Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1531: Demon

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Voluptuous woman with a beautiful figure.

Even in the outside world, it is a first-class beauty.

There was a strange smile on her delicate face.

Seeing the Kraken coming, her body exuded a variety of flavors.

The Kraken had almost no resistance, so he came to the enchanting woman.

Then, in Fang Chen's dumbfounded, the voluptuous woman took off her shirt and the white ketone body was revealed.

"bring it on."

The enchanting woman teased.

In the next scene, Fang Chen couldn't bear to watch, it was a ruin.

Who is this voluptuous woman, and why seduce the Kraken?

And it seems that the voluptuous woman's cultivation behavior has not reached the life and death realm, but by virtue of the technique of enchantment, he hardly perplexed a life and death realm sea monster.

After the clouds and rain, the enchanting woman put on her clothes.

A blush appeared on his face, but it soon disappeared.

She snapped her fingers and suddenly the confused Kraken woke up instantly.

"How is it? Just comfortable?" Enchanting woman asked.

"Comfortable ..."

The Siren said subconsciously, but his face changed quickly.

"What's going on? What did you do to me?" The Kraken asked Shen Sheng.

"I didn't do anything, it was just poisoned in your body." The voluptuous woman smiled and said: "Don't try to struggle, this poison can only be cured by me. As long as you use strength, the toxicity will happen . "

The Kraken didn't seem to believe it, and urged momentum.

In an instant, his body trembled, followed by foaming in his mouth, his body sore and weak.

The voluptuous woman's fingers popped a green pill into the sea monster's mouth.

For a moment, the Kraken returned to its original state, which was very magical.

"As long as you obediently obey, I will give you the antidote on time." Enchanting woman said. "Otherwise, you should die."

The Siren's face changed, and his heart was full of humiliation.

However, in the end he chose to compromise. "Okay, very good. From now on, you will be a dog under my hands. You will do whatever I want," the enchanting woman shouted.

"Yes, master."

Fang Chen was shocked in the dark center, what is this poison? Even the emperor of life and death can't resist?

And who is this enchanting woman? Why should I do this?

"Don't reveal your identity. After going back, try to lure as many emperors as possible to come and see me." The enchanting woman ordered.

"The poison on your body will recur every seven days. Without my antidote, you will definitely die." The enchanting woman said.

The Kraken nodded and left quickly.

At this moment, the eyes of the enchanting woman fell somewhere in the void.

"Did you watch enough?"

Fang Chen was stunned, and then came out of the void with some embarrassment.

"I didn't expect to be a human race, and he was so handsome."

The voluptuous woman licked her dry lips and said slightly.

"who are you?"

Fang Chen asked.

"I see the desire in your eyes. If you want to release, let go of your heart."

The enchanting woman was confusing Fang Chen.


The golden heart was beating rapidly, and Fang Chen's mind suddenly became sober.

"call out……"

Fang Chen took the first step and immediately came to the voluptuous woman's side. His big hand popped out and directly caught the woman's throat.


The voluptuous woman did not expect that this person actually resisted her charm technique.

"Say, who the **** are you?"

Fang Chen said coldly.

"Boy, I bet you can't kill me." The voluptuous woman woke up in shock and immediately sneered.

"Are you sure?"

Between the speeches, Fang Chen pressed his palm hard, and the voluptuous woman's throat made a clicking sound.

However, at this moment, a green panacea appeared in the hands of the enchanting woman.

Fang Chen knew that this was the antidote just given to the Kraken.


The thumb-sized green elixir exploded beside Fang Chen.

The force of the explosion instantly blasted Fang Chen's body.

When he got up, the voluptuous woman was gone.

"Damn ..."

Fang Chen cursed.

It is not appropriate to stay here for long, he left quickly.


The enchanting woman was very angry after fleeing Fang Chen ’s clutch.

"Where did the guy come from?"

The voluptuous woman said to herself.

It happened to meet Elder Luo Zhu who had just escaped from difficulties.

The voluptuous woman was so angry that she didn't know where to vent, and she just found the object.

Immediately, her whole body released a charm.

