Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1567: Take the top spot

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The fourth round of tests is relatively simple, mainly the test of physical strength.

Jian Yuanguo's medicinal effects are very overbearing. Only when the flesh and Yuanshen reach the standard at the same time, can they withstand Jianyuanguo's overbearing medicinal effects.

The purpose of these rounds of competition is very strong, is to select the most suitable candidates.

After a while, the game began.

The requirements for physical strength are very high, so someone was eliminated from the beginning.

At this time, everyone felt the cruelty of the game.

But there is no way. The sword has only nine pieces, and it matures once every 30,000 years.

So, no matter what, I will try my best to seize this opportunity.

The strongest nine people passed the test easily, and they didn't even show much power.

Purple Knife also passed the test, but he was a little embarrassed.

It seems that the physical aspect is his weakness.

Fang Chen looked at Zidao, thoughtfully.

If you encounter a purple knife in the final, you may be able to attack his physical body.

In the next test, successive warriors were eliminated.

After half an hour, the fourth round of the game ended.

This round was very cruel, with a total of 100 people. Only 47 people were successfully promoted. The remaining 53 people were all eliminated.

It is not that their flesh is not strong enough, but that the forty-seven people who are promoted are too strong.

After the fourth round of the game, Yuan Gu simply said a few words, and then let everyone go back.

Tie Lieyuan, as the number one in the refining machine list, was a figure in the lower realm, and naturally won the hospitality of Yuan Gu.

In a blink of an eye, everyone dispersed.


Into the night.

Fang Chen closed his eyes and practiced, thinking of a whole day of competition in his mind.

Slightly realized, the whole body runs with breath.

Within the Qihai, the Nine-pointed Star Mushroom is full of power and feels able to break through at any time.

But this is the kind of feeling, but it has been unable to break through.

After a long time, Fang Chen stopped practicing.

"The law is too vague, and it is very difficult to understand."

Fang Chen said to himself.

Silent overnight, early next morning.

Forty-eight, including Fang Chen, and the martial artists who advanced to the final, all came to the square.

Yuan Gu came with the Black Blade Emperor, and Tie Lie Yuan was among them.

"Today is the fifth round of Jian Yuanguo's competition, and it is also the final. This round of the game is very simple, that is, two pairs of matches." Yuan Gu said loudly. "Forty-eight warriors draw lots, draw warriors of the same number, and fight, the losers are eliminated, and the winners continue to fight."

Yuan Gu briefly talked about the rules of the battle. You can't deliberately hurt people.

Of course, he also said that the swords and guns in the battle are eyeless. If they feel invincible, they immediately admit defeat and cannot joke with life.

If you are defeated and do not admit defeat, you will die in vain.

Fang Chen felt that these words were aimed at himself, but he said nothing.

Next, the draw begins.

Forty-eight people walked on the rostrum lottery, and the lottery was completed soon.

Fang Chen opened his pick, which was actually number one, which meant that he was the first to fight.

"Okay, I got all the signings. Now the game has officially started, and the two who have drawn No. 1 are on the stage." Yuan Gu said.

"I'm number one."

Yuan Liang took out his signature and walked to the Yanwutai side.

As he looked around to find his opponent, he suddenly saw the scene he didn't want to see.

"Blood Sword Saint."

Yuan Liang's face changed, and there was a hint of fear in his heart.

In the eyes of everyone, Fang Chen stepped onto Yanwutai.

"I didn't expect you to be in the first battle." Fang Chen smiled and said: "Are you still fighting?"

Fang Chen's meaning is obvious, that is to let Yuan Liang admit defeat.

When he inherited his ancestral land, he defeated Yuan Liang and also beheaded Yuan Ming.

Up to now, his strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and Yuan Liang is not his opponent at all.

"Huh, if you want me to lose without a fight, let's dream." Yuan Liang said in a deep voice, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Then fight."

Fang Chen did not want to waste time, said indifferently.

Yuan Liang was completely irritated by Fang Chen's arrogant attitude. His whole body was agitated and his body strength exploded in an instant.

"Blood Sword Saint, go die."

Yuan Liang roared and arrogantly attacked Fang Chen in an instant.


