Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1635: Fantasy law promotion

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Helpless, can only fight with young children.

"I'm going to shoot."

The young and young said in a young voice, and immediately his small hand waved, and suddenly a fiery red breath spread out.

Fang Chen's whole body emerged with immortal inflammation, and the power of the rich flame law surrounded the whole body.

"Undead Flame? Law of Fire?"

The young boy widened his eyes and looked at Fang Chen.

It is uncommon for a human warrior to have no death inflammation.

Seeing this, the young boy burst out with a punch.


Fang Chen felt that there were strange fluctuations in this punch.

He did not fight hard, but exhibited the book of time and space, his body hidden in the void.

"What about people?"

The young boy looked around, a little shocked.

call out……

Tens of thousands of sword lights emerged from the void, carrying a terrifying sword energy, and shot at the young boy.

The latter did not panic, and blasted several punches in a row.

Suddenly, the horror sword gas was defeated.

However, at this time, the young boy waved his hand and stopped playing.

"Your means of concealment is too strong. If you keep concealing, even I can't do anything to you." The young boy said frankly.

Fang Chen nodded and said nothing.

"My name is Zhou Pu, what's your name?" The young boy said with his palm out.

"Fang Chen." He also extended his palm and held it with the young boy.

"I think you are very interesting, why don't we go together with us?" Zhou Pu, a young boy smiled.

Fang Chen can see that Zhou's punishment is not deep in the world, and there is not much strategy in his heart.

After thinking for a while, he nodded immediately.

Huh ...

Countless sounds of broken air came, and then the warrior who chased and killed Fang Chen arrived.

"right here."

A heavy voice came from the void, and countless warriors fell on the ground, encircling Fang Chen and the young boys.

"Boy, hand it over."

The scumbag-faced warrior, with his whole body murderously arrogant, said in a deep voice.

"I am worried that there is no opponent." Zhou penalty smiled without any fear.

"It seems that you are not going to pay it anymore?" Said the scumbag man. "Kill me."

Under the order of the scumbag warriors, everyone thundered.

"Brother Fang, look at me."

Weekly punishment took the first step, this time he did not keep his hand.

Rumble ...

On Zhou Pu's body, a strong flame breath continued to emerge.

For a moment, this place turned into a sea of ​​fire, and those powerful people who were trapped in the sea of ​​fire made a miserable cry.

"Ah ... the fire is in the sky, are you from the Zhou family?"

"No, run away."

Everyone panicked and fled desperately, but it was too late.

"I don't know now? It's useless."

The temperature in the sea of ​​fire has risen sharply, and in a blink of an eye, these warriors from the ancient realm are refined.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chen shook his heart.

The aborigines of the **** realm cannot simply be treated with common sense.

Life and death have such a fighting power.


Put away the flames, Zhou Penalty came to Fang Chen.

"Brother Fang, how is it?" Zhou Puyi asked.

"Brother Zhou's strength, Fang Mou admires." Fang Chen said.

Zhou Fei spread his hands and said: "Actually, this is nothing at all. In God Realm, we had the life and death realm as soon as we were born. It won't take long to reach the eternal realm. I'm a bad talent, ten. Several years old, I have n’t stepped into the eternal world. "

Fang Chen nodded, and he also knew a little in the junk hall.

Some of the indigenous powerful people of God Realm, the children born, are almost a birth and death.

Because only warriors above life and death can resist the pressure of God Realm.

Therefore, the lower realm is incomparable to the **** realm.

"Brother Zhou, just now I heard from them that you are a member of the Zhou family. Presumably, the Zhou family must be a famous noble?" Fang Chen asked.

Hearing the word "Zhou", the face of the young boy Zhou Pu showed a confused look.

After a long time, he sighed.

"It's true, they are frightened because they treat me as a real Zhou family." Zhou said slowly.

"Really Zhou Family?" Fang Chen still puzzled.

"In Shenjie, in addition to the seven top forces, the Zhou family is the most authoritative and the most powerful family. The Zhou family where I am located is just a poor branch that has been kicked out of the house." Zhou penalty spread. Spread their hands.

As the people of the Zhou family, they were kicked out, which is the biggest shame for their branch.


Fang Chen didn't know, he would ask Zhou Pu's sadness, and apologized.

However, in Fang Chen's mind, there was a flash of aura.

Zhou Lei, who was originally encountered in the ruins of the stars, did not know whether it was a child of the Zhou family.

"It's nothing. I'm used to it anyway. Without the Zhou family, our branch can still live well." Zhou Penalty said frankly.

Fang Chen nodded and decided to ask after thinking about it.

"Brother Zhou Penalty, I want to ask you someone, I don't know if you have heard of it?" Fang Chen said.


"Zhou Lei."

"Do you know him?" Zhou Pu looked at Fang Chen.

Fang Chen shook his head, "Just heard someone talk about this person."

"He is from the Zhou family, and I don't know the specifics."

Fang Chen clenched his fists, secretly remembering Zhou Lei in his heart.

There are too many things to do when you come to God Realm.

The first is to find his wife Xingyue, who gave him a token.

Within a certain distance, the token will change.

Now, the token has not moved, indicating that he is too far away from Xingyue.


The following time, Fang Chen and Zhou Penalty traveled 100,000 mountains.

With the help of weekly punishment, there was little danger.

However, the Hundred Thousand Mountains are too big, and they will not be able to come out at all in one and a half.

Along the way, I met a lot of beasts.

In the battle against these mythical beasts, Fang Chen's strength is gradually improving.

Especially the dream law has become more and more powerful after continuous tempering.

Three months later, the law of dreams reached the seven-star state.

Fang Chen can display dream rules as he pleases.


On the way, I suddenly heard the roar of the beast.

Zhou Pu wanted to shoot, but was stopped by Fang Chen.

"Brother Zhou, try my dream law."

Fang Chen smiled and immediately took a step forward. A huge beast suddenly appeared in front of Fang Chen.


This mythical beast is very powerful, and the ground shakes when it appears.


Fang Chen's eyes opened, shooting a