Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1610: Nine Nine to One

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In order to win, Shimo is desperate.

Even he didn't expect that the Nether, which could have been easily won, had so many powerful players.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but curse the emperor Xuesha and the ruler Qianyuan, these two idiots.

It would not have been the case if the information provided by them was wrong.

He vaguely remembered what they said when they sent him to the lower realm.

If you cannot unify the lower bound, you do n’t have to come back.

This sentence appeared in Shimo's mind.

Then his eyes became cold.


Shi Mo shouted, he burned his own blood, and displayed the forbidden technique of the veins of the void creature.

The force of tyranny ravages the void.

The holy lord of the human race and the lord of the demon world joined forces to siege Shimo in the middle.

God Realm Treasure Hammer rang loudly and smashed **** Shimo's body.

At the same time, thousands of void creatures rushed to the cylinder of desperation.

Some weak void creatures know that they will certainly not survive, and even explode directly.

In this way, in a short period of time, caused great casualties to the human race.

"Damn ..."

The high-ranking human races are all devoted to the rule of law, unable to participate in the war.

The remaining weaker warriors, some of them can not resist the lifeless attack of the void creature.

The fighting has continued.

Emperor Zisu is condensing the ninth law cylinder.

Nine-nine normalized law, the most important is the ninth law cylinder.

Therefore, it has not been possible to condense success.

In an instant, the battle lasted for more than half a month.

The Pterosaur Jedi has already sunk into the void ocean.

The battles here, dimly, the void was penetrated.

The fighting power spread to nearby islands.

Some islands are directly penetrated by the force of tyranny.

Half a month later, the strongman of Yinyue Island, under the leadership of Saint Bi Qingqing, finally came.

They joined the battle group and immediately caused great casualties to the void creatures.

Behind Yinyue Island, there is a strong man of life and death in Saint Village.

Although there were only a dozen, they resolutely joined the battle.

"For the honor of the Village of Saints."

The villagers in the village of Saints shouted, they were desperate to fight.

The entire battlefield has become extremely chaotic.

The Lord of the Demon Realm forcibly urged God Realm Treasure, which was already weak and unable to urge the hammer.

The saint lord of the human race was also suppressed by Shimo, and the latter fully prevailed in the battle.


Shimo slammed the holy Lord of the Human Race with a punch, and his back flickered, quickly shot at the place where the Emperor Zisu was.

"Be careful."

The crowd shouted, the law of cohesion was cylindrical, and at the most critical moment, the Emperor Zisu simply could not care so much.

Martial warriors nearby came to rescue one after another.

However, to no avail.

Shimo's attack is too strong to resist.

In this way, Shi Mokunkulai came to the side of the Emperor Zisu, and then grinned, punched.


Shimo's fist did not attack the Emperor Zisu, but fell to Fang Chen who appeared suddenly.

The sword-shaped runes broke up instantly, Fang Chen vomited blood, and his face was pale.

He used his body to resist Shimo's blow, but he was also seriously injured.

At a critical moment, Fang Chen once again took out the dark magic wheel.

Rumble ...

Forcibly induce the taboo power of the dark magic wheel.

The palpitating power burst out of the dark magic wheel in an instant.

Then, directly swept through the whole sky, Shi Mo was instantly wrapped in it.


Shi Mo saw it, sneered, and punched.

However, beyond his expectations.

The dark breath that enveloped him actually resisted his attack.


At this moment, Shimo finally felt something wrong.


Shimo roared, and tried his best to attack the dark breath.

Upon seeing this, the holy lord of the human race and the lord of the demon world also attacked with all their strength.

"Do not……"

Shimo fell into a frenzy, burning his own blood, bursting out of incredible power.

After urging the dark magic wheel, Fang Chen fell into a coma directly.

After the Dark Magic Wheel released the taboo power, it also fell beside Fang Chen.

"Wait for a while."

Watching his brother and sister unconsciously under his feet, Emperor Zisu was helpless.

