Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1611: After the war

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After this battle, many hidden forces surfaced.

Voldemort, Silvermoon Island, Saint Village, etc.

One of the most striking is the demon world.

Because, the forces of the Demon Realm are really beyond everyone's imagination.

Emperor Zisu, Longyang and other top ten strong men in the universe's combat power list, looking at the lower realm, it is a first-class figure.

However, these strong men are all disciples of the Devil World.

After the Demon World was released to the world, the holy Lord of the human race personally talked with the Lord of the Demon World for a long time.

Finally, the Sacred Lord of the Human Race announced that Lord Voldemort was the fifth holy place of the Human Race.

Since the endless years, the human race has only four holy places.

The holy place of the human race is the most sacred. The other three holy places are called holy places because their power is too strong.

After the three great protoss, there is no more holy place.

And now, the Holy Lord actually sealed the Demon Realm as the fifth holy place.

what does this mean?

This means that in the future, Voldemort will be on equal footing with the other four holy places.

The lower realm was in shock and shocked.

However, it doesn't make much sense to Lord Voldemort.

After the war, the high-level human race gathered on Green Bamboo Island, and they were helping Fang Chen to heal.

"What do you think?"

Green Bamboo Island, the island's main house.

The holy saint of the human race inquired after looking at Chen's injury.

Yuan Gu first said: "His Yuan God was severely traumatized, and it was too difficult to completely recover."

"It is imperative that we should find a way to wake him up first." The Lord of the Luo tribe is more worried about Fang Chen.

After all, Fang Chen is also a half Luo people.

"Gathering the power of our five giants, we can't wake them up." The holy saint of human race sighed.

Fang Chen was lying in bed, unconscious.

Aside, Luo Liuli quietly looked at his son.

Behind Luo Liuli, stood two women.

One is Princess Xin in a goose yellow dress, and the other is Bi Qingqing.

After a long time, the five giants shook their heads with sighs, and they were helpless when the other party's injury happened.

The final conclusion is that it is destiny.

After receiving this news, the faces of Bi Qingqing and Princess Xin were full of tears.

However, Luo Liuli did not cry.

She is strong and she believes her son will wake up.

"Chen'er, I know you will wake up, I will always be waiting for you." Luo Liuli said slightly.


After that war, Tie Lieyuan was a little tired.

"Lvzhu Island is a good place. I will be hiding in Lvzhu Island in the future." Tie Lieyuan said to himself, and immediately flew out of the island's main house.

Since then, Tie Lieyuan has been hiding in Green Bamboo Island all year round.

During the dark day, he could not bear to suffer from his apprentices, but also temporarily lived in Lvzhu Island.

The children of Yinyue Island were arranged in a new city.

They even changed the name of the city to Silvermoon City.

The entire Green Bamboo Island is overcrowded.

All the warriors have more or less friendship with Fang Chen.

Neither of them would like to see the heroes who fought against the void creatures fall.

After learning the news, Dao San and Liu Xiong were speechless for a long time.

"Master will wake up."

Tianxin clenched his fists, and said in a deep voice.


Chaotic void, in a large hall.


A deafening voice sounded.

The huge void creature stood up a little bit, very angry.

He was the strong man who had captured the veins of the Emperor Xuesha and the void creature ruled by Qian Yuan.

"Every lower boundary can't rule, a bunch of waste."

He sensed that all the void creatures sent to the lower realm were destroyed.

For him, the loss was too great.

"Damn, do there have several thousands of strong realm in the lower realm?" Void creature said in a deep voice.

After thinking for a moment, the void creature converged.

For the time being, gave up the idea of ​​invading the lower realm again.

Time is fleeting.

In a year, it was just a flick.

After the war, under the leadership of the holy land of the human race, the prosperity of the lower realm began to resume.

After a year of development, the lower bound has once again returned to prosperity before the war, and it has even exceeded a lot.

People have gradually forgotten the pain caused by the war.

On Lvzhu Island, there was also a laughter of joy.

A year has changed a lot.

Dao San thick and thin hair, stepped into life and death in one fell swoop.

Just stepped into the ninth layer, it ranked among the top 20 in the universe.

He is very confident, and it won't take long for him to be among the top ten.

