Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1601: Transforming Green Bamboo Array

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Nile and Qiu Xin are the key training objects of Green Bamboo Island, and most importantly, they are extremely loyal to Green Bamboo Island.

Fang Chen also has his own ideas to train credible people.

It happened that Emperor Zisu was his own brother, and if it was changed to someone else, it would not necessarily be allowed to watch.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I don't know how many strong players in the lower realm envy.

There was once an eight-star array magician who said such a sentence.

Watching the Purple Beard Emperor arrange the formation, can withstand thousands of years of insight.

From this sentence, we can see how strong Zi Zi's sentiment is in the formation of the formation.

For Nile and Qiu Xin, the Purple Beard Emperor is definitely an ancestor of the formation. If they can watch one or two, their formation perception will definitely benefit greatly.

Nile and Qiu Xin were very excited and went to prepare.

This is an opportunity not to be missed, and of course they must be well prepared.

Three days later.

The Emperor Zisu was ready and sent a message to Fang Chen.

The latter took Nile and Qiu Xin to the Green Bamboo Formation.

Suspended above the Green Bamboo Formation, Fang Chen, as the island's owner, announced an order.

"Everyone, the Green Bamboo Formation will be transformed and upgraded. You will withdraw from the Formation first."

Although everyone was puzzled, they still obeyed the island's intention.

Soon, there was no one in the huge green bamboo formation.

At this time, Emperor Zisu came in.

"Islander, I have checked this green bamboo formation method, and basically understand the law of its operation. The old is confident that it can be transformed into perfect." Facing Nile and Qiu Xin, Emperor Zisu did not claim to be his brother .

After all, Voldemort is hidden in the dark, he does not want to be exposed.

"Then thank the emperor." Fang Chen thanked with a fist.

Nile and Qiu Xin on the side, staring straight at the Purple Beard Emperor.

"The juniors meet the emperor Zisu."

Both are the first time to see the Emperor Zisu, but the ears are all legends about the Emperor Zisu.

Seeing a real person at the moment, I can't say anything excited.

Emperor Zisu nodded to the two of them, and then said: "After a while, I will reform the formation. You two will hide away and watch carefully."

After finishing the speech, Emperor Zisu said to the other party, "Island Master, you can be closer to me, and I will explain some sentiments to you."

The green bamboo island is outside the law, and the top of the green bamboo island headed by the deputy island leader of Yinfang.

Suspended in the sky, staring at the green bamboo array in the distance.

They were quite sighed in their hearts.

"Island Master is really not simple, even Emperor Zisu can invite him." Deputy Vice-Master Yin Fang sighed.

"Yeah, Emperor Zisu is the most powerful formation wizard in the entire lower realm. Even the five giants of the human race will not necessarily succeed, and the island owner really invited."

"Looking at Emperor Zisu's attitude towards the island owner, he is very easy-going. At first glance, it's a relationship that's unconventional."

"Thanks to the first time we saw the island owner, we still looked down on him, hahaha."

"Yeah, fortunately we chose to follow the island owner, otherwise how can we have this status?"

Many of the strongmen beside Yinfang's deputy island master were the first to follow Fang Chen.

At that time, they were also warriors of the holy land of the human race, and were sent to Lvzhu Island to settle the alien race.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, it has been so many years.

Yin Fang has never regretted his decision, he got more on Lvzhu Island.

Moreover, in the present reputation of Lvzhu Island.

Countless warriors, who are more powerful than them, are competing to attract them. This feels good.

The ordinary martial arts below are even more excited.

Green bamboo array method.

I saw that the palm of Emperor Zisu slowly lifted up, and a breath of majestic air burst into it instantly.

"So strong."

Fang Chen on the side was very shocked.

The breath of Emperor Zisu's body was too rich, which made him a little palpitated.

"Brother Fang, together with the formation, focuses on the realization. Regardless of any formation, the first thing to do is to see its essence." Emperor Zisu said: "I will show you how the green bamboo formation works. Track. "

During the speech, the palm of the Purple Beard King waved, and the formation of his whole body breathed, under his control, walking in an incredible path.