He secretly said that the palm of his hand quickly bound the seal.

Only a short time later, the ninth law cylinder can be condensed. When the nine-nine-one normal circle is formed, the void creatures will be destroyed.

"Fang Chen."

Luo Liuli and Bi Qingqing shouted at the same time, and rushed to Fang Chen's side frantically.

Without Luo Liuli's guard, the first law cylinder appeared blank, and the void creature attacked frantically.

However, at this moment.

The power of heaven and earth came, and the last law condensed into a cylindrical shape.


The nine laws of the cylinder are in a circle, and the power of the nine laws is suspended in the sky, inducing the power of heaven and earth to come.

"Hahaha, I succeeded."

Emperor Zisu yelled wildly, his face covered with madness.

At the same time, the strong man who guarded the law column was also an arrow step, rushed into the battlefield and opened a killing ring.

The Nine-Nine-Nine Normal Array has been laid out, the law cylinder is indestructible, and there is no need to guard.

The four giants joined forces to squash and suppress Shimo.

The latter was attacked by the forces of darkness and was seriously injured. In addition to the encirclement and suppression of many strong human races, it was retreating.

Rumble ...

When the Nine-Nine-Nine One Array was in operation, the power of the nine laws merged together, forming a breath of annihilation that pervaded.

Wherever the atmosphere of the world had passed, the void creature made a miserable cry, and all fell.

"No ... I'm not reconciled."

After planning for a long time, and finally ending like this, Shimo was not reconciled.


The holy saints of the human race roared, and many strong human races withdrew from the nine-nine-one formation.

The Emperor Zisu tried his best to urge the nine-nine to one formation, and the power of heaven and earth came.

The power of the demise breath is getting stronger and stronger, sweeping from below like a carpet sweep.

Void creatures, no one survived.

In just a few breaths, all the void creatures died.

Only Shimo was left.

His face was full of loss.

Looking around, it seems as if I'm getting a lot older.

Seeing the terrible atmosphere of world destruction coming, he unwillingly roared up in the sky.

The breath of the world is wiped out.


Shimo fell.

At this point, the void creatures that invaded the lower realm all fell.


I don't know who shouted, all the human warriors suddenly cheered.

Finally won, this battle lasted so long, the warriors were tired.


If it were not for the appearance of Luo Liuli, and Fang Chen's blocking at the critical moment, the result was unpredictable.

Below, all the warriors are cheering.

Nine-nine to one formation, has never dispersed, fearing that Shimo will be reborn.

Only Luo Liuli and Bi Qingqing were waiting beside Fang Chen.

The five giants and the Lord of Demons Realm stood side by side over the Nine-Nine Normalized Circle, looking down at the situation inside the Circle.


They were relieved and the war was finally over.

"Dao friends, thanks to you this time."

Lord Voldemort shook his head without speaking.

The Blackblade Emperor on the side was very happy, "Damn Void Creature was finally destroyed. The human race's crisis was finally lifted."

"Yeah, although the process has been twists and turns, the final victory is still lost to our human race." Yuan Gu nodded.

After this war, they are all tired.

The news of victory spread instantly in the lower realm.

This victory was lost to all martial artists in the lower realm.

The whole Nether, every corner, is cheering.

Void creature invasion is much more terrifying than the last blood eye, and the Krakens and aliens.

The world is changing.

Ordinary warriors have fallen into despair.

But in the end it was successful. ︽2︽2︽. * 2 Pavilion︽2,

The power of the nine-nine normalized formation is beyond everyone's imagination.

After sweeping more than ten times in a row, it was determined that there was no fish in the net, and the Emperor Zisu lifted the nine-nine-one normal circle.

This piece of void, the void that was hit was torn, and the space was extremely unstable.

The human race giants joined forces to stabilize the void.

The battle is finally over.

The human race has entered an era of peace.

At least for a long time, there will be no genocide crisis for the human race.

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