Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1526: frank

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"Blood Sword Saint, you mean little villain."

It can be seen that the saint's status in the Luo is very high and there are many crowds.

Now, everyone is guided by the words of the second elder, so they are attacking the blood sword saint.

Fang Chen looked at these jumping beam clowns coldly.

"A group of pig brains, who have been inflamed and said a few words, have no brain to attack others. If this is not the Luo nationality, and you are not the Luo nationality's children, they would have died under my sword." Fang Chen sneered, ridicule Color.

Fang Chen's words angered everyone even more.

Many people are of the age of qi and blood.

When Fang Chen said this, how could he not be angry.

"Blood Sword Saint, you bastard, I'm going to smash you to pieces."

Someone roared, strode forward, came to Fang Chen, and punched with a punch.

Fang Chen stood still, and the afterglow of his eyes saw the second elder with a dark smile on the side of his eyes.


At a critical moment, Luo Liuli spoke.

I saw the white palm of Luo Liuli gently waved, as if there was a force supporting Fang Chen's clan.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not open the **** of this force.

"Blood Sword Saint did not attack me. The blood stains on the corners of my mouth were injured during cultivation." Luo Liuli said indifferently. "Besides, even if Blood Sword Saint shot at me, do you think I will be attacked by him?"

Luo Liuli said that those celebrities with a hot head finally came to life.

Under their heads, they listened to Luo Liuli's words.

"Holy lady, have you had a problem with your cultivation?" Asked the elder, worried.

"It's okay." Luo Liuli said.

Can't always say that he vomited blood because he practiced divine art?

Seeing the saint did not want to say, the elder elder no longer asked.

"The saint is all right, everybody is gone." The elder elder waved and motioned for everyone to go away.

In a blink of an eye, all the tribes dispersed.

"Since the saint is not hindered, then the old age has gone back." The elder elder arched his hand.

The second elder on the side also said with a smile: "The old man also left."

Looking at the second elder's back, Luo Liuli said unpleasantly, "The second elder, take good care of the younger generation."

There is a displeased look in Luo Liuli's words.

What a shrewd person she is, she can see at a glance that she is so tired.

The second elder is deliberately targeting Fang Chen.

The elder, who was retreating, shuddered and left quickly.

Fang Chen and Luo Liuli glanced at each other.

"You were wronged."

Fang Chen was her son, but was laughed at and abused by Luo people.

She felt that Fang Chen had been greatly wronged. If it weren't because she was a saint, she would have tried to teach them.

"It's okay." Fang Chen grinned.

At this moment, the vicissitudes of voice came from the mind of the saint and Fang Chen.

"You two, come to Temple Luo."

Wen Yan, Fang Chen's heart slightly moved, the master of this voice is obviously the Lord of the Luo tribe.

It seems that the retreat of the Lord Luo is over.

I just don't know if he has broken through the ages.

"Let's go." Luo Liuli took Fang Chen to the Luo Temple.

The Luo Temple is the core hall of the Luo people. It is equivalent to the holy temple of the human race and has a very high status.

Ordinary people simply cannot enter it.

Luo Liuli is in front, Fang Chen is in the back, and the mother and son enter the Luo Temple.

In the Luo Temple, there is a throne.

The Lord of the Luo tribe sits on the throne, looking down.

"Meet the patriarch." Luo Liuli feeded the bow.

Fang Chen behind him clasped his fists: "Patriarch."

The Lord of the Luo tribe glanced at Luo Liuli and then asked: "Did you have a problem with your cultivation?"

"Patriarch, when I was practicing Luoshui 3000, I felt something ..." Luo Liuli said.

Upon hearing the words, the Lord of the Luo tribe brightened his eyes and hurriedly asked, "You have cultivated it?"

Luo Liuli nodded slightly and said, "I'm getting started."


The Lord of the Luo family was very excited. Although it was just an entry, it was shocking enough.

"let me see."

Luo Liuli nodded, and then his heart moved, and the strength of the law of rich water emerged around his body.

The Lord of the Luo people laughed when they saw it.

"It is worthy of being the most outstanding saint of my Luo nationality in recent tens of thousands of years." The Lord of the Luo nationality exulted.

In Luoshui Three Thousand Divine Art, only the patriarch and the saint are qualified to practice each generation.

