Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1580: Shock

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Pterosaur Jedi.

Once again failed, the emperor Xuesha was extremely angry.

This time, even Shimo was alarmed.

"A bunch of waste, even a guy who has just entered life and death can't be beaten?" Shi Mo said in a deep voice, full of dissatisfaction.

"Head Shimo, on the Green Bamboo Island, there is a strong emperor of life and death, our people are simply not enemies." Said one of the captives who had fled.

They are lucky enough to escape.

"And, the blood sword saint's strength is much stronger than we thought." Said another captive.

The leader of Shimo fell into contemplation.

The emperor Xuesha on the side was terrified.

"Boss, this thing is wrong with me. I shouldn't shoot indiscriminately before I investigate the situation." Emperor Xuesha said. "Please lead the punishment."

Shi Mo glanced at the Emperor Xuesha, and when he first came to the lower realm, he was not familiar with it at all, and there was a place where he could use the Emperor Xuesha.

"Forget it, this is the end of the matter." Shi Modao said: "Don't leave Pterosaur Jedi recently, my formation will soon be successful, once successful, the human race will be completely refined."

"Yes, leader Shimo."

The emperor Xuesha and the ruler Qianyuan retreated, and the captives who fled back also turned away.

Shimo's figure flickered into the void.

He is arranging a peerless formation. If it can be successfully laid out, it will turn the Nether into a melting pot. At that time, all the human warriors will be dissolved and die.

"Wait, it won't take long for me to complete the task left by the master." Shimo said.

He vaguely remembered what the Void Creature told him when he sent him into the Nether.

He must be in control of the entire lower realm, which is extremely important for their void creatures.


Qianyuan ruled and Emperor Xuesha returned to his residence.

Along the way, Emperor Xuesha kept silent, and Master Qianyuan just glanced at the former and guessed his thoughts.

"Bloody, don't want to be impulsive." Qian Yuan ruler urged.

"Qian Yuan, the Blood Sword Saint has repeatedly destroyed our good deeds. Our ethnic group has been destroyed and cannot be separated from the Blood Sword Saint. This time almost made Shimo say that the blame is on me."

He knew that although Chief Shimo did not blame him, he had already recorded him in his heart.

Thinking of this, there was endless anger in his heart.

"And, do n’t you feel that the Blood Sword Saint has grown too fast? It ’s been less than a hundred years since I practiced, and I have stepped into the realm of life and death. Growing up, the future is endless. "Emperor Xuesha said in a deep voice.

Hearing Emperor Xuesha's words, Qianyuan dominated the focus.

"This blood sword saint, the potential is very strong." Qian Yuan ruled.

"So, I want to personally kill the Blood Sword Saint." Emperor Xuesha said: "With my means, I can definitely sneak into the Green Bamboo Island silently. Once I get close, the Blood Sword Saint will definitely die."

"But what if the strong human race is disturbed?" Qian Yuan ruled some scruples.

"Well, have you forgotten? The Void Ocean used to be my world. As long as I dive into the Void Ocean, even the human holy lord of the eternal world will not necessarily be able to find me." Emperor Xuesha is very much at his own strength Have confidence.

Seeing that Qianyuan's ruler was still hesitating, the emperor Xuesha said decisively: "Qianyuan, you keep me secret, I will come back soon."


Green Bamboo Island.

After careful inspection by Fang Chen and Dao San, it was determined that these people were not Yuan people.

Fang Chen was very puzzled, what kind of forces in the end want to kill him.

He can be sure that the opponent must have come to Jian Yuanguo.

But he really couldn't think of anyone else who could send batches of batches of life and death emperors.

There is really no way, Fang Chen can only ask the Lord of Demons.

"Master, I have encountered something."

Fang Chen's doppelganger found the Lord of Demons Realm, and informed the Master of the events.

After hearing the latter, he fell into contemplation.

A long time later, a complex look appeared on the face of Lord Voldemort, and then asked: "Are you sure, the blood flowed in the blood of the warriors killed by you is carrying a little green?"

