Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1577: Incineration

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Fang Chen was very excited when Jian Yuanguo got it.

Three kinds of fruits, although contained in the world, finally got one of them.

Finally, the remaining two, he is thinking of other ways.

Fang Chen can hear some other meanings from Yuan Gu's words.

For Yuan Gu, there are countless disciples of the Yuan tribe.

The loss of a Yuan Ming, although making the Yuan tribe very angry, has not yet reached the level of injury.

Before, the Yuan tribe has been targeting the Blood Sword Saint.

But behind the latter, there are always strong people out to help.

The holy lord of the human race will not say that the mysterious strongman, the biggest hero of the **** eyes before the war, will not be considered.

Even Tie Lieyuan, the number one in the refining list, personally cheered the Blood Sword Saint.

This makes Yuan Gu puzzled. What is the origin of this kid?

Until Yuan Yaojian said something to him, he changed the other party's view.

As the Yuan Yaojian said, if the Yuan tribe wants to be glorious, don't be against the Blood Sword Saint.

It is best to turn the enemy into a friend.

Yuan Gu gradually realized the meaning in Yuan Yao's sword discourse, so he borrowed flowers to offer Buddha, and with this precious sword Yuan Guo, he resolved the grievances with the blood sword saint.

"good very good."

Yuan Gu heard that and laughed.

The previous things have disappeared.

Since you want to make blood sword saints, then you have to be sincere.

"Blood Sword Saint, you are the first person of our non-tribe since the Yuan tribe was founded. You got the sword martial arts warrior." Yuan Gu's evaluation of the other party was very high.

In fact, Yuan Gu knew at the beginning that the Blood Sword Saint had a very strong talent.

But I didn't expect it to be so strong.

Tie Lieyuan on the side saw that things had developed to such a degree that he grinned.

"Thirty thousand years of a mature sword yuan fruit has been distributed, and the Yuan tribe should celebrate with the tribes and put on feasts."

Yuan Gu waved his hand in a deep voice.

In the following time, the whole holy place of the Yuan nationality was festive.

Yuan Gu even invited Fang Chen to attend the banquet, but the latter refused.

In the end, I really don't like this kind of banquet.

Secondly, why did the disciples of Yuan tribe not like themselves?

Therefore, Fang Chen bid farewell to Yuan Gu and Tie Lie Yuan, and left the holy land of Yuan tribe in advance.

As for Tie Lieyuan, Yuangu was directly pulled to the banquet place.

Yuan Gu is not stupid. Through Jian Yuanguo and Fang Chen, Tie Lieyuan's favor for the Yuan tribe has greatly increased. He must take this opportunity to win Tie Lieyuan.

Even if you ca n’t get it together, you need to have a good relationship with it.

Convenient for some things in the future.


The other three holy places were shocked when they learned that the Blood Sword Saint had obtained the sword Yuanguo.

Especially the younger generation who once fought with Fang Chen.

Jiang Kuang, Tu Tianjian and other people who recognized the ancestral holy land, as well as the spirits of the Ling clan holy land, Lingyue and others, Luo Qinghan and Luo Fenger of the Luo clan holy land.

These people are all shocked.

When they first entered the ancestral homeland, they had thought of this guy who was not worth mentioning in their eyes.

Such achievements can be achieved in the future.

Jian Yuanguo, that is the unspoken secret of the Yuan clan.

Looking at the history of the Yuan clan, no one can get the sword yuan fruit from the Yuan clan.

Even this bone ancestor of the strongest human race in the universe era has never tasted Jian Yuanguo.

However, Blood Sword Saint did it.

Moreover, the news that he became the emperor of life and death quickly spread in the three holy places.

There is even some expectation in the hearts of everyone, when will Blood Sword Saint be among the list of cosmic combat power.

The list of cosmic combat power is the standard to measure the strongest combat effectiveness of the lower realm.

While shocked at the three holy sites, Fang Chen silently embarked on the return journey.

Because the Yuan tribe had some grievances with him at the time, there was no teleportation directly to the Green Bamboo Island.

He needs to go to the Guhua Islands first, and then back to Luzhu Island.


White light flashed, Fang Chen returned to the Guhua Islands.

It happened that within the teleportation array, an acquaintance was encountered.

"Barbarian dragon?"

The barbaric dragon at this time gave Fang Chen a vicissitudes feeling.

He could feel it, there seemed to be some stories on the barbarian dragon.

But Barbaric Dragon did not want to say, Fang Chen did not force.