Huh ...

Between the electric light and the flint, Emperor Zisu's every move caused the green bamboo array to rotate.

At this moment, Fang Chen clearly saw that the control center of the Green Bamboo Array formed a subtle scent of formation, and gathered together to form a complex trajectory.

"Is this the path of the Green Bamboo Formation?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened and watched carefully.

The running track of the Green Bamboo Array is extremely mysterious, and Fang Chen can't understand it.

"Look carefully at its inside." Emperor Zisu preached.

Speaking to the latter at once has no effect, it is better to proceed in this order.

Emperor Zisu believed that the potential of Brother Yifang should be able to understand it by himself.

Nile and Qiu Xin watching from a distance were even more shocked.

They stared at it all in astonishment, as if they were trapped in the ocean, drifting alone.

After the trajectory of the green bamboo array method appeared clearly, Emperor Zisu began to transform.

He took out the materials prepared in advance, and joined the control center of the green bamboo array method one after another.

Afterwards, his hands quickly bound the Fayin, one after another powerful formation, quickly appeared in the Green Bamboo Formation.

Fang Chen found that these formations are all nine-order formations.

Moreover, at an unbelievable speed, it is merging with the green bamboo formation.

"What a weird method."

Fang Chen shook his heart and admired the Purple Beard Emperor very much.

At least, this method, I certainly can not do it.

After maintaining this for half an hour, the method of Emperor Zisu changed again.

Imprinted into Fang Chen's eyes are countless mysterious complex formations strange, he was able to see clearly at first.

Later, it was only able to keep up with the rhythm of the Purple Beard Monarch. As for Nile and Qiu Xin, they had already entered the state of epiphany.

Moreover, in terms of their formation, they do not look at the best of the mysterious and complicated formation methods behind.


The method of Emperor Zisu became faster and faster, and in the end Fang Chen could not keep up.


Suddenly, Fang Chen's mind shook.

Immediately afterwards, the breath of wild wildness suddenly spread.

He felt something and immediately closed his eyes, digesting what he had learned.

call out……

For a whole hour before and after, Emperor Zisu finally completed all the steps.

In the last step, he integrated all the ninth-order arrays he had arranged into the green bamboo array.

In an instant, the green bamboo array began to expand.

With the control center as the core, it continues to spread outward.

Soon, it covered 90% of the area of ​​Luzhu Island.

Outside the formation, the deputy island master Yin Fang and others were shocked.

"The whole thing is done, it will only take some time." Emperor Zisu looked at the expanded green bamboo array and was very satisfied. "The strong man who arranged this formation is also unusual. The mystery of the green bamboo formation is not weaker than the ninth-order formation, but it is a pity that it is too old and the power of the formation center is too much.

"However, after my transformation, the level of the Green Bamboo Formation has reached the peak of the ninth order, and it is approaching the God-level Formation infinitely." Emperor Zisu said with a smile.

Transforming the green bamboo array is his most perfect masterpiece, and he is also very happy.

It lasted a whole day and night.

It wasn't until noon the next day that the green bamboo array method completed all expansion.

After the green bamboo array method was opened, it covered the whole green bamboo island.

Even the extreme powerhouse of life and death can't break it with one blow.

From then on, the defense of Lvzhu Island will be upgraded to the extreme.


The Green Bamboo Formation was completely stabilized, and the Emperor Zisu put a lot of energy into the center of the Formation.

Afterwards, he clapped his hands and closed his work.

At this time, Fang Chen was awake from his epiphany.

After seeing the green bamboo array, I was very satisfied.

"Thank you, Brother." Fang Chen thanked with a fist.

"Brother Fang, the degree of transformation is better than I expected." Emperor Zisu said. "Oh, how does Brother Fang feel?"

"After seeing the formation arranged by Brother, I have a deep feeling, and I have found a way to the realm of Nine Stars." Fang Chen smiled.

Emperor Zisu nodded and said, "Yes, practice well. One day, you will step into the realm of nine stars."

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