This problem is very serious, and the decision can only be made after the demon world is mainly determined.

Fang Chen focused on the head, this is an indisputable fact.

"Oh no."

Lord Voldemort heard this and shook his head.

"Master, what did you find?"

Fang Chen hurriedly asked.

Lord Voldemort stood up, his hands behind his back, and slowly said: "According to the description you said, these people should not belong to the lower realm."

"What? It doesn't belong to the lower realm, is it someone from other **** realms?" Fang Chen asked with some shock.

"If I guess it's good, they should come from the endless void." The Lord of the Demon Realm said: "There are many void creatures in the endless void. Although you seem to kill these people, they are not real humans."

"Boss, do you mean that void creatures invade our lower realm?" Fang Chen asked.

"It is still unclear whether the Void creatures are organized and premeditated invasions. Perhaps it is a very small number of Void creatures, accidentally entered the Void crack, and came to our lower realm." Fu Dejie master said.

Fang Chen is still very confident in the words of Lord of Demons.

The Lord of Demon Realm is a man of God Realm, seeing that nature is not comparable to ordinary people.

"What should I do? Do you want to inform the holy land of human races?" Fang Chen asked.

However, just after Fang Chen's voice fell, his doppelganger suddenly became stiff, and his breath was breaking up.


Seeing this, Lord Voldemort's face changed greatly.

There is only one way to end this situation, that is, the deity is under a powerful threat.

"What's going on?" Lord Voldemort said with a frown.

at the same time.

In Green Bamboo Island, the island's main house.

Fang Chen had just separated from Dao San, and the sudden figure of Emperor Xuesha appeared.

"Blood Sword Saint, go die."

The Emperor Xuesha roared, and the ultimate fighting power in the life and death realm burst out instantly.

The breath of terror swept across the island's main house in an instant, directly covering Fang Chen.

"not good."

Fang Chen screamed badly, without saying anything, Shi exhibited the Space Time Book.

call out……

Before the attack of the Blood Fiend Emperor, Fang Chen's figure merged into time and space.


The whole earth was trembling, and the punch of Emperor Xuesha directly blasted this space into a big mouth, and the majestic mist spewed out of it.

"How can it be……"

Fang Chen's eyes widened and he looked at the emperor Xuesha who was attacking frantically.

"Isn't the emperor Xuesha and the ruler Qianyuan forced into the endless void? Why does it appear here? Is it?"

Thinking of this, Fang Chen was relieved.

But right now, there is no room for thinking, he is trying his best to escape the space-time book.


A series of punches, bombarded in the void, the earth was shaking, and the buildings in the island's main house collapsed.

"No, there is an invasion of the ultimate powerhouse of life and death."

The deputy island master Yin Fang and other powerful people found out the first time.

Dao San, who had just returned to his residence, noticed a terrifying breath, and his face changed greatly.

Huh ...

When Dao San came, Fang Chen had disappeared long ago, the ground was decayed, and the Blood Emperor was attacking wildly.

"Brother Fang."

The knife had scarlet eyes in three eyes, holding a war sword in hand, rushed into the battlefield, and fought with the emperor Xuesha.


Xuesha Emperor's plan was very thorough, and he retreated after beheading the Blood Sword Saint.

But now, he could not capture the trail of Blood Sword Saint.

While being annoyed, Dao San appeared, just venting his anger on Dao San.

Punched out with a punch, and directly blasted the body of Dao San.

"Blade three."

Knife III is threatened, Fang Chen emerges from the void.

He flashed continuously, came to the front of the knife, and held the knife three.

"Emperor Xuesha, are you still alive?"

Fang Chen glared at the emperor Xuesha.

"Humph, I'm here to kill you." Emperor Xuesha sneered.

"You are not forced into the endless void, why can you come back?" Fang Chen asked.

He was deliberately delaying the time. Just now, he had informed the Lord of the Luo tribe, who was on the way.

"Boy, do you want to delay the time?" Emperor Xuesha sneered. "Your life will be ended."

Thunder of the Blood Emperor shot.

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