Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1618: Seventh in the universe list

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The Black Blade Emperor heard the words and smiled and landed on the ground.

"Sometimes, self-confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence is not so good." Black Blade Emperor believes that after Fang Chen's strength improved, some floated.

Fang Chen did not answer this question.


The breath of the whole body emerged and suddenly filled the whole body.

In the sky, the five giants nodded in satisfaction.

"Fang Chen's strength has indeed improved a lot." Sacred Lord of the Human Race said.

"Although his strength has improved, it is certainly not the opponent of the Black Blade Emperor."

"Guess how many tricks Fang Chen can hold in the hands of the Black Blade Emperor?" The Lord of the Luo tribe laughed.

The stronger Fang Chen's strength is, the more beneficial they are to the Luo tribe.

Since knowing that Fang Chen is the son of Luo Liuli, Yuan Gu and other giants' attitude towards him has also improved a lot.

All this is because of Fang Chen.

From his heart, of course, I hope Fang Chen can win. But he knew the facts.

The Black Blade Emperor can be ranked among the top ten in the universe, but its strength is not comparable to that of Fang Chen.

"I guess he insists on ten strokes at most." Yuan Gu said.

In fact, Yuan Gu originally wanted to say three tricks, but when thinking of Fang Chen's unbelievable concealment method, he still said that he was more relaxed.

The five giants discussed each other.

And below, Fang Chen and Black Blade Emperor have already fought together.

First of all, Fang Chen urged his whole body strength and hit a punch with Black Blade Emperor.


The whole earth was shaking. If the human race sage and other people blocked the space, the entire Green Bamboo Island would be wiped out.

After the two fists collided, Fang Chen's body stepped back a few steps.

After stabilizing his body, Fang Chen stared at the Black Blade Emperor, his eyes full of hot colors.

"The thousand-fold increase in strength is really powerful, and the simple strength can already be compared to the nineth emperor." Fang Chen said secretly.

His eagerness to let go of a fight is growing.

"Strength is good, I don't know how to do it."

The Black Blade Emperor was a little surprised, and said slightly.

"You will know in a moment."

Immediately, Fang Chen took out the Star Hidden Sword, and the Time and Space Book was displayed, and suddenly his body merged into the void.

"Come here again."

Although the Black Blade Emperor could not capture Fang Chen's figure, he defended with all his strength and looked around. As soon as Fang Chen appeared, he immediately gave a heavy blow.

He did not believe that Fang Chen could sneak into him.


Ripples appeared in the void, thirty-six sword lights, and unbelievable appearances.

With a thunderbolt that could not cover his ears, he quickly shot at the Black Bladed Emperor.

"Good to come."

The Black Blade Emperor sneered, the whole body was filled with black breath, and he immediately waved his big hand, and suddenly a wild wind appeared, directly sweeping 36 sword lights.

In a blink of an eye, thirty-six sword lights were crushed by the strong wind.

"This strength alone is not enough."

The Black Blade Emperor laughed, and seemed to win.

However, just as he laughed, within the strong wind, he shot a sword light carrying vast sword energy.

This into the sword light contains a thousand-fold increase in power.

The previous thirty-five sword lights are all under the guise, and only this sword light is the most real sword light.


The smile on Black Blade Emperor's face instantly converged, and his face gloomed.

His figure flashed, and he exhibited a formidable attack.

The black mist formed a black vortex in his palm.

"not simple."

Sacred Lord of Human Race said.

Several others nodded one after another, they still underestimated Fang Chen.

"It seems that this kid's chance is good this time, and his strength has actually risen to this level." Yuan Gudao.

"With the strength he has shown now, he ranks among the top ten in the universe's combat power list, no problem."

"It's really amazing. It has improved so fast in such a short time."

"Don't forget, his cultivation is just a matter of life and death." Lord Fumo Realm laughed.

The stronger Fang Chen's strength, the happier he is.

The five giants lamented that Fang Chen's potential shook the world.

There is no ancient people before, I am afraid there will be no comers behind, right?

Looking at this cosmic era, Fang Chen is recognized as the most powerful martial artist in life and death.

Just as several people sighed, the battle below gradually stopped.

