Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1521: Defeat the Luo elders

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Within the Luo people, there are many factions.

Between the factions, intrigues are terrible.

Fortunately, due to the strong suppression of the Lord of the Luo tribe, the following factions did not care about too blatant struggle.

However, even so, there are frequent battles between factions.

The Luo nationality has not fallen to this point, and it is not without reason.

The struggle between factions is one of them.

The faction of Luovor is headed by the second elder.

The elders of the second elder often made right against the elder elders. This time the elder elders came to challenge the three elders with the blood sword saint.

The second elder logically divided the second elder into the faction of the big elder.

Moreover, there is another reason for dealing with Blood Sword Saint.

Luovor's eyes were scarlet, staring at the Blood Sword Saint, and he wished to shatter the corpse into pieces.

"Get started." Fang Chen said lightly.


As soon as Luovor shot, he directly took out his ninth-order magic soldier.

Sword of Water and Fire, the ninth-order magical soldier of Luovor.

In the lower realm, the ninth-order **** soldier is already a super soldier.

Luovor's own high realm, coupled with the ninth-order **** soldier, suddenly suppressed Fang Chen.

Rumble ...

Inside the water and fire sword, a hot flame erupted, directly covering Fang Chen.

"Blood Sword Saint, you are nothing more than that. If you have the ability, you will come out of my flame cage." On the performance stage, Luovor held a water and fire sword and sneered.

Below, Luo Chen screamed badly.

"Elder Luo Vuo's flame cage is very powerful. Even the strongest in life and death is not willing to face it."

"Elder Luovor is going to bully people again, his realm is high, and he has also brought out the sword of water and fire." Luo Fenger snorted coldly, extremely dissatisfied with Elder Luovor.

Luo Qinghan did not speak, and intuitively told him that Blood Sword Saint should have the ability to come out of the flame cage.


A raging fire swept through the entire Yanwutai.

Fang Chen was trapped in it, and the substantive sword light formed by the countless firelights pierced Fang Chen.

Fang Chen sneered at the sound of Elder Luovor outside the flame cage.

Immediately, his heart moved, and immortality spread.

"Compete with me in flames?"

The breath of undead flame was released, instantly suppressing the flame cage.

The immortal flame is the king of the world's flames.

When the immortality appeared, the flames in the flame cage continued to collapse and seemed to be frightened.

Outside, Elder Luovor was preparing to continue to increase the strength of the flame cage.

However, the sudden change.

"what happened?"

He felt he could not control the flames.

"what happened."

Efforts to urge the water and fire sword, but the flame in the flame cage is getting smaller and smaller.

Hissing ...

Fang Chen's body was filled with rich immortal inflammation, overbearing and fierce, quickly absorbing the firelight in the flame cage.

After a few breaths, the flame cage disappeared.

Undead inflammation surrounds Fang Chen.

Below, all the warriors are shocked again.

"How can it be?"

Elder Luovor yelled aloud.

Feeling the flame on Fang Chen's body, he actually retreated.

"This is an illusion, used to confuse me."

Elder Luovor yelled inwardly, clenching the water and fire sword, and slashed out with one sword.

The elders watching the battle recognized the immortality.

Looking at Fang Chen's eyes, full of surprises.

"Actually it is immortal, this child is really powerful." The elder exclaimed.

The second elder, however, had a gloomy face, and there was a strong murderous intention hidden in the depth of his eyes.

"It's over."

Fang Chen took out the red glass sword.

The Heaven and Earth Burial Sword Skill was displayed, and a terrifying red sword light shattered the attack from Elder Luovor, and then hit the water and fire sword fiercely.


A crack appeared in the blade of the red glass sword.

"It is indeed a ninth-order magic soldier, but unfortunately the strength of the sword-holders is too weak." Fang Chen shook his head, and then took a step forward, kicking the elder Luofu.


The body of Elder Luovor fell under Yanwutai.

"Damn ..."

Elder Luovor fell into a frenzy and rushed to Wutai, but was stopped by the elders.

"Elder Luovor, are you still not embarrassed enough?" The elder elder shouted.

Elder Luovor was unwilling, but after seeing Elder Er's eyes signalling, he snorted and walked down to Yanwutai.

The continuous defeat of two half-step elders in life and death led to the shock of the Luo Holy Land.

All warriors are talking about the blood sword saint.

