Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1586: three times

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The current situation is very chaotic.

Fortunately, the void creatures did not intend to attack at large for a while, but the human race has already been prepared and has been searching for the void creatures.

Although the void creatures are powerful, the human race is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead.

It is about the survival of the human race, and it must take the initiative.

On the Starry Sky Island, Fang Chen passed the news while strengthening his strength.

When the Terran giant learned of the news, they immediately went to Star Island to rescue.

However, halfway through, he was shocked to discover the clues of some void creatures.

After weighing the pros and cons, several giants negotiated and decided that it is important to trace the void creatures.

Rescue the Blood Juggernaut and let other strong men go.

For a time, the entire lower realm was undercurrent.

Fang Chen began to strengthen his strength before the inheritance left by Heavenly Priest.

Strengthening the power is easier than Fang Chen imagined.

In just three days, the power was strengthened beyond imagination.


At a certain moment, Fang Chen opened his eyes violently, and his whole body suffocated with suffocating power.

"Good strength."

The strengthened strength is doubled.

What shocked Fang Chen was that the increase in the strength of the sword classics also greatly improved.

"A hundred times."

Fang Chen's face was ecstatic, 80 times the strength increase, already strong enough, and now actually increased to 100 times.

He raised his palm and clenched his fists, and suddenly there was a crackling sound in the void around him.

This is enough to see how strong his strength is.

"Now I, pure power attack, can also suppress the quadruple emperor of life and death. If you use the divine time and space book and the sword tactics of heaven and earth, the destruction of the five emperors of life and death will no longer be said.

Fang Chen secretly said after checking his body.

After reaching life and death, it is extremely difficult to improve.

This encounter was really important for Fang Chen.

The improvement of the perfect sword body made his defense reach the strongest, no one in the same realm can break through his defense.

It was just when Fang Chen was going to learn about Tianyu Sword Art.

Suddenly, his mind shook and his face was overjoyed.

During this time, the avatar has been enlightening Tianyu swordsmanship.

And now, through the acceleration of time, the avatar has first realized the foundation of Tianyu swordsmanship.

In other words, for Fang Chen, the Divine Art Heavenly Sword Art has reached the entry stage.


Fang Chen's face showed an unstoppable smile.

Immediately, he opened his palm, and the Xingyin sword appeared suddenly.

"call out……"

He wanted to try the power of Tianyu swordsmanship.

The formula in his mind worked, and Xingyin Sword crossed a strange trajectory in the void.

In an instant, thirty-six sword lights burst out.

Pedal Pedal!

Thirty-six sword lights, at the last moment, merged into one, and stabbed fiercely into the surrounding walls.


A deep crack appeared in the wall.

"So strong."

Fang Chen just did not use power, nor the power of the rule of law, just simple swordsmanship.

After testing, the power is unimaginable.

"Tianyu swordsmanship is worthy of divine skill, it is too powerful."

Fang Chen is full of praise for the Heavenly Sword Art. The most important core of this divine art is the Sword Art.

Yu Jian, it is simple to say, but difficult to do.

Some extremes of life and death, and even the powerful of the ancient world, can't make a real sword.

The so-called Royal Sword, what you see, is often superficial.

Jianxiu controls his saber to attack the enemy, this is just the most superficial sword.

The core of Tianyu swordsmanship is that the warrior communicates the sword through his heart, and then controls the sword.

It is very difficult to do this.

"For the time being, I still can't do what I want." Fang Chen nodded secretly.

Practicing divine art is inherently difficult.

At the moment, Fang Chen is very excited to be able to cultivate Tianyu Sword Skill in such a short time.

Although it is just an entry, its combat effectiveness has improved a lot.

Although it is only a matter of life and death, for Fang Chen, the realm is nothing.

With his realm like this, he can still kill the mid-level emperor in the realm of death. Who can achieve this strength?

"Now, you can go out."

However, before going out, be prepared for everything.

Xingkong Island is far away from the Terran Territory. I don't know if the top level of the Terran has arrived.