The stronger the cultivation, the more powerful the Golden Shield cultivation system.

Under the stimulation of Dao San, Liu Xiong's strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Although there is no metamorphosis of Dao San, he has also stepped into a higher order of life and death.

In addition to the two of them, Tianxin has also made rapid progress.

He has stepped into the realm of creation.

Fight everywhere, take the place where his master once walked, and fight the opponents his master once fought.

Tianxin let go of the rhetoric, and now he replaces the master to deal with the opponents he once had.

Gradually, Tianxin has also made great achievements in the major islands.

As for Emperor Zisu, he is also very satisfied with his two disciples.

On Green Bamboo Island, Nile and Qiu Xin are also very famous.

In short, the development of the entire Green Bamboo Island is very prosperous.

Bi Qingqing and Princess Xin go to see Fang Chen from time to time.

But after a year, the latter is still not improving.

Luo Liuli has been guarding him.

During this year, the five giants were not idle.

Invite Jiuxing Alchemist personally to refine the life-defying elixir for Fang Chen.

On this day, the holy Lord of the human race came.

"Holy Lord."

Luo Liuli saw the Holy Lord and got up quickly.

The Lord waved his hand to signal that it was not necessary, and then asked: "What's the matter?"

Luo Liuli shook his head and said: "I have been in a coma, the Yuanshen gradually collapsed ..."

Speaking of which, Luo Liuli couldn't bear to talk anymore.

Yuanshen gradually collapsed, which meant that it would not take long for Fang Chen to perish completely.

A mother, watching her child die without help, is too painful.

"This is the result of our year, Jiulong continued to pill." The Lord handed the black pill to Luo Liuli.

Jiulong Xunming Pill is by far the most powerful healing remedy in the lower realm.

It is said to be capable of life and death.

Seeing Jiulong Xuming Dan, Luo Liuli's eyes lit up.

"Thank you Lord."

After taking Jiulong Xuming Dan, he quickly put it into Fang Chen's mouth.

Elixir gradually entered Fang Chen's stomach, and then opened, the effect of medicine spread all over his body instantly.


Seeing this, Luo Liuli was overjoyed.

Jiulong Xuming Dan has effect.

Fang Chen's complexion improved obviously, and Yuanshen's speed of collapse has weakened a lot.

"It really works."

The holy lord of the human race was stunned for a moment, and was immediately overjoyed.

Luo Liuli is very excited, as long as he can delay the collapse of his son's Yuanshen, he will always think of a way.

"I'll try to find a way." The Sacred Lord of Human Race finished and turned to leave.

This anti-celestial pill, even if it is a nine-star alchemist, is very laborious to refine.

It took only one year to refine one.

Wanting to refine more is almost fantasy.



Longyang found the landlord.

"Jiangzhu, Brother Fang's injury, do you have no choice?" Long Yang asked.

He knew that there would be a way for the master of the realm of supernatural powers.

Lord Demon Realm carried his hands on his back and shook his head, saying: "He was injured so badly that Yuanshen was broken and unstoppable. I'm afraid ...

After that, the Lord of Demons Realm didn't say it, but Long Yang knew what it meant.

"Is there no other way?" Long Yang was not reconciled.

Lord Demon Realm shook his head. If he was in God Realm, there were many ways.

Unfortunately, here is the lower bound, there is nothing, how can I save Fang Chen?

If there is a way, he will not have any movement in this year.

"Originally I thought I saw hope. Alas ... I think too much."

Lord Voldemort laughed at himself, and disappeared in front of Long Yang.


The holy place of Yuan tribe.

Without any signs, Yuan Yao Jian issued a breath of shock. △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧

Then, it turned into a streamer and disappeared into the Yuan clan.

Yuan Yaojian's move caused the Yuan tribe to shake.

Yuan Gu arrived at the first time, but Yuan Yao Jian had disappeared.

"Yuan Yaojian?" Yuan Gu said in a deep voice.

Outside the holy land of the Yuan tribe, there is no limitless void.

A streamer, carrying a terrifying sword energy, cut through the sky and flew away in the direction of Green Bamboo Island.

Where the streamer passes, the void vibrates as if to collapse.

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