Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1633: One hundred thousand mountains

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Not long after, the miscellaneous host came.

He glanced at everyone below and nodded his head in satisfaction.

"If you want to join the Nanling Sword Palace and become a real disciple of the Sword Palace, you need to pass the assessment of our juggernaut hall."

In fact, the so-called assessment is very simple.

The first is to test talent.

Nanling Sword Palace is the top force of God Realm, and ordinary martial artists simply cannot get into the eye of law.

Only those truly top talents can be selected.

Second, the test is kendo sentiment.

After all, the Nanling Sword Palace is a god-building sword repair paradise.

It is said that Nanling Sword Palace once had sword gods and countless sword repair beliefs.

Third, the test is strength.

The strength is too weak, even if he joins the Nanling Sword Palace, he will die.

The competition within the Nanling Sword Palace is more intense.

After all, there are so many resources in the Nanling Sword Palace, and there are hundreds of millions of disciples. So many people want resources, so who must be strong and who owns the resources.

Anyway, Fang Chen had already decided to leave the miscellaneous hall, so the test was not taken seriously.

After the test began, one disciple after another took the test.

Most of the disciples failed, and one disciple succeeded from time to time, and they couldn't be more excited.

"Hahaha, I succeeded. I joined the Nanling Sword Palace."

Seeing the excitement of these disciples, Fang Chen could fully imagine.

After half an hour, it was Fang Chen's turn to assess.

Soon, Fang Chen's test results came out.

"Knock out." The principal of the juggernaut said blankly.

Fang Chen nodded and quickly retreated.

Seeing this scene, Xu Xun's heart was very excited.

Fang Chen did not pass the test, then it means that he will be expelled from the Zaotang.

Not protected by the miscellaneous hall.

In this way, wouldn't he justify him against him.

"Boy, let you be proud for a while." Xu Xun laughed wildly in his heart.

However, Xu Xun was too proud.

I thought it was full of confidence. Who would have expected that only the last step would pass the test, but in the end it failed.

In the final test of strength, Xu Xun used his killer skills and briefly raised his cultivation base to the five levels of the ancient world, but it was still a little worse.

Xu Xun's face was pale and he was very unwilling.

It takes several months of recovery time for each killer's own experience.

"Damn ..."

Xu Xun was very upset, and he failed.

After a while, the miscellaneous host announced that the assessment was over.

"The disciples who passed the assessment will have dedicated elders who will send you to the Nanling Sword Palace, and the others will leave the juggernaut hall quickly." Shen Zuotang, the master said.


God Realm is like this, the strong survive.

As soon as the assessment results came out, the miscellaneous host was impatient with the disciples who failed the assessment.

And constantly please the disciples who pass, this is the reality.

On the square, the disciples who failed the assessment tried to pray for the host of the miscellaneous, and asked them to stay longer.

However, Fang Chen did not waste his tongue and left directly.

Looking at the back of Fang Chen's departure, Xu Xun flashed a murderous intention on his face, and immediately followed.

Huh ...

Fang Chen had long found Xu Xun following him, but he didn't break it.

The speed was so fast that it left the area of ​​the ecclesiastical hall after a while.

In front of Fang Chen, there was a mountain range.

In this mountain range, it is initially estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of mountains.

"Go in."

Fang Chen entered the 100,000 mountains.

"Boy, you are dead."

When Xu Xun rushed into the Hundred Thousand Mountains, he suddenly discovered that he could not find Fang Chen's trail.

"Damn, where did this kid go?"

Xu Xun scolded and looked around, looking for Fang Chen.

However, at this moment, a voice came from behind him.

"Are you looking for me?"

Xu Xun heard the words and quickly turned around. After seeing Fang Chen, his murderous intention was exposed undisguisedly.

"Boy, knowing that I am looking for you, dare to show up?" Xu Xun said in a dark tone.

"Do you think you can kill me?" Fang Chen said indifferently.

"It's as easy as killing you."

Xu Xun did not talk nonsense, and shot directly.

Rumble ...

