Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1631: Dream Rule

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When you first came to God Realm, everything should be careful.

Although this is only a forbidden area in Zaozuotang, it is also regarded as the Nanling Sword Palace.

After weighing the pros and cons, Fang Chen finally chose to enter it.

Because, he felt that the golden heart seemed to guide him into it intentionally.

"Houshan is forbidden, no one will come at all, I will look in and then come out." Fang Chen said secretly.

Immediately, he stepped out and entered the forbidden cave.

Wow ...

The cave seems to be another space.

Fang Chen felt that the surrounding space was distorted, and then he appeared in a completely different world.

Fang Chen panicked, looking around.

"Little guy, don't panic. The place you are in now is my dream."

A melodious voice passed into Fang Chen's ear.

The latter was quite shocked.

Are you actually in someone's dream? What exactly is going on?

Around Fang Chen, there was nothing, not even a trace of energy fluctuations.

Hiss ...

It seems to want to tell Fang Chen that this is really in a dream.

A familiar dream breath suddenly emerged from the void.

In an instant, Fang Chen's eyes widened.

He is full of dreams, and he is naturally familiar with the breath of dreams.

"Really in a dream?"

Fang Chen didn't dare to imagine how strong this strong man was, unconsciously, letting himself enter his dream.

Fang Chen, who has a deep understanding of the true meaning of dreams, is very clear. It is not so easy to achieve this.

This involves some things about the law, which is very mysterious.

"Who are you?" Fang Chen asked, calmly calming down the waves inside.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I finally waited for a soarer." The sad voice came again.

After hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart moved slightly.

Is this person a soaring person?

So why did he appear inside the forbidden cave in the Zuotang Hall?

Isn't Nanling Sword Palace a big hatred with Tiangu Palace? Why is he here?

A series of doubts filled Fang Chen's mind.

"You don't have to wonder, like you, I'm also a soarer. And I'm still a disciple of Tiangu Palace." The voice came again.

"Then why are you here?" Fang Chen asked.

"Because ... I broke into the Zatou Hall and beheaded my enemy. Although the enemy had been reported in the end, he was killed by the strong town of the Nanling Jiangong Zaotang. "

"Are you a disciple of Tiangu Palace?"

Fang Chen was very surprised. He didn't expect a disciple in Tiangu Palace to be hidden here.

At the beginning, Fang Chen still had doubts.

However, after this person said some names of the strong men in the history of the lower realm, Fang Chen finally believed him.

"Dare to ask Senior, how to call it?" Fang Chen asked with respect and clenched his fists.

"When the old man was in the lower realm, he was called the Tianhe ancestor."

"It turned out to be the ancestor of Tianhe." Fang Chen heard his words, relieved.

In the records of the lower realm, Tianhe ancestors are also powerful in the famous lower realm.

When in the lower realm, it is very dazzling and suppresses the existence of an era.

A long time ago, I set foot in God Realm.

Unexpectedly, he actually fell to this end.

"Ancestor, are you hiding here, are you afraid of being discovered by the strong man in the juggernaut?" Fang Chen asked.

Tianhe ancestor pondered for a moment, and then said: "My injuries were too heavy. Although they were hidden here for years, they are still alive. If I die like this, I will not be reconciled. Until you appear, let me rekindle There is hope. "

"Ancestor assured, the younger generation will definitely find a way to save you out." Fang Chen said with a deep voice.

Tianhe ancestors said: "It's a miracle that my remnant thoughts can persist till now. The reason why you are here is to ask for something."

"What's the matter?"


In the dream, a golden scroll appeared.

This scroll floated in front of Fang Chen.

"This scroll contains important secrets about the Nanling Sword Palace. I hope you can take it to the Tiangu Palace and give it to the Guzu." Tianhe Patriarch said.


Fang Chen hesitated for a moment and did not reach out to pick it up.