"Huh, you kid is lucky, but the third elder, how do you see you defeat?" Elder Er said secretly in his heart: "The knife and gun are blind, and you will be destroyed or beheaded in battle. , There is nothing to say. "

The second elder sent a message to the third elder.

The latter nodded gently and walked to Yanwutai.

"Boy, although you are strong, you are rarely rivals in the younger generation. However, the realm of creation is the realm of creation, and there is an insurmountable brand between life and death." Elder Luo Ming said.

"is it?"

Fang Chen spread his hand and said he didn't care.

It is not that I have not dealt with the strong in life and death.

"Since you are going to die, I will fulfill you."

Elder Luo Ming said nothing, he shot directly.

His strength is not comparable to Luovor.

I saw that the palm of Elder Luo Ming spread out, and a trace of the power of law emerged.

"The power of the law?"

Feeling the terrible power of the law, the people under the stage of the martial arts changed their faces and retreated.

Only Fang Chen, facing the difficulties.

"go to hell."

Seeing that Fang Chen was about to strike, Elder Luo Ming clenched his fists, the power of the law clenched in his fists, and he punched Fang Chen.

Click ...

The terrifying fist hit Fang Chen's body, and the power of the law instantly corroded the latter's body.

In the crowd's exclamation, Fang Chen's figure collapsed.


Elder Luo Ming with a happy face was furious.

What he hit was only a residual image of Blood Sword Saint.


Elder Luo Ming was a little horrified, but he could not notice the figure of Blood Sword Saint.

The elder elder and the elder elder stood up at the same time, their faces covered with shock.

"This child should have shown the true meaning of space, but why can't he even notice a hint of breath?" The elder shook his heart.

Even if it is the true meaning of higher space, it is impossible to disappear without a trace in front of the emperor of life and death.

"Is it superb true meaning?" The elder guessed secretly.

Immediately, he shook his head to deny his thoughts.

He has seen the super real intention, and the spiritual consciousness of the emperor of life and death is very keen, even if there is a slight change, he can catch it.

Thinking of this, the elders set off a turbulent wave.

He widened his eyes and looked at the void.

"Is it true?"

The elder's heart is shaking, if the blood sword saint really has the true meaning of peerlessness, it would be too against the sky.

Similarly, the second elder also thought of this.

His eyes were sharp, staring at the void.

When everyone was shocked, Fang Chen's figure appeared out of thin air.

call out……

The heaven and earth burial sword tactics were displayed, and the red glass sword stabs fiercely at the back of Elder Luo Ming.

"court death."

Elder Luo Ming sensed the appearance of Fang Chen, and the power of the law surged, and he rushed to Fang Chen here.

Fang Chen disappeared again, and Elder Luo Ming's attack fell through.

"Damn, Blood Sword Saint, are you only going to avoid it?" Elder Luo Ming shouted angrily.

In the Yanwuchang, everyone was already dead.

Blood Sword Saint's hidden ability is too strong, right? Elder Luo Ming, even in life and death, could not perceive its position.

In the void, Fang Chen's real intention permeated time and space.

The power in the body is transformed into the power of the space-time practice system.

Later, the exhibition of the Divine Time and Space was exhibited.

"It's over."

Without using the power of the space-time practice system, it is difficult to defeat the emperor of life and death.

Rumble ...

The space-time book is on display, and Fang Chen is integrated with space-time.

In the void, a sword was stabbed from time to time, and Elder Luo Ming avoided it.

Half an hour later, Elder Luo Ming was embarrassed.

There were several injuries on his body, and blood was constantly flowing out.

His eyes were scarlet and his anger was burning.

"I don't believe you can hide in the void all the time."

Elder Luo Ming fell into a frenzy, frantically attacking the surrounding void.

Just kidding, the warrior of the space-time cultivation system, integrated into space-time, and trying to be discovered is almost impossible.

Luo Ming fell into a frenzy, revealing many flaws.

Fang Chen seized the opportunity, the sword tactics of heaven and earth were displayed, and powerful attacks emerged. △ ≧. * (. *) △ ≧,

The red glass sword slammed into Luoming's arm.

Click ...

Luo Ming, in a frenzy, struck his red arm with a broken arm.

Suddenly, the red glass sword shattered.

And his body flew upside down and fell under Yanwutai.

"Blood Sword Saint, I'm going to kill you."

Climbing up from the ground, Elder Luo Ming killed himself.

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