"Brother Fang, why are you here?" Manlong asked, also surprised.

"I am going back to Lvzhu Island." Fang Chen said.

The Manlong smiled, he had n’t seen him for a long time. He pulled Fang Chen ’s sleeve and said directly: "Brother Fang, I live in Tianhua Island for a long time. I have n’t seen you for a long time. Why do n’t we go for a drink?"

Fang Chen nodded and agreed.

Soon, he was taken to the mansion where he lived.

"Your boy, the mansion is so luxurious?" Fang Chen gave a gentle tap on the shoulder of the barbarian dragon and smiled.

"Where is Brother Fang, you are so powerful." Man Long sighed: "Now the whole lower realm, who doesn't know your Brother Fang is powerful, sometimes I really envy you."

Fang Chen spread his hand and asked casually, "What about Murong and Tie?"

"I saw them a while ago, and I'm flying in two places, so I'm training everywhere." Man Long said.

Fang Chen looked around the mansion, this mansion is very luxurious.

He asked: "Oh, why do you live on Tianhua Island?"

Tianhua Island is the core island of the Guhua Archipelago and the base camp of the Guhua League.

"I have a task ..."

The barbarian said in a low voice, apparently unwilling to disclose the content of the mission.

Fang Chen nodded, he knew the rules of the Demon Realm, so he no longer asked.

"Come, drink, not drunk."

The barbarian took out two large jars of wine and placed it on the table, and said happily.


Tianhua Island, in a hidden courtyard.

A group of warriors gathered here, they are discussing some things.

"Blood Sword Saint left the Yuan Race Holy Land and is in Tianhua Island." One of them said.

"This is our perfect opportunity. If he returns to Lvzhu Island, we will have no chance." Another said.

Others nodded.

They are captives of the void creatures, subject to humans, and can only complete their tasks as much as possible.

"In any case, be sure to grab back the sword Yuanguo." The leader said.

"Relax, according to information, the Blood Sword Saint is just a warrior of the realm of creation. We have more than a dozen life and death emperors, he will definitely die."

There are only four holy places to know that the Blood Sword Saint has broken through to life and death.

The news has not been circulated yet, so these captives are unclear.

"Okay, action in the early morning."

Mansion of the Dragon.

The two have been drinking and exchanging feelings.

Over the years, although they have rarely met, friendship has lived forever.


The barbarian drank a big sip of wine, and his face was flushed. With alcohol, he slowly said: "Brother Fang, my life is yours. If it were not for you, I would never know how many times I died . "

"What are you doing?"

Fang Chen shook his head.

Needless to say between them.

"Hahaha, come and drink."

The barbaric dragon laughed and immediately picked up the wine glass and collided with Fang Chen.

Just as Fang Chen was about to drink, his face suddenly changed slightly, and his brow furrowed.

This detail was captured by the barbarian dragon.

"Brother Fang."

Fang Chen's eyes signalled before the Dragon asked.

"Come on, drink."

Fang Chen said with a laugh, but transmitted the sound to the barbarian dragon, "Someone is hiding around."

"Brother Fang, do you want it?" Asked the barbarian voice.

Fang Chen shook his head, indicating that the barbarian dragon would not say anything.

Later, after drinking two glasses of wine with Manlong, Fang Chen stood up and said, "You drink it first, I will solve it."

After all, Fang Chen left.


Coming to the dark place, Fang Chen displayed the space-time book and escaped into time and space.

Then, his figure, walking in the void, soon saw some warriors hidden in the dark.

"A dozen or so emperors of life and death, are they the means of the Yuan tribe?"

Fang Chen said somberly.

Looking down, you can find more than a dozen life and death emperors, surrounded and hidden around the mansion.

There is a great distance between each emperor of life and death.

Fang Chen sneered with a sneer, immediately flashing his body, and came quietly behind a heavy emperor in a life and death environment.


Without saying a word, directly urge the true meaning of the dream. 8 ☆ 8 ☆ (. *) 8 ☆. $.

The rich psychedelic atmosphere immediately envelops this emperor of life and death.

The latter almost did not have any low-end power, and fell into the illusion.

At the same time, Fang Chen urged the power of the law of flame, burning without burning.

In a blink of an eye, this life-and-death emperor was burned to ashes.

However, other warriors did not know.

"It's not the Yuan race, who is going to deal with me?"

Fang Chen frowned. He just felt that the breath in this person's body was very strange, and he was not a person of Yuan clan.

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