If he doesn't arrive, he will face the attack of the Emperor Xuesha.

Wow ...

Fang Chen moved his mind and took out the dark magic wheel.

"With my current strength, how much power can the Dark Magic Wheel exert?" Fang Chen asked.

After a while, Qi Ling responded: "Master, your strength has improved a lot. But if you want to fully exert the power of the dark magic wheel, it still won't work. However, I checked it. With your current strength, you can play the darkness The magic wheel has 70% power and can be used three times in a row. "

"Can 70% of the power be able to deal with the strongest in life and death?" Fang Chen asked.

"It can only resist the attack at most, it is a bit difficult to suppress it," said Qi Lingdao.

Almost every strong man in the extreme of life and death has cultivated a rule to the extreme. This kind of strong man is difficult to deal with.

It is easy to resist attacks, but it is difficult to suppress them.

"That's it." Fang Chen's eyes flickered and said immediately: "Enough."

Holding the dark magic wheel in his hand, Fang Chen bowed deeply to the futon.

"Senior Saints of Heavenly Prison, if the juniors can escape from this trip, they will definitely return to Saint Village." Fang Chen said solemnly.


The futon seemed to sense it, and it cracked open with a click, then turned into ashes.


On the mountain peak, the emperor Xuesha and the ruler Qianyuan have been waiting.

"Xuesha, if you wait like this, if the Terran Army arrives, we will be in trouble." Qian Yuan master reminded.

"Relax, I feel that he will be out soon." Emperor Xuesha said gloomyly.

call out……

Just when his voice fell, the mountain suddenly shook.

The emperor Xuesha and the master Qianyuan stood up sharply, staring at the mountain.

Rumble ...

As the mountain shook, the soil broke.

A terrifying breath rose to the sky.

In this breath, a figure shot out.

"Blood Sword Saint."

The Emperor Xuesha recognized the Blood Sword Saint at a glance, and his whole body was agitated. He directly exhibited Thunder Attack.

"Dark Magic Wheel."

Fang Chen had already prepared and urged the Dark Magic Wheel.


The suffocating dark breath emerged, and in front of Fang Chen formed a formidable defense, blocking the attack of the emperor Xuesha.

Click ...

Blood Fiend Emperor smashed the dark curtain of light with a punch, but his attack was blocked.


The Qianyuan ruler on the side also shot.

But the same is also blocked by the dark magic wheel.

The dark magic wheel was used twice as soon as it came out, which was beyond Fang Chen's expectations.

"Master of Qianyuan?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened, his heart was quite shocked.

Unexpectedly, in order to kill him, the two giants waited here for more than half a year.


Fang Chenshi exhibited the divine space-time book and escaped into the void.

"Blood Sword Saint, you can't escape." Emperor Xuesha laughed wildly.

"Xuesha, there is something weird in his hand." Qian Yuan ruled Shen Sheng.

"Well, this treasure is obviously beyond his strength. I don't believe that he can be urged many times in a row."

During the speech, the emperor Xuesha and Qianyuan ruler blocked the entire space, and then began to search for the blood sword saint.


Yinyue Island, Yinyue Mountain.

Saint Bi Qingqing stood as usual in Yinyue Mountain, looking at the boundless distance.

The people of Yinyue Island are all practicing crazy.

"When are these days the end?" After a long time, Bi Qingqing sighed.

There is a touch of helplessness on the pretty face.

However, just when she was ready to return to the palace.

Suddenly, her delicate body trembled, and her face was dissatisfied with excitement.

"This breath?"

No one knew this breath better than her.

Feeling the breath in the air, Bi Qingqing's beautiful eyes were filled with tears and excited.

"Fang Chen, are you?"

Bi Qingqing's eyes penetrated the void and landed on Xingkong Island.

"It's you, really you."

Bi Qingqing can finally be sure that the breath from Xingkong Island is the breath of Fang Chen.

She was very excited inside.

But immediately, the smile on Qiao's face was cancelled and replaced by coldness.

Because, Fang Chen is being chased by the strong.

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