Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1608: Luo Liuli's anger

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While Tie Lieyuan was injured, Black and White Tianzun also desperately resisted, but to no avail.

The strength of the two of them is comparable to that of Tie Lieyuan, and they simply cannot resist it.

The first rule is that the cylinder shattered, and the power of the law of water spread.

All the human warriors saw their eyes widened, full of unwillingness.

"Emperor Purple Beard."

The holy master of the human race passed on the sound to the latter, and the emperor Zisu stood up and came to the first broken law cylinder, and began to condense again.

Rumble ...

Human warriors are staring at each other's void creatures with vigilance. It is related to the survival of the human race, and they must not be careless.

Time is running bit by bit.

The law of water is cylindrical and shaped again.

Seeing this, he ordered and wanted to destroy it.

Fighting is about to happen.

All the human warriors are filled with the attitude of seeing death as if they were home.

They moved forward bravely, and slid into the void biome.

The battle was very fierce, and from time to time some martial arts warriors fell.

Most of these fallen are low-level warriors in life and death, but their death is also very valuable.

Successfully delayed the attack of the void creature.

The human warrior who had fallen into despair renewed hope again.

They are fighting desperately, blocking the invasion of void creatures.

At the same time, in the Holy Land of Luo nationality, Luo Liuli went out.

All the time, Luo Liuli has received much attention.

Since Fang Chen found the Yanlong Beard and Wugencao, her cultivation practice quickly improved.

Moreover, the magic of Luoshui three thousand also improved the speed.

At this moment, Luo Liuli went out.

A smile appeared on her pretty face. After this period of cultivation, the magical Luoshui Sanqian was finally cultivated.

Although she did not practice to the extreme, it was enough to make her strength comparable to the four giants.

"Huh? There are so few people in the Luo people's holy land?"

Luo Liuli was a little puzzled. She casually found a Luo tribe to inquire about it.

It was only after this inquiry that the void creature invaded.

"not good."

Luo Liuli's face changed greatly, and quickly left Pterosaur Jedi.


After pterosaur Jedi, after repairing the first law cylinder, many strong men on the cosmic power list guarded together.

The melee continues.

However, this time Shi Mo's eyes fell on Fang Chen.

He sent a sound to the strong creatures of the Void Creatures, letting them attack Fang Chen's law cylinder.

In front of the column of flame law, Fang Chen stood quietly, and the whole body was filled with rich immortal inflammation.

He watched all the movements around him cautiously. Although he wanted to kill the void creatures, he knew that protecting the fire law was the most important thing.

"The Law of Attacking the Blood Sword Saint is cylindrical."

Suddenly, a void creature yelled, and all the void creatures suddenly burst into majestic attacks. These attacks converged in the void, and then directly bombarded Fang Chen.

"Not good, Blood Sword Saint."


Yuan Gu and others secretly cursed and wanted to shoot, but there was no way.

The saint lord of the human race was very panicked and wanted to rescue, but it was caught by Shimo.

Everyone's eyes fell on Fang Chen.

Feeling the power of terror struck, Fang Chen's face was very dignified.

In his palm, the dark magic wheel appeared.

In his eyes, a stern look emerged.

"Boss, let me help you."

The little mouse jumped out and stood on Fang Chen's shoulder. The talent of the God Eater of the Divine Mouse was instantly displayed.

The third kind of natural talent, assimilation!

A horrible vortex appeared around the little mouse, quickly absorbing the menacing attack.

However, he first.

Fang Chen urged the dark magic wheel.

Rumble ...

The vast power is like a sign before dawn in the night.

The breath of darkness pierced the sky, tore the void, and instantly wrapped these forces together.


Fang Chen roared, urged the dark magic wheel with all his strength, and a terrible dark breath continued to emerge.

"this is……"

Everyone exclaimed that Fang Chen was able to explode such a force.

For a time, even the strongest creatures of the void creature were shocked.

"Master, you can't be urged, otherwise, it will involve Yuanshen." Dark Demon Wheeler said anxiously.

"I can't stop."

Fang Chen's attitude is very firm. In any case, he must protect this rule of law.

The final victory must be lost to the human race.

Rumble ...

