Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1537: King Wan Jiao

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Fang Chen came here for the first time and entered into dream cultivation.

Moreover, often more than a month, this has already shaved the two.

Now, seeing a small piece recessed in the gate of the spiritual practice palace is even more heart-shaking.

At this moment, they finally let go of the pride in their hearts, proactively showed Fang Chen, and befriended the latter.

When Fang Chen was brought here by the big white dog, although the two were surprised, they were only surprised by the inheritance of Gu Zu.

As for Fang Chen himself, they are not very optimistic.

The space-time practice system is extremely difficult to practice, and Fang Chen ’s practice is short. It is impossible to completely control the space-time practice system.

But now, they have completely changed each other's views.

The face of Liu Xiong, a commoner, has not smiled for a long time.

Seeing Fang Chen, his face was full of smiles.

They have been here for a long time, and have been suffering from the inability to open the spiritual palace.

Now, they see hope.

"Brother, do n’t be humble, you ’re better than both of us in terms of potential," said Liu Xiong, a commoner. "The three of us can get together again, which is also a fate. Moreover, all three of us have their own spiritual systems." , Can be regarded as the same person. My name is Liu Xiong, brother, what is your name? "

"Fang Chen."

"Fang Chen brothers, from now on you will be my brother Liu Xiong. Although my strength is not too strong, as long as you are in difficulty, I will definitely help if you have nothing to say." Liu Xiong said with pride.

The other warrior on the side was also born and said, "Brother Fang Chen, my name is Dao San."

The three get along and the atmosphere is harmonious.

The two can get other spiritual systems, and naturally they are also among the people.

Fang Chen will certainly not resist when making friends with such people.

After some chatting, the clothed man Liu Xiong took the lead and said: "In a period of time, the three of us will help each other. Only when we are familiar with each other can we maximize our strength. Let me introduce myself first, what I have The cultivation system is called the bloodline cultivation system. "

"The blood vessel cultivation system is to absorb the strong blood vessels as much as possible to improve their own blood vessels to achieve the strongest." Liu Xiong said.

As you can see, Liu Xiong didn't have anything to hide from Chen Chen, and even the specifics of the bloodline cultivation system were informed one by one.

In fact, this is nothing.

Different spiritual practice systems are destined to have no competition for resources.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen's heart slightly moved, this bloodline practice system is also very domineering.

"I don't know if this bloodline cultivation system just absorbs the power of human bloodline, or can it absorb monsters?" Fang Chen asked.

"It can be absorbed. As long as it is a super blood line, it will greatly improve me. According to the last words left by my master, the blood line practice system has not been really perfect, but he believes that the most perfect blood line practice system , Practice to the extreme, the bloodline in its body will deter the heavens. "

Liu Xiong said proudly.

In terms of blood power, he is the strongest of the three.

"Great." Fang Chen could not help sighing.

Every practice system is an innovation and a challenge.

"My practice system is called the Golden Shield practice system, and the ultimate goal is to increase the physical strength to the strongest." Dao San said: "The most notable feature of my practice i system is that it can capture the powerful physical body indefinitely. Turn it into your own use. My Master said that our system of cultivation practice is the ultimate, and the body trembles and can break the sky. "

Fang Chen nodded gently.

It seems that the practice system of Dao San is similar to that of Liu Xiong.

One is to devour the strongest blood, and the other is to capture the strongest flesh.

In short, it is to enhance their own strength.

After listening to their introductions, Fang Chen felt a lot of emotion.

So far, there are only three types of spiritual system he knows in the lower realm.

I do n’t know if there is a practice system hidden in the dark, but these are no longer in his thinking.

Fang Chen also briefly introduced the space-time practice system.

When he said that this system was cultivated to the extreme and could be integrated with time and space, their faces changed greatly.

Immediately, the two of them gave thumbs up to each other.

"Gu Zu's practice system is really overbearing. If it is completely integrated with time and space, who can find it? This is definitely a good way to save lives." Dao Sandao.

"Yeah, not only life-saving, but assassination will definitely be unexpected." Liu Yi, a man in common clothes, said.

After a preliminary understanding of the space-time practice system, the two were very optimistic about each other.