With a loud noise, a figure flew out of Yanwutai and was all on the ground.

Everyone's eyes looked at it, and they were shocked to find that it wasn't the Blood Sword Saint who fell to the ground, but Yuan Liang.

"How can it be?"

Some warriors who did not understand the Blood Sword Saint exclaimed.

In terms of how to say, Yuan Liang is also a strong player in the Nine Heavy Industries. He is rarely rival in the younger generation.

However, he was blown out by Blood Sword Saint.

"How strong is the Blood Sword Saint's strength?"

"God, is the strength of the Blood Sword Saint comparable to the emperor of life and death?"

Many people exclaimed that the realm of creation can be compared to the genius of the emperor of life and death, but it is too scarce.

Yuan Liang, as a leader of the younger generation of the Yuan tribe, pinned countless hopes of the younger generation, but was blown away by the blood sword holy.

Thump ...

Yuan Liang fell to the ground, vomiting blood in his mouth, and his face was pale.

He screamed in the sky and shouted in anger.

However, he was stagnant and stood a little wobbly. He knew he was powerless to fight again, and he could not help but watch the Blood Sword Saint win the game.

"Blood Sword Sheng Sheng." Yuan Gu said.

There was no expression on his face.

Just beat Yuan Yuan, as he expected.

After the Blood Sword Saint first took the lead, the other disciples of the Yuan tribe followed.

After only ten games of fighting, all the fighters who advanced to the finals were eliminated.

The next battle is the battle between the emperors of life and death.

The emperor of life and death on the stage is called Yuan Hei.

His cultivation base is the triple of life and death, and his opponent is a strong man with four levels of life and death.

"Yuanhei, admit defeat."

"Impossible." Yuan Hei said in a deep voice.

Rumble ...

The battle began, and the people of the Yuan clan with four levels of life and death, with their big hands out, the power of terror immediately swept through.

However, Yuan Hei did not panic at all and calmly responded.

I saw that when the big hand was about to attack, Yuan Hei's figure disappeared like a ghost.


This scene drew Fang Chen's attention.

His consciousness spread and he felt the void carefully.

"not found?"

Fang Chen was a little surprised, Yuan Hei's hidden method is so brilliant?

He didn't believe it and continued to probe.

Boom Boom Boom!

The golden heart was beating rapidly, a stream of clear water appeared, and at the same time the air breathed around the body.

Fang Chen closed his eyes and his body gradually merged with time and space.

At this time, he clearly saw the hidden place of Yuan Hei.

"What a subtle hiding method." Fang Chen could not help sighing.

If it were not for his inheritance of the ancestor's system of time and space cultivation, with the real help of time and space, Yuan Hei could not be found at all.

"Sure enough, no one can be underestimated."


The quadruple warriors in the life and death realm want to force Yuanhei's figure with the most powerful force.

But he was wrong now, Yuan Hei's hidden method, and Fang Chen's praise were full of praise, he couldn't force it at all.


Yuan Hei took a chance and threw a punch, then launched a fierce and aggressive attack.

In an instant, the quadruple warriors in life and death were forced to retreat.

By the time the quartet of life and death responded, Yuan Hei was kicked.


Yuan Hei smiled and said with a fist.

Yuan Hei's concealment method attracted the attention of others.

The following battles were all battles within the Yuan tribe. Although they were fierce, they were all point-to-point and friendly.

Until the last battle, Fang Chen regained his spirit.

Purple Sword has good luck, the opponent is a heavy warrior in life and death.

"Zi Dao, your luck is good, you actually advanced to the final, but against me, you have no chance of winning." The warrior said

Zidao calmly said: "If you don't try, how can you know that you can't succeed?"

As you can see, Zidao is very confident in himself.

"Okay, I won't be merciful."

The warrior said with a laugh.


His whole body was filled with a strong breath, forcing Zidao.

On the rostrum, the Black Blade Emperor looked at his apprentice with a smile.

Yuan Gu shook his head aside, "Yuan Jin can't withstand Zi Dao's attack."

Yuan Gu's words just fell, and the situation changed suddenly on Wutai.

Purple Sword suddenly appeared a purple ghost image.

In this purple phantom, a vast and extreme force erupted.

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