Soul Dao breath, forming a terrifying attack.


A powerful attack hit the puppet.

Click ...

Such a voice came from the puppet.

The puppet gave up defense and attacked with all his strength.

"Although it is a master-level soul repair, its attack power is not weaker than my avatar."

At the other end of the bridge, Jiang Kuang secretly commented.

Before entering the inheritance ancestral land, he didn't even care about the Blood Sword Saint.

However, what happened in front of the main hall made Jiang Kuang feel the extraordinary of Blood Sword Saint.

It is not easy for a warrior to not only be combative and arrogant, but even soul attack.

After Fang Chen exhibited the Soul Dao attack, his figure flickered into the void.

Ling Ming's complexion changed, and he returned to normal immediately.

The true meaning of time and space can change the temporal velocity and spatial pattern around.

At this point, Fang Chen, although he hasn't fully mastered it, is enough to deal with puppets.

The puppet looked up to the sky, and attacked the void indiscriminately.

Fang Chen could not be captured at all.

Walking in the void, Fang Chen changed the time flow rate.

In a blink of an eye, he came to the other end of the bridge.

So far, two of the eight people have issued, and the remaining six have all passed.

However, among these people, Purple Sword, Blood Sword Saint, and Ling Ming passed the most easily.

Jiang Kuang and Luo Qinghan, the loss is a bit big.

However, through the third round, it is already worth it.

Leading to the right side of the main hall, Su Xinyue and Mu Hanfu all passed the test.

Their bodies were covered with blood.

The third round of tests has formed a lot of lethality for them.

However, I finally survived.

"The third stage test passed, everyone can choose a secret method."

A voice was heard from the main hall.

Everyone's face was ecstatic.

The secret method in the hall must be extraordinary.

Wow ...

In the sky, a mirror surface appeared. In this mirror surface, there were phantoms.

Each phantom is a book, with a secret name on top of the book.

"Everyone chooses one."

Suddenly, Zi Dao and others quickly reached out their big hands, directly into the mirror, and grabbed the secret method they chose.

Fang Chen looked up and looked at the mirror.

"Choosing what suits you is the best." Fang Chen thought to himself.

His eyes swept through all the light groups.

There are attack secrets, defensive secrets, as well as formation type, refining class, rune class.

In short, there is everything.

For a time, Fang Chen did not know what to choose.


The golden heart beat quickly.

Immediately thereafter, Fang Chen felt a hallucination in his mind.

"Choose the Holy Dragon Heart Method."

Fang Chen didn't think much, but his big hand reached out and took back a book with the four characters of Sacred Dragon Heart Method written on it.

"You only have one incense stick time to understand the secret method you choose. After that, there will be an ultimate showdown."

After hearing that, everyone dared not waste time, sitting cross-legged one after another, and began to understand.

This time, the Kraken family can also choose.

It did not deliberately make trouble for the Kraken.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, Fang Chen opened the Holy Dragon Heart to watch.

I do n’t know, I was shocked.


Fang Chen's face was covered with shock.

It wasn't until this moment that he understood why the golden heart guides him to choose this humble mind?

It should be understood that under normal circumstances, the mind method only plays an auxiliary role.

Geniuses will not choose the mind method at all, they will choose to attack the secret method.

Sacred Dragon's heart method is directly ignored by everyone.

"The holy dragon's heart method is the secret that the human race does not pass. Eighty million years ago, the human race Tianjiao holy dragon king created, this mental method can assist the martial arts, the faster the secret law cultivation practice."

Just reading the introduction, Fang Chen was shocked.

The Sacred Dragon Heart Method was actually created by the Sacred Dragon King 80 million years ago.

And, the most important thing is.

If you practice the Sacred Dragon Heart Method, all secret methods can be made quickly.

What does this stand for? Represents what you will learn.

It is simply the mental formula that the warrior dreamed of.

Fang Chen wanted to laugh loudly, but he still suppressed it.

"This time I really picked up the treasure." Fang Chen smirked.

At the same time, I am also feeling that if it is not a golden heart, I will definitely not choose the Saint Dragon Heart Method.

"Start practicing."

Time is only a fragrance, but for Fang Chen, it is more than that.

Control the flow rate of the surrounding time and increase it to a hundred times, and then begin to enlighten the Holy Dragon Heart Method.

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