"Brother Fang Chen, the next time will require the three of us to work together to open the spiritual palace together." Liu Xiong laughed.

"work together."


Before practicing the palace, it was a joy.

The Pterodactyl Jedi above is not at all level.

After all, the root cause of all turmoil is rootless grass.

The news of rootless grass spread throughout the Pterosaur Jedi.

The environment in the Pterosaur Jedi itself is very harsh.

After defeating the emperor's life-and-death emperor, they fled here with no dragons.

They desperately need to cultivate resources to improve their cultivation behavior.

In order to survive in the harsh environment, everyone is crazy.

Rootless grass, placed in the outside world, can be regarded as one of the top resources.

And now, actually appeared in the Pterosaur Jedi, how can we not let many aliens and sea monsters go crazy?

The emergence of rootless grass has caused fierce wars in the five areas of Pterosaur Jedi.

The seven tigers bear the brunt.

The seven most powerful men in the Seven Tigers, each commanding many aliens.

Fang Chen inadvertently obtained the branches and leaves of the rootless grass, causing the Heilin King and the King to turn into hatred.

In the battle of the same day, many kings were slightly inferior and eventually fled.

In the next half month, Duo Wang made a comeback.

This time, King Duo attracted the other three tigers among the seven tigers.

The four powerhouses joined forces to encircle and suppress the Black King.

The battle was terrifying, and eventually Helin King died tragically.

The death of King Black Lin angered King Jinbo, the strongest of the Seven Tigers.

King Jinbo led the other two tigers and fought fiercely with the three kings.

The entire Seven Tigers land was in chaos.

In just one month, the Seven Tigers in the Seven Tigers Land killed and injured the Four Tigers.

The four strong men, including King, all fell.

In the end, only three people, including King Jinbo, stood at the highest point of the Seven Tigers.

King Jinbo took advantage of this opportunity to unify the entire Seven Tigers Land with unparalleled strength and became a veritable commander of Seven Tigers Land.

The race of many kings and others also had to succumb to the majesty of King Kimber.

After unifying the Seven Tigers, King Kimber began to explore the whereabouts of rootless grass.

Finally learned that the rootless grass is most likely to appear in Sanshendi.

King Jinbo began to march into the Three Gods.

At the same time, the witches hidden in the secret are also waiting for action.

On this day, the enchanting female Xue Shimei infiltrated the Seven Tigers.

She heard that the Seven Tigers had just gone through the war and should have an opportunity.

After coming to the Seven Tigers, the enchanting woman has been hiding in search of a target in secret.

Finally, after hiding for seven days, he found his goal.

A piece of armor, with two horns on his head, this person is the king of the Jiaolong clan.

Wang Jiao is a mid-level powerhouse in life and death, with great strength.

If you are not careful, you will die.

However, there are also reasons why the enchanting woman chose Wan Jiao Wang to start.

Through her observations and investigations, Wang Jiao is a maniac.

Frequently bullying interracial women.

As long as she is a good-looking woman, King Wan Jiao will take it back to his mansion to enjoy it.

The voluptuous woman's clothes were exposed and she was very sexy. She walked quickly on a gut path.

Huh ...

After a while, she saw Wang Jiao.


She ran to Wang Jiao and knelt on the ground.

"Please Lord Wanjiao save me."

She pretended that someone was chasing her and begging Wang Jiao for mercy.


Originally Wang Jiao was reluctant to take the matter.

However, after seeing the voluptuous woman's face, her eyes fascinated.

"It's beautiful." 8 ☆ 8 ☆ (. *) 8 ☆. $.

Wan Jiao Wang whispered.

Immediately, he lifted the voluptuous woman and said: "Relax, there is this king, no one dares to move you."

"Thank you Wang Jiao for his shot. From now on, I will be yours."

The enchanting woman's every move will make Wang Jiao, the bypassing king, obsessed.

"Beauty, I can't wait any longer. Come back to the mansion with me and I will protect you."

After all, King Wang Jiao flashed and returned to the mansion with a voluptuous woman.

In the depths of the enchanting woman's eyes, a hint of slyness flashed.

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