Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1599: Assassination

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The old **** stick who got two fruits was obviously very happy.

However, it also worried for Fang Chen.

In the chaotic world, the spies of the void creatures may appear at any time, and Fang Chen's potential is so against the sky, it will definitely become the nail of the void creatures.

"Relax, I have my own sense." Fang Chen smiled.

After chatting with the old **** stick for a while, Fang Chen returned to the main island house.

He saw Dao San and Liu Xiong, and also saw his apprentice Tian Xin.

In short, the atmosphere is very good throughout the Green Bamboo Island.

At night.

Outside a city on Lvzhu Island, on a peak rising above the ground.

Seven or eight martial arts appeared quietly.

The darkness shrouded the earth, and the dark black clouds of the crescent moon in the sky blocked it, and there were no fingers on the green bamboo island.

"Blood Sword Saint has returned."

"Chief Shimo ordered, Blood Sword Saint is one of the must-kill."

"For our descendants to be freed, fight."

"The Green Bamboo Island is the site of the Blood Sword Saint. It is heavily guarded and kills the Blood Sword Saint. If necessary, he will explode directly."

Several people discussed for a moment, and then took advantage of the high winds of the moon to quickly go to the main house of the island.

In the whole Green Bamboo Island, the defense of the island's main government is the most stringent, and it is also considered to be the safest by everyone.

And it is precisely the safest place to carry out assassination, who can think of this?

The darkness flooded the earth, and the lights inside the Green Bamboo Island had long gone out.

The people in the island's main house have all fallen asleep, and Fang Chen has also fallen asleep.

Salsa ...

Outside the island's main house, seven or eight captives, using their own means, beheaded several guards silently, then put on their clothes and pretended to be the patrol guard of the island's main house.

In this way, they successfully cheated other guards.

Soon, the crowd came to a loft in the island's main palace.

This loft is where the island owner lives.

"Blood Sword Saint is inside, let's go in."

Seven or eight guards were about to enter the attic, and were suddenly stopped by guards coming from afar.


A guard headed, murmured in a low voice, and quickly walked to the front of the seven or eight captives.

"What are you doing?" The guard asked.

"Sir, the island owner told us to send something in." One of the captains said calmly.

The guard carefully observed these seven or eight people, and finally nodded, A Dong: "Go in quickly."

After all, the guard left.

Seven or eight captives entered the attic.

They scattered and came to the door of Fang Chen's room.

At this time, Fang Chen, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes.


Fang Chen frowned.

In front of the attic, he arranged an invisible formation, and as long as someone touched the formation, he could sense it.

Fang Chen's unfolding time and space book, hidden in the void.

It was at this time that seven or eight captives quietly opened the door of the room and rushed to the bed at once. Numerous attacks bombarded the bed.

The wooden bed burst apart.

"Hahaha, Blood Sword Saint is bound to die."

Seven or eight captives laughed, but didn't expect to kill the Blood Sword Saint so easily.

"I want to deal with me like this little trick?"

Suddenly, behind them, a heavy voice came.

The captives who were laughing suddenly turned around. When they saw the Blood Sword Saint standing in front of their eyes, they were horrified.

"You ... why are you here?"


Fang Chen sneered, step by step toward the captive.

"Go together and kill him."

The headed prisoner shouted and immediately launched a fierce attack.

The seven or eight captives are almost middle-rank emperors in life and death. Although the attack power is rapid, the other party has no threat.


A punch smashed the head of a captive close to him, and plasma was splashing.


Suddenly, the other prisoners looked at Fang Chen with some shock.

call out……

Fang Chen took out the Xingyin sword between the electric light and flint, and exhibited the Tianyu swordsmanship.

Thirty-six sword lights were shot quickly.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Several warriors, caught off guard, were directly struck by Jianguang, and fell unwillingly to the ground.

There are only two captives, and their companions resisted the sword light by their death, so that they survived.

"Explode ..."

Before dying, the captive roared with difficulty.

The remaining two captives, without a word, urged their own power and instantly triggered a self-detonation.

