Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1593: Rule of Long River Expansion

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The following time, Fang Chen has been living in Yinyue Island.

I have to say that the atmosphere on Yinyue Island is very good, so Fang Chen temporarily forgets the outside intrigue.

As for the invasion of the void creatures, Fang Chen didn't want to think too much, there are five giants in everything.

Moreover, if you participate in this war with your own strength, you can only act as a cannon fodder.

Therefore, he worked **** Yinyue Island.

Practice is the most important part of the martial arts' daily life.

Especially Fang Chen, who has been practicing for less than 100 years, although the potential is against the sky, but the background is not deep enough.

Fang Chen was thinking while cultivating, in which direction he should practice.

After the battle with Emperor Xuesha and Qianyuan, Fang Chen knew more about the importance of strength.

Of course, the most important thing is to control the law.

"The emperor Xuesha and the ruler of Qianyuan are the strongest in the realm of life and death. They have already touched the threshold of the eternal realm. Their control of the rules is very powerful and handy." Fang Chen said secretly.

In fact, many ordinary martial artists have entered a ideological misunderstanding.

They believe that the stronger the secret method of cultivation, the stronger the strength. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the strength.

However, they were wrong.

Life and death, endless life, surrounded by life.

Absorb the breath of life and death, master the law.

The law is the most basic structure that constitutes the order of the universe.

Only those top strongs know, the law is the most important.

The law also has strengths and weaknesses, a stronger law can make the strength of the warrior stronger.

The warrior's control of the law also has levels.

The rule is divided into seven stars, and the rule is initially controlled, which is regarded as a one-star state. At this time, a stream formed within the Qihai.

After controlling the law to two stars, he was able to condense the law weapon and attack. At this time, the stream in Qihai turned into a river.

After that, he continued to improve.

If you are in control of the law to reach the seven-star realm, it is the ultimate law mentioned by the outsider.

At that time, the law within Qihai was long and vast, and it truly became the ruler of this law.

Under normal circumstances, the strongest in the extreme of life and death can only practice a rule to the extreme.

One of the conditions for stepping into the Eternal Realm is that two or more laws are practiced to the extreme.

This is very difficult, and some martial artists have spent their entire lives, unable to comprehend another law.

This is like when you practiced table tennis since you were a child, and as time went on, you became a table tennis superstar.

At this time, if you switch to football, it will be very difficult to reach the international championship level.

Therefore, many talented warriors, when they have just stepped into the realm of life and death, begin to understand other laws.

They do not rush to break through cultivation practice, but have maintained a low level of life and death.

Only when two or more laws are realized, will you improve your cultivation.

When I was a kid, I learned everything fast.

But in adulthood, once a habit is formed, it is too difficult to change.

Fang Chen also understands this truth, but he is not yet ready to distract from another law, but concentrates on raising the fire law.

Because of the existence of immortal flame, I just realized the law of flame and reached the state of Samsung.

This is something many warriors cannot match.

Fang Chen's talent can be fully seen from this point.

"The rules of Samsung's realm are not enough." Fang Chen secretly said.

Immediately, he closed his eyes and began to practice.

Once Fang Chen is pinpointed, then practicing will do more with less.

Undead inflammation surrounds the whole body, the power of the law emerges.

Fang Chen felt the law of flame in his heart, and within the sea of ​​qi, a magnificent long river of laws kept rolling.

Not far away, Bi Qingqing in Tsing Yi stood quietly.

Since the arrival of Fang Chen, the smile on her face has also increased.

"Holy lady, your friend, is a demon." The elder on the side whispered.

He looked at Fang Chen's eyes, a shock appeared.

"Looking at his breath, it should have been a short time before breaking through to the realm of life and death, and the rule actually reached the realm of Samsung, which is really remarkable."

He originally thought that the younger generation of Yinyue Island has enough potential.

However, after seeing Fang Chen, he found out that there are people outside and heavens outside.

They have been hidden in Yinyue Island for too long, and they are out of touch with the outside world.

"He is the best man I have ever seen."

Bi Qingqing's charming eyes stared at Fang Chen, and his red lips lightly said slightly.


Inside the Pterosaur Jedi.

Shimo's face was covered with gloom.

"These two idiots."

Shi Mo cursed and said that the two emperors of Blood Fiend Emperor and Qian Yuan ruled, leading many prisoners of life and death to go to the air to ambush the Blood Sword Saint.

Instead of success, the whole army was destroyed.

It's okay for the two of them to die, but the captives brought a lot of deaths and injuries, which is a huge loss for Shimo.

Bring the captives to the lower realm in order to let the captives serve as cannon fodder in the final battle.

When the captive and the human race are both defeated, their void creatures are finishing.

"The leader, the human race has found us and is searching in this area." A void creature whispered.

"The human race has only determined a general range for the time being, and we don't know that we are hiding here. However, according to their carpet search, up to three months, we will be able to find us." Said another void creature.

Shi Mo nodded.

I thought for a long time, and then said: "During this time, do not go out, and do not contact the captives of the outside world. My plan is about to succeed and cannot be destroyed by the human race. Three months later, we will lead the lower bound."

Upon hearing Shimo's words, several void creatures focused on their heads.

If it weren't for the Nether Realm had a strong man in the ancient realm, they wouldn't hide their heads like this.

However, if you persist for three months, you will be able to dominate the entire lower bound. This is a matter of pleasure.

"The leader is assured that we will do a good job of defense." Void creature said.


In a flash, a month passed.

Fang Chen's body was surrounded by immortal inflammation, and the breath in the air was very hot.

On Yinyue Island, many emperors of life and death who controlled the law of flames sat cross-legged around Fang Chen, absorbing the breath of flame in the air.

"It's really awesome. The breath that escapes can give us the people of Yinyue Island." The elder was quite shocked and sighed.

Bi Qingqing had already seen Fang Chen's greatness, so he was not surprised.

In her impression, Fang Chen's potential is unique.

"His law of fire is very strong." Bi Qingqing said to himself.


Suddenly, a warrior's body burst into a brilliant flame.

Bi Qingqing and the elders were overjoyed, and the emperor of life and death broke through.

"Hahaha, I finally broke through."

The emperor of life and death was very excited and shouted loudly.

I have been trapped in this state for a long time, and have not broken through until now.

He bowed deeply to Fang Chen. If it were not Fang Chen, he might have to spend a long time before he could break through.


One after another, the fierce flame rulers have made breakthroughs.

Even if there is no breakthrough, the gain is great.

And Fang Chen is still practicing, there is no sign of stopping cultivation.

On Yinyue Island, it gradually calmed down.

The law of fire, the warrior, there are so many in total.

After they absorbed enough breath of flame, they left.

Only Bi Qingqing will come to see Fang Chen every day.

Then, he left with a smile.

In two months, Fang Chen finally made a breakthrough.

First, there is the evolution of immortality.

After the evolution, the undead inflammation turned completely purple.

The center of the purple has a touch of black.

At the same time, the law of flame has reached four stars, and within the sea of ​​qi, the law of the river grows loudly. "≠" ≠ "≠" ≠,

It took a long time for the law to stabilize.

Fang Chen's breath was very appalling.

"Not dying."

Fang Chen spread his palms, and immortal flame fell in the palm of his hand, surrounded by a little black in the purple flame.

"The current immortality is not as great as the ancient **** beast immortal bird, but is it not much different?" Fang Chen said secretly.

Immortality is in his hands, and he is not buried.

Putting away the immortal inflammation, Fang Chen looked at Qihai and found that Qihai had expanded a lot, and the power of the law was rolling.

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