After seeing the enchanting woman, Elder Luo Zhu's eyes were straight.

Half an hour later, the enchanting woman controlled Elder Luo Zhu in the same way.

Immediately, she let Elder Luo Zhu wake up.


A slap, drawn on Elder Luo Zhu's face.


Another slap, very loud.

Facing the fat beat of the enchanting woman, Elder Luo Zhu dare not fight back.

He was poisoned, and his life was under the control of the voluptuous woman, and he did not dare to mess up.

All hatred is counted on Fang Chen.

"Blood Sword Saint, the old man will never let you go." Elder Luo Zhu thought to himself.

Moments later, the enchanting woman vented her anger.

Then she asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Master, I'm chasing a human warrior." Luo Zhu replied in a low voice.

"Human Warrior?"

Luo Zhu described the appearance of the Blood Sword Saint to the voluptuous woman, who was cold after hearing it.

"Give you a chance to get me back." Enchanting woman said: "I want to catch alive."

"Yes, master."


Out of the forest, Fang Chen came to a stone cave.

At the entrance of the stone cave, there are three passages.

In each channel, it was dark, and the consciousness could not be viewed.

"How to choose?"

Fang Chen is hesitating, how to choose?

If he hasn't met a voluptuous woman, he can choose one casually.

However, after meeting the enchanting woman, he felt the seriousness of the situation.

Why is the enchanting woman here, and what is her purpose of controlling the emperor of life and death?

All this made Fang Chen extremely puzzled.

Fang Chen even wondered whether there was a huge force behind the voluptuous woman.

Luo Fang appeared when Fang Chen was thinking.

"Blood Sword Saint."

Elder Luo Zhu said in a deep voice.

Elder Luo Zhu came and saw the Blood Sword Saint vigilant.

"Blood Sword Saint, we seem to be in a danger. How about we abandon our previous suspicions and join forces together, personal grievances, and wait until we go out here to talk?"

The words of Elder Luo Zhu made Fang Chen puzzled.

But soon, Fang Chen remembered one thing.

"Did Elder Luo Zhu also be controlled by the demon?"

Thinking of this, Fang Chen secretly warned.

"You can join forces, you tell me, who asked you to spread the news that I entered Pterosaur Jedi?" Fang Chen asked.


Luo Zhu's face changed slightly, and then said: "It's the second elder. He colluded with the Yuan clan and always wanted to kill you."

"Sure enough."

Fang Chen sneered and saw Luo Zhu approaching.

"Stop." Fang Chen scolded.

"Blood Sword Saint, you and I cooperate ..."

Before Elder Luo Zhu finished his words, he was interrupted by Fang Chen.

"Elder Luo Zhu, I have another request. You promised that I would cooperate with you." Fang Chen said.

Luo Zhu's heart was filled with anger, but he still held back.


"Your cultivation is far superior to me. I have no sense of security in cooperating with you. Unless you break your arms." Fang Chen joked.

"Blood Sword Saint, are you playing me?"

Luo Zhu shouted in anger.

"Yeah, I'm just playing with you." Fang Chen mocked, looking at Luo Zhu as if idiot.

"you wanna die."

Luo Zhu was angry, his hands were open, and the power of terror went straight to Fang Chen.

Wow ...

In front of the three passages, a cave house appeared out of thin air.

"This is ... Panyue Xiandong?"

Seeing this, Luo Zhu was shocked.

"Blood Sword Saint can actually control Panyue Xiandong?"

This discovery caused a storm in Luo Zhu's heart.

After a long time, his heart calmed down. ℃ ≡ ℃ ≡ ℃ ≡Ge ℃ ≡

"Master, Blood Sword Saint has hid inside the cave mansion. I can't capture him."

Luo Zhu sent a message to the enchanting woman.

The latter responded quickly.

"You are guarding there, and I will be there soon."

In the forest, there was a cold color in the eyes of the voluptuous woman, and she moved quickly.

"Human daddy, you pray not to fall into my hands. Otherwise, I will make you a slave forever."

Recalling that Fang Chen did not have any pity for Xiangxiyu, the big hands clasped his neck, and the enchanting woman was very angry.

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