"This scroll has little effect for ordinary martial arts. But for Tiangu Palace, it is of great significance. You are also a person in the lower realm. I chose to believe you and hope you will not let me down." Tianhe Lao Zu continued.

With the persuasion of Tianhe Patriarch, Fang Chen finally took over the scroll.

"Ancestor assured, I will definitely bring it safely." Fang Chen promised.

Seeing Fang Chen put away the scroll, Tianhe ancestors breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately urged: "Do not open this scroll, otherwise, you will not be able to bear the consequences."

"I know." Fang Chen nodded.

After instructing Fang Chen, Tianhe's ancestor's remnants turned into a hot light, and instantly poured into Fang Chen's body.

"It's all I can help you."

After all, the remnants of Tianhe's ancestors disappeared, and the terrifying and dreamlike atmosphere all poured into Fang Chen's body.

In an instant, the dream in Fang Chen's body was actively released.

Huh ...

The true meaning of dreams quickly absorbs the breath of dreams.

Its level is also rapidly increasing.

Seven grades, eight grades, nine grades ...

In a blink of an eye, dream realism has reached the level of Nine Pins.

At this moment, a voice oscillated in my mind.

"It seems true and false, dreamy and illusory, true and false, true and false."

This was before Tianhe's ancestor died.


Fang Chen's mind exploded suddenly.

A terrifying dreamy breath filled the entire head.

Fang Chen's body fell into the wood, and his consciousness was immersed in the dream sea.

The true meaning of time and space, in some ways, has certain commonality with the true meaning of fantasy.

Therefore, when he heard the last words of Tianhe Patriarch, the golden heart resonated a lot.

Rumble ...

The breath of fantasy surrounds the whole body, and the dream of Tianhe Ancestor gradually disappears.

"The so-called dream is relative to others."

Fang Chen's mouth showed a smile.

Immediately, he moved.

Suddenly, he was in a dream space.

"Is this my dream?"

Fang Chen said to himself.

Immediately, he converged and his body appeared in the cave.

The fantasy power in the air keeps drilling into the body.

The true meaning of the dream in the body is rapidly being transformed into the law of dreams.

"Good mysterious dream rule."

Fang Chen was very excited, hitting and hitting by mistake, and realized the dream law.

Although the law of fantasy has no attack power, it is superb in terms of life-saving.

The law of dreams cooperates with the book of time and space, and the low-level strongman of the ancient world can hardly capture his body shape.

Until now, it was considered preliminary with self-protection.


Fang Chen's mouth spit out a cloud of gas.

Then he began to look around.

Since it is called a forbidden place, what secrets are there?

"Huh? Is there a passage ahead?"

Fang Chen suddenly saw a dark passage ahead.

Immediately, he walked quickly to the channel.


In the passage, there was a terrifying wind.

Ding Ding Ding ...

The strong wind hit Fang Chen's body, and his clothes were cut.

"What's in the passage?" Fang Chen frowned.

At this moment, the little mouse appeared.

"Boss." The little mouse said lowly.


"I feel a familiar breath." The little mouse said: "I seem to know what is in the passage."

"You know?" Fang Chen asked hurriedly.

The little mouse said: "I'm not sure, let me go in and see."

"Danger." Fang Chen blocked.

"Boss, I've eaten the **** god rat. When I came to God Realm, I absorbed a lot of God Realm breath, and my flesh was strengthened. Even if it is a strong player in the ancient realm, it is impossible to break my defense. By my means, even in case of danger, I can escape immediately. "Said the little mouse. ︽2︽2︽. * 2 Pavilion︽2,

I didn't want to, but after thinking about it, I agreed.

"You have to be careful," Fang Chen urged.

"Relax, boss, if my guess is correct, you will receive unexpected benefits."

The little mouse smiled, wrapped in purple gloss all over his body, and immediately jumped into the dark passage.

Hiss ...

The cold wind violently blew out of the passage.

Fang Chen stared nervously at the passage.

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