Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1523: Mother and son meet

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Step by step toward the Liuli Hall, Fang Chen's heart was extremely nervous.

The more you practice, the more you merge with the soul of the original owner of this body, completely inheriting the memory of the original owner.

Deep down in my heart, I still long for my mother.

Although, the parents on earth are their own biological parents.

However, no one can appreciate this feeling.

On the way of martial arts, it is said to be cultivation, but it is better to say to cultivate the mind.

Mind training is a very important process. Any martial artist who wants to set foot on the peak of martial arts must cultivate his mind to a certain level.

And this link is a process for Fang Chen to cultivate his mind.


The golden hearts beat with Fang Chen's mood.

It seemed a short cut, but for Fang Chen, it was extremely long.

Every step is as if spanning a century.

Do not know when, Fang Chen came to the door of Liuli Hall.

He stopped and lifted his head, his dark eyes, and looked at the golden plaque over the hall.

There are three vigorous and powerful characters above, Liuli Dian.

Deep in his mind, the deepest memory was awakened.

Trying to suppress the tension in the heart, take a deep breath, immediately stepped out, and entered the Liuli Hall.

The Liuli Palace is the palace of the Luozhu sage, and it is also the center of the Luo people.

Only by the approval of the patriarch or saint can you enter.

The Liuli Temple covers a large area and is very empty.

After Fang Chen entered it, he looked around and found that it was very simple, but it gave a very familiar feeling.

"Familiar breath."

Deep in Fang Chen's mind, there was a tremor.

He didn't know what was going on, he actually felt this breath, very familiar.

At a glance, on one side of the palace, a woman dressed in Tsing Yi sat quietly.

Fang Chen's arrival attracted the women's attention.

A smile appeared on the woman's fair face.

She just stopped talking.

The smile on her face instantly solidified, her beautiful eyes flashed, staring straight at Fang Chen.

Fang Chen looked at the woman in Tsing Yi. The golden heart was beating quickly, unable to restrain her emotions, and poured out instantly.

He took a heavy step towards the Tsing Yi woman.

The latter stood up, his body shivering.

"You ..." The woman in Tsing Yi couldn't believe her eyes.

"Fang Family, Fang Chen."

When she walked in front of the woman in Tsing Yi, Fang Chen finally gathered her courage, smiling, and said.


The lady in Tsing Yi shivered, and tears flowed out of her eyes uncontrollably.

She has been waiting for this day for a long time.

It was so long that even she forgot the time herself.

I thought I would never see my son again in my life.

Who would have thought that his son was right in front of him.

"This is not an illusion."

Lady Tsing Yi tried hard to shake her head. She wanted to make sure that it was not an illusion, it was real.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chen poured her mother into her arms.

The blood in the body beats, and when the two hug each other, it resonates with the blood vessels.

"Mother, I finally found you."

Fang Chen said, the words were full of bitterness and joy.

In the ancient sword continent, the Kamikaze country where he was located was just a projectile land.

However, from that time on, Fang Chen made up his mind that he must find his mother in this life.

Every time he went to a strange place, Fang Chen's first thing was to inquire about his mother's whereabouts.

It wasn't until he entered purgatory that he met Lingyue, a younger disciple of one of the three Protoss, that he knew that his mother was most likely a Luo Saint.

At that time, Fang Chen knew the gap between himself and the Protoss.

Therefore, endure the inner excitement and strive to improve cultivation.

Now, he believes that he is already qualified to enter the Luo people's holy land.

"Chen'er, am I dreaming?"

Luo Liuli wept with joy, holding Fang Chen with both hands tightly, for fear of accident, his son disappeared in front of his eyes.

When forced to leave the Kamikaze Kingdom, his son was just born.

All these years, my son has been remembered in my heart.

And now, finally got his wish and saw his son.


"Chen'er, I'm so happy. I dreamed about when I could meet you, and now I finally got my wish." Luo Liuli said with a cry.

The mother and son hugged each other, telling all kinds of things over the years.

Feeling depressed for a long time, Fang Chen felt a lot more comfortable once erupted.

