Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1603: No more saints village

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Shimo's eyes are scarlet, he is making the final arrangement.

This formation was taught to him by the void creature in the chaotic void.

For the sake of insurance, I wanted to use this array to deal with the human race.

"Human race, when my formation is completed, it is the day of your memorial service." Shi Mo licked his dry lips and said darkly.

Void creatures rule the lower realm in order to make the human races here become sacrifices.

Through sacrifices, enhance their strength and at the same time capture the power of faith in the lower realm.

Right now, their plan has been half successful.

Rumble ...

The blood-sharp breath in the formation seemed to feel Shi Mo's mood, wild roar.

After the outsiders received Shimo's order, they quickly retreated.

And Shimo, once again began to arrange the formation.


For the warrior, a few months is nothing.

In an instant, Emperor Zisu lived on Lvzhu Island for three months.

During this time, Emperor Zisu had time to instruct the two apprentices, and at the same time, he would also explain to Fang Chen the incomprehensible problems of the formation.

In Fang Chen's heart, he always remembered what the Sacred Priest said.

As early as a month ago, I went to the village of the winner alone.

If you want to enter the village of Victor, the first thing is to come to Bone City.

Bone City is still seated by the owner of Bone City. He is one of the top human races and sits in Bone City all year round.

The purgatory in Bone City is still open to outsiders.

Fang Chen came to Bone City, no one knew, he hid his identity and entered the purgatory again.

There is no trace of aliens in this purgatory.

However, the degree of danger inside has not decreased much.

There are a lot of Jedi here, and the warriors enter here, and often choose some decisions to explore.

Of course, I will also look for some powerful monsters and beasts for training.

There are also some powerful warriors, looking for the galaxy everywhere, diving into the bottom of the galaxy and absorbing the power of the strong stars.

After entering purgatory, Fang Chen quickly walked through purgatory according to the map in his mind.

Huh ...

In the void, Fang Chen walked quickly, and the countless martial arts below, no one found.

However, at a certain moment, Fang Chen stopped.

He saw below, there was a group of warriors, and there was a dispute.

"Student in Voldemort?"

Fang Chen sensed a certain warrior underneath, who was a brother of the demon world.

So, he stopped.

At this time, there are six or seven fortune-telling warriors, and they are teaching a warrior with three levels of fortune-telling.

The three-layered creation environment lost to the warriors in the fourth heaven.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chen can't just sit back and ignore it.

"Boy, hand over what you just got, otherwise, your life will be here." One of the fat-headed men said fiercely.

"Huh, a garbage of triple nature, and dare to **** our things, are you looking for death?"

"Why do you talk nonsense with him? Just kill it."

"To deal with this kind of garbage, let me come."

A warrior with five folds in the Forged Realm, holding a long sword, launched a fierce attack.

The disciple of the Demon Realm saw this, his face was very dignified, and his figure quickly receded.

However, at this moment, he felt a resistance.

He turned his head to look around, and found a strange man holding his back with his hands.


Having said that, Fang Chen came to him.

The attacking warrior saw the strange warrior who appeared suddenly and sneered, "Find death."

Immediately, his long sword pierced fiercely towards Fang Chen.


An unexpected scene happened, so Fang Chen stood still and still.

The long sword of the Wushu Wushu prince pierced Fang Chen's chest, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get in.

"Lao Wu, haven't you eaten? Can't even pierce the sword?"

The fat man sneered.

Hearing the words, a fierce color flashed in the eyes of the old five.

Immediately, he exhausted all his strength, poured into the long sword, sipped, and stabs Fang Chen fiercely.

Fang Chen shook his head and said: "Too weak."

He raised his palm and stretched out two fingers, holding the long sword between the flashlights.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, a clear sound rang.

The long sword broke instantaneously and was scattered on the ground.


The attacking warrior was completely dumbfounded. He stared at Fang Chen with wide eyes.

Several other people saw it and hurried up.

"Boy, who the **** are you? Dare to take care of us?" Fatty-headed warrior Shen said.

"Well, what is it to bully compatriots? Where were you when the alien and the sea monster invaded?" Fang Chen sneered.

"Humph, somehow."

The fat-headed warrior sneered and called on other warriors to fight Fang Chen together.


A terrifying breath emanated from Fang Chen's body and instantly made several people fly.

"Go away, killing you will dirty my hands."

These martial artists are too weak, Fang Chen disdain to kill them.

"If you are discovered by me, you will bully your fellow citizens and you will be at your own risk."

The hearts of several people were full of panic.

It was just the breath that blew them away that they were n’t able to provoke.

"Thank you for your kindness."

Having said that, several people fled in a hurry.

"Thank you, Brother, for helping me, but I don't know the name of my brother's name."

"Fang Chen." Fang Chen said.

"What? You are the legendary Brother Fang?"

This disciple apparently did not expect that Brother Fang would rescue him.

He was very excited.

After a brief chat, Fang Chen continued to hurry.

For him, this is just an episode.

But for the disciple of the fourth heaven of Voldemort, it was enough to change his life.

It didn't take long for Fang Chen to come to the entrance of Saint Village.

As a new saint, he naturally has a way to enter the saint's village.

Saint Village.

It is still the same as before, but it gives Fang Chen a very different feeling.


Fang Chen felt that the air in the village of saints was full of aura.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen did not find a villager in a saint village, he was a little worried.


Suspended in mid-air, his consciousness spread.

It was instantly discovered that the villagers of Saint Village were practicing in the Saint Tower.

"It turns out so."

At the same time, I feel that the villagers in the village of Saints have improved their strength a lot.


The villagers in the village of Saints felt the return of the Saints and stopped practicing.

"Meet the saint."

The village head took the lead to greet the saints.

"Everyone, are you okay?" Fang Chen asked.

"The saint, we are okay, on the contrary, the strength has been improved." The village chief said with a smile: "I don't know if we can follow the saint and go to the outside world with our current strength?"

Fang Chen originally worried that the villagers of Saint Village were too weak.

However, it seems that he still thinks too much.

The overall strength of Saint Village has improved a lot.

Putting it on the outside world is enough to compare those first-class forces.

All this should be the means left by the Heavenly Priest.

"You tidy up, I came back this time to take you away." Fang Chen said.

Everyone was excited and went back to tidy up.

They packed everything in the village of Saints.

Moreover, the saints are also asked to take away the saint tower.

Fang Chen used the means left by the Heavenly Priest to save the Saint's Tower in Panyuexian Cave.

"You first enter my cave magic weapon, I will take you out." Fang Chen said.

He opened Panyuexiandong, and hundreds of villagers in the village of Saints all entered it.

Finally, Fang Chen gave a glance at the Saint Village, and then turned and left.

Rumble ...

When Fang Chen left the Saint Village, a deafening voice came.

Since then, there is no more Saint Village.

Returning to Lvzhu Island, Fang Chen planned a forbidden area on Lvzhu Island and invited Emperor Zisu to arrange a powerful formation around him.

After that, Panyuexian Cave was placed in the forbidden area.

Inform the villagers of the Saint Village that they usually stay in Panyuexian Cave to practice.

Finally, Fang Chen issued a token to each of them.

With this token, unimpeded on Green Bamboo Island.

In fact, Fang Chen was also afraid that they would touch the outside world all at once and be a little strange.

So I put Panyuexian Cave here for a soothing effect.

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