The destructive force of the warrior in life and death is very powerful.

"not good."

Fang Chen screamed, and immediately waved, arranged the Hunyuan killing array, trapping the two in it.


The self-explosiveness of the two emperors of life and death has made the Hunyuan killing formation fragmented.

Rumble ...

The entire attic turned into ashes.

Fortunately, there is a Hunyuan killing line to resist the impact, and the rest of the island's main palace is safe.

The deafening voice alarmed the others in the island's main palace.

The deputy island master Yinfang rushed first, "Islander, what happened?"

"Brother Fang, what's wrong?"

Dao San followed, and other strong men came one after another.

"Void creature evildoer, mixed into the Green Bamboo Island." Fang Chen simply said the process.

"Islander, I am responsible for this matter, blaming me for failing to control it well."

Fang Chen waved his hand. "No matter what you do, the void creatures are everywhere and the means are weird. If they are hidden, they will be hard to find."

"Israel's rest assured, I will now send additional personnel to monitor every martial artist who enters the Green Bamboo Island." Yin Fang said.

Fang Chen nodded and gave it to others to deal with.

I came to Dao San's residence.

"Brother Fang, it seems that the void creature is ready to strike you." Dao San said.

Fang Chen was expressionless and said in a deep voice: "If they want to kill me, they will have to pay enough."

With his current strength, even if the ultimate life-and-death situation is shot, he can easily escape.

Unless it is a strong man in the ancient realm, it is impossible to behead him.

However, the evil creature of the void creature came to Lvzhu Island to explode, which also made him extremely angry.

Lvzhu Island is his site, and his family and friends live here. When such a thing occurs, he can resist it, but his friends and family cannot.

"I definitely don't allow others to hurt my family." Fang Chen clenched his fists, Shen Sheng said.

"Brother Fang, Lvzhu Island's defense is not enough." Dao San said.

"Unfortunately, I am not a nine-star array magician. Otherwise, if I arrange a peerless array that covers Green Bamboo Island, I can definitely make Green Bamboo Island's defense the strongest." Fang Chen said helplessly.

Between eight stars and nine stars, although only a small realm.

However, the gap between them is really too great.

It has been a long time since I stepped into the eight-star realm, but I have been stuck in a bottleneck and cannot break through. There is no way for Fang Chen to do this.

"Brother Fang, don't worry too much. The strong man on the green bamboo island is like a cloud. They want to weigh their weight if they want to commit an attack." Dao San comforted.

Fang Chen's deity chats with Dao San, and the avatar of Fumojie finds the master of Fumojie.

"Master, I have something to ask for," Fang Chen said.

"What's the matter?"

"Just just now, Lvzhu Island was attacked by the remains of the void creatures. Although I was killed in time, it also caused varying degrees of damage to the island ’s main government. There are my relatives and friends on Lvzhu Island. Any injury. "Fang Chen said.

Lord Voldemort nodded slightly.

"I understand what you mean, and I will ask your brother to help you."

Fang Chen also wanted to ask, but Lord Voldemort waved to signal him not to worry.


Silent overnight.

Early the next morning, an unexpected expert was ushered in the Green Bamboo Island.

Above the island's main palace, an old man with white beards, wearing a purple robe, fluttered in the wind.

His face was covered with a smile.

Opposite him, Fang Chen looked at him in shock.

Speaking of this old man in purple robe and white beard, the origin is not small.

"Brother Fang, don't you ask me to sit down for a while?" The old man in purple robe and white beard said with a smile. ttp: nf. * he.

After hearing this, Fang Chen froze for a moment, and immediately said awkwardly: "Brother Brother is rude, brother please."

Fang Chen's heart was quite shocked.

Last night I was still thinking, which brother Brother Voldemort would let him help himself.

He didn't think that he had racked his brains, this brother was actually the strongest formation magician in the lower realm.

The only nine-star array magician in the lower realm, Emperor Zisu.

The title of Emperor Zisu is like Lei Guan'er, but he has never had time to meet him.

Who would have thought that he was actually a disciple of the demon world, brother of Fang Chen.

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