The double breath of the ancient world burst out instantly.


Xu Xun's body was full of sword energy, and a strange long sword appeared in his hand.

call out……

Jian Qi rushed to the sky, condensed into a substantive sword light.

This is the first time Fang Chen came to God Realm.


Fang Chen turned his whole body strength, gathered on his fist, and punched with a punch.

Click ...

Fang Chen's fist hit the sword light of Xu Xun fiercely, and suddenly the sword light cracked, and Fang Chen's body retreated quickly.

"Strength is still weak."

Fang Chen looked at the fierce Xu Xun, moved his heart, and displayed the dream rule.

The power of the law surged and swept the earth instantly.

"Huh? Carving insect skills."

Xu Xun's attack was very strong, constantly oppressing Fang Chen.

After urging the dream rule, Fang Chenshi exhibited the space-time book.

Wow ...

Within the scope of the law of fantasy, Fang Chen is a godlike existence.

"What about people?"

Xu Xun was shocked and looked carefully.

However, despite his search, no trace of Fang Chen could be found.

"Do you think you can escape if you hide?"

Xu Xun sneered: "Today, you will definitely die."

"Who said I was hiding?"

Fang Chen's voice came suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, Tian Yu swordsmanship was performed.

Thousands of swords and swords flashed in the face.


Xu Xun felt the horror power contained in Jianguang, his face changed greatly.

"Do not……"

Xu Xun desperately resisted, but was swallowed by thousands of swords.

The miserable cry came from Xu Xun's mouth.

In a blink of an eye, Xu Xun died.


Fang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and came out of the void.

"The strength is still not strong enough." Fang Chen said to himself.

Xu Xun's strength is weak in itself, and his own killer cannot be used, which makes him easy to kill.

If you meet some talented warriors, it will be difficult.

In general, the first battle came to God Realm, there was something to gain.

"Next, we must leave the territory of Nanling Sword Palace as soon as possible." Fang Chen said secretly.

If the Nanling Sword Palace finds that the ant egg disappears, it will be furious, and it will definitely investigate the entire territory.

And he has been guarding the forbidden land for more than two years, and he will definitely be classified as a suspect.

Therefore, it cannot be caught by the Nanling Sword Palace anyway, otherwise, there is only one way to go.

The following time, Fang Chen crossed the 100,000 mountains.

One hundred thousand mountains are endless.

There are often some dangers here. Fortunately, Fang Chen is a martial arts practitioner of time and space, and his life-saving skills are superb.

Most of them have evaded without fear.

In an instant, three months passed.

Fang Chen still travels among the 100,000 mountains.

"I don't know when to leave." Fang Chen sighed.

"Boss, let's go around. Going to the core of the 100,000 mountains, it's too dangerous," the little mouse reminded.

Fang Chen nodded, he had long thought of this.

"It can only be this way."

For safety reasons, you can only choose to bypass.

After deciding to bypass, Fang Chen and the mouse moved forward quickly.

However, in a dense forest, there was a battle.

The battle is very fierce, and almost all of them are the strongest in the ancient world.

"Who are these people, why fight?"

Fang Chen hid outside the forest and watched secretly.

The movement inside was too loud and deafening.

The breath of terror constantly swept through.

"Boss, what should I do?"

The little mouse asked solemnly, and it was easy to kill the strongest in the ancient world.


Fang Chen said decisively, ready to leave soon.

However, at this moment, the fighting in the forest seems to have come to an end.


The whole earth was trembling, and the dense forest was all destroyed at once.

"so close."

Fang Chen got up from the ground and said with a lingering fear.

"Boss, look."

Cried the little mouse.

Fang Chen turned to look around, and he suddenly found that there was a big pit in the forest.

Several strong men of the past ten thousand realms fell into the big pit.

"All dead?"

Suddenly, a faint sound came from the big pit.

"help me……"

Fang Chen froze for a moment, then looked at him, and found a man in white clothes dying.

The other four have already fallen.

"Can't you save?" The little mouse asked.

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