However, the magic art is called magic art because of its unpredictable changes.

Luoshui Three Thousand Divine Art can not be cultivated without strong strength.

Need insight, also need a series of opportunities.

After a long time of enlightenment, the Lord of the Luo tribe did not realize the three thousand Olympics of Luoshui.

And now, the saint came out first and started directly.

Feeling the power of the very different water laws on the saint, the Lord of the Luo tribe was very happy.

"Patriarch, have you broken through?"

The Lord of the Luo nationality retreats, and exits the customs at this time. Is it because of a breakthrough?

Hearing the words, the Lord of the Luo tribe condensed the smile on his face and immediately shook his head, sighing: "When we come to this state, how can we break through so easily."

"Oh, how could the Blood Sword Saint be with you?"

The eyes of the Lord of the Luo tribe fell on Fang Chen.

He once sensed the power of the rich Luo blood of the Blood Sword Saint and invited the Blood Sword Saint to the Luo Holy Land.

But there has been no time.

Now, he actually found out that the Blood Sword Saint was with the Saint Girl.

"Patriarch, I have something to say to you." The saint hesitated for a moment before finally preparing to speak.

"what's up?"

"Blood Sword Saint, whose original name was Fang Chen, was my biological son." Luo Liuli said.

Hearing the words, the Lord of the Luo tribe's face dignified.

"When did it happen?" Shen Sheng, the Lord of the Luo people, asked.

"The time when I left the Holy Land." Luo Liuli said.

Some things will have to be said sooner or later.

For a moment of silence, the Lord of the Luo tribe raised his head, his dark eyes, and looked at Fang Chen.

"No wonder, when I was in the holy land of the human race, I sensed that this child had extremely strong power of the Luo blood." The Lord of the Luo people's face eased a little and said slightly.

"Patriarch, this thing doesn't blame my mother."

Fang Chen thought that the Lord of the Luo tribe would anger at his mother and said quickly.

Upon hearing this, the Lord of the Luo tribe laughed.

"Relax, Liuli is my saint of Luo nationality, and also cultivated the Luoshui Three Thousand Divine Art. In the future, the rise of Luo nationality depends on Liuli. How can I move my anger with her?" Luo said.

The words of the Lord of the Luo tribe let Fang Chen breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, Luo Liuli knew that the reason for the patriarch was entirely because of the three words Blood Sword Saint.

These three words represent the most sinister genius of the younger generation in the lower realm.

The five giants of the human race once discussed that the potential of the Blood Sword Saint is too unnatural, and it is very likely to enter the eternal world in the future.

Such a wicked genius with great potential has no relationship with them.

If they step into the eternal realm in the future, the strength of their Luo people will surpass the other three holy places.

Lord Luo has his own calculations.

After thinking for a long time, he raised his head and said: "Ruri, you, as our saint of Luo people, have illegitimate children abroad, this kind of thing always affects our Luo people, I hope ...

"I know." Luo Liuli interrupted the Lord of the Luo tribe, she focused on her head.

In fact, as a mother, she is also unwilling to open Fang Chen's identity now.

After all, such words will cause great trouble to Fang Chen.

"You can understand it." The main line of Luo people.

Afterwards, he looked at Fang Chen, "Blood Sword Saint, you are the son of Liuli, and can be regarded as a half of the Luo people. Practice hard and strive to become a nether giant in the future."

"I will."

Fang Chen's attitude towards the Lord of the Luo tribe has greatly changed.

I thought he knew this and would anger his mother and make himself difficult.

But it turned out that he thought too much.

"Patriarch ... Actually, I was able to cultivate Luoshui 3000, all because of Chen'er." Luo Liuli said.

He must find ways to increase Fang Chen's position in the patriarch's heart.

In that case, the patriarch will truly accept Fang Chen. 8 ± (. *) 8 ± 8 ±, o


Even the patriarch who is as stable as Mount Tai is a little moved.

"I show Chen'er the Three Thousand Divine Skills ..."

Luo Liuli repeated the story.

After listening, the attitude of the Lord of the Luo tribe was as predicted by Luo Liuli.

Very surprised, looking at Fang Chen with hot eyes.

"I really didn't expect that your son, Liuli, was so smart. It's a person who shed blood of my Luo.

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