This atmosphere lasted for three hours.

Luo Liuli just left Fang Chen's arms, she took Fang Chen's hand and sat on the stool.

"Chen'er, you surprised me too much." Luo Liuli smiled.

It's been a long time since I've been so happy to laugh, now Luo Liuli is really happy.

"Chen'er, I didn't expect you to grow up to this point."

Fang Chen smiled and said nothing.

"My son is very promising. So young, he has become the strongest young generation in the lower realm, and he defeated the emperor of life and death with his cultivation and cultivation. The most important thing is that he is still the youngest island in this cosmic era. Lord. "Luo Liuli smiled comfortably.

His son has a good life, and he is naturally happy to be a mother.

However, before this, Luo Liuli did not associate the Blood Sword Saint with his son Fang Chen.

She never dreamed that her son's strength would increase so quickly.

Luo Liuli gently stroked Fang Chen's head, with an unstoppable smile on his face.

"Son, you have worked hard all these years." Luo Liuli said.

"Mother, I don't work hard, you work hard." Fang Chen said. He knew that his mother was in the Luo nationality and paid a lot.

There is not much freedom to be a saint.

"How about your father?" Suddenly, Luo Liuli asked.

"My father is on Lvzhu Island, mother, do you want to see it?" Fang Chen asked.

Then I remembered that my father was waiting at Green Bamboo Island.

Upon hearing Fang Chen's words, Luo Liuli's complexion changed, and he shook his head immediately, "I'm inconvenient now, and I will go when I have time later."

Hearing the words, Fang Chen was puzzled.

Don't mothers want to see their father?

The father is an ordinary warrior, and it is absolutely impossible to see his mother.

Even with his own face, it is impossible to bring an outsider to the Luo tribe casually.

Therefore, the only solution is to go to Lvzhu Island.

"Mother, do you have any hidden words?" Fang Chen asked?

Luo Liuli shook his head, he seemed unwilling to say.

"It's nothing."

"Mother, my son is no longer small and has the ability to solve problems for you. You can tell your son anything." Fang Chen said: "If your son can't solve it, you can go to a helper. I believe I can help my mother."

Seeing his son's determined eyes, Luo Liuli sighed and said kindly: "It's not that I don't want to go, on the contrary, I want to go very much. But ... as a Luo saint, unless I am in the Holy Land, I can move freely, even power It ’s bigger than the elders. But I ca n’t leave the Luo people ’s holy land. This is ancestral training. ”

After hearing the words, Fang Chen knew.

The ancestral precepts cannot be violated, let alone the ancestral precepts of the three great protoss, and they cannot be violated.

Even if the mother is a saint, she dare not openly violate the ancestral teachings.

Angry, Luo Liuli did not dare to violate the ancestral training, a large part of the reason is Fang Chen and his son.

"My Luo tribe has a magical skill, but it is left by the ancestors. Only every saint and patriarch can practice." Luo Liuli said: "This magical skill is very difficult to practice, and must have my Luo clan's extremely rich bloodline Cultivable. "

"The higher the bloodline is, the easier it is to practice successfully. However, the Luo people have experienced endless years since its establishment. The Luo people have become glorious and have fallen to the present. The power of the blood line of each generation of address is becoming thinner and thinner. The bloodline of the blood is rich and thin enough to make people sigh. "Luo Liuli continued:" My bloodline concentration is very good in the Luo nationality, but there has been no progress in practicing this magic art. "

From Luo Liuli's words, Fang Chen knew. ℃ ≡ ℃ ≡ ℃ ≡Ge ℃ ≡

The Holy Woman must not leave the Holy Land before she has completed the Divine Art.

The first is to protect the Virgin.

The second is to make the holy girl's mind unconventional practice magic.

After all, divine art is the root of the Luo tribe.

"Is the patriarch trained?" Fang Chen asked.

Luo Liuli shook his head, "The patriarch retreat is doing the final sprint."

"It turns out so." Fang Chen nodded: "Mother, can you show me this magic, maybe I can help you."

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