"Don't fight, don't fight, how can you fight?"

After fighting for a while, the Black Blade Emperor waved his hand and stopped the fight.

His face was helpless, Fang Chen's strength exceeded his imagination.

Fang Chen stopped fighting and secretly thought to himself: "If you go all out, you will increase your strength by a thousand times, with the time and space book, the Tianyu swordsmanship, and if you add the dark magic wheel, defeat the Black Blade Emperor.

"However, that's all. It's too powerful to be one of the giants." Fang Chen sighed secretly.

He could feel that the Black Bladed Emperor also concealed the killer.

Because it is a discussion, there is no need to expose your life-saving killer.

Even so, the five giants were shocked.

"We have just been discussing, you can resist a few moves of the Black Blade Emperor." The Lord of the Luo tribe laughed.

"Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, you can actually compete with the Black Blade Emperor." Yuan Gu said.

"Holy Lord, I think that the list of cosmic combat power should also be reorganized?"

Fang Chen's strength makes the holy Lord of the human race very happy.

With a wave of his hand, a huge brush appeared in the palm of his hand.

Then, holding a brush and waving in the sky.

In the void, a golden file appeared out of thin air. This file is the legendary cosmic power list.

Brush brush ...

The holy lord of the human race has rearranged the rankings on the cosmic combat power list, and only the entire lower realm is qualified to do so.

The first in the battle list is still the holy Lord of the human race, and the second is from the original Yuan Gu to the Lord of Demon Realm.

For this, Yuan Gu also convinced by mouth.

The strength of Lord Voldemort is obvious to all.

If it were before, the holy Lord of the human race will definitely put the Lord of Demon Realm first, because he has the treasure of the Divine Realm.

However, after this period of recovery, he felt that he had once again touched the threshold of the eternal world, and it would not take long before he could step into the eternal world.

Therefore, he is still the first.

The third is the Yuan Valley, the fourth is the Lord of the Spirit Clan, the fifth is the Lord of the Luo Clan, the sixth is the Lord of the Black Blade, and the seventh is the Lord of the Green Bamboo Island.

After a while, the reorganization of the universe list of forces was completed.

Wow ...

The writing brush in the hands of the holy saint of the human race shook it, and suddenly a golden light was scattered in all corners of the lower realm.

At the same time, the emperors on the list of cosmic forces have all received new rankings.

"What? Is the owner of Green Bamboo Island among the top ten?"

"God, what the **** is going on, why is the owner of Green Bamboo Island ranked seventh?"

"Is the list wrong?"

Many emperors did not believe that Fang Chen could be ranked seventh.

Of course, there are still many people who are very excited after seeing the list.

On the Green Bamboo Island, Tie Lieyuan was refining the militia, and suddenly he was shocked.

Immediately, his face was ecstatic.

"My brother is serious."

Tie Lieyuan did not have the slightest jealousy, and some were just happy.

At the same time, the black and white Tianzun and the emperor Zisu also knew about this.


Over the green bamboo island.

Seven people of Fang Chen stood together and smiled at each other.

"Of the seven of us, Fang Chen is the youngest and the one with the strongest potential."

"Yeah, who would have thought that the original Martial Artist of the Forged Realm was sitting on par with us in an instant." Yuan Gu laughed.

He was very glad that he had chosen to obey Yuan Yaojian's words, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Fang Chen, what are your plans next?"

Suddenly, Lord Voldemort asked.

The eyes of several others also fell on Fang Chen.

The doors of introduction all appeared, and Fang Chen wanted to step into God Realm, a matter of minutes.

This kind of thing, envy can not come. "≠" ≠ "≠" ≠,

The six giants are all concerned about Fang Chen's decision.

Fang Chen pondered for a moment, and then said: "Next I am going to go back to meet my old friends and settle them down. Then I will return to Lvzhu Island to retreat."

"My cultivation level is too low, and my understanding of martial arts also needs to be improved. When I get out of the customs, it will be when I step into God Realm."

The six giants nodded, especially the Lord of Demons, and they were very excited.

I have been waiting for this day for a long time.

"If there is any need, come to us." Sacred Lord of Human Race said.

After a brief chat with Fang Chen, the six giants left.

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