Most of the attacks of the void creatures are attacked by the dark breath, and the remaining small part is still resisting.

Fang Chen's body was shaking, and his eyes were scarlet, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

There was a feeling of extreme pain in Yuanshen, and the palm of the dark magic wheel was loosening.

"Master, stop now." The dark magic wheel roared anxiously.

However, the breath of darkness is still being released.


At a critical moment, the golden heart beat quickly.

A stream of clear current appeared and instantly entered my mind, wrapping Yuanshen.

At this time, Fang Chen felt better.


Seeing that Fang Chen couldn't hold on, the strong creatures of the Nether Creatures shouted and killed Fang Chen one after another.

Between the Light and Fire Stones, they were close to Fang Chen.

As long as he is surrounded by the strong creatures of the void creature, Fang Chen will definitely die.

He closed his eyes and tried his last power, trying to trigger the taboo power in the dark magic wheel.

"Master, no, once the taboo force is activated, you will be wiped out." Qi Ling was very anxious.

"I have no choice."

Everything is for the human race, Fang Chen has no choice.

His heart moved, and immortal inflammation poured into the dark magic wheel, and the taboo power was being drawn.


Just when Fang Chen was desperate, a icy voice came from the sky.

The sound just fell, and the terrifying current instantly filled the sky.

In the water flow, a series of water droplets appeared, and these water droplets, with a thunderbolt that could not cover their ears, quickly shot at the strong body of the void creature near Fang Chen.

Thump ...

Some void creatures close to Fang Chen were caught off guard and their bodies were instantly penetrated.

This sudden scene caused the void creatures to retreat one after another.

Upon seeing this, the Lord of the Luo tribe showed surprise in his eyes.

"Luoshui 3000, Luoshui 3000."

You don't need to guess to know that the coming person is Luo Liuli.


A beautiful appearance appeared out of thin air.

Her delicate face was covered with cold breath.

"You are all going to die."

The magic of Luoshui is three thousand, and its power is endless.

To some extent, even the Lord of the Luo tribe is very afraid.

The fighting power exploded by Luo Liuli is quite shocking.

"Luo ethnic saint." Yuan Gu and others exclaimed.

Seeing Fang Chen injured, Luo Liuli was very angry.

Luo Liuli in the rage, cast the magical skill Luo Shui three thousand.

Void creatures below the higher order of life and death can't resist their attacks at all.

Thump ...

One void creature after another was pierced through the body by drops of water.

The power of Luoshui 3,000 is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.


Fang Chen felt dizzy and saw his mother appear, he immediately put away the dark magic wheel.

Fortunately, the taboo force was not attracted, otherwise, the mother would never be seen again.

"Master, forcibly urge the dark magic wheel to hurt the Yuanshen, you have to rest well." Qi Ling reminded.

Fang Chen nodded, a smile appeared on his face.

Fang Chen's heart was warm when she saw her mother killing the void creature in her anger.

Luo Liuli was so strong that the void creatures were beaten back.

After a while, the void creature retreated back into the fierce formation.

"who are you?"

Shimo's battle with the holy Lord of the human race also stopped abruptly, he stared at Luo Liuli and said in a deep voice.

Luo Liuli was very domineering, looked at Shi Mo indifferently, and walked to Fang Chen's side.

Only when he saw Fang Chen, Luo Liuli's domineering body would converge.

"How is it?" Luo Liuli asked worriedly.

"It's okay, just some skin trauma." Fang Chen grinned reluctantly. 8 ± (. *) 8 ± 8 ±, o

"It's still okay, forcibly mobilizing forces that don't belong to you, has hurt Yuanshen." Luo Liuli said: "But rest assured, I will avenge you."

Human warriors looked at each other, not knowing why Luo Liuli was so good.

"Liu Li, you are so good." The Lord of the Luo tribe said with a laugh: "You come to guard the first law cylinder."

Luo Liuli's three thousand water is a water magic, let her come to keep the cylinder of water rule, it can't be better.

It may have unexpected effects.

Luo Liuli looked at Shi Mo indifferently, and came to the column of water law.

The Tie Lieyuan and the black and white Tianzun came to the column of flame law to help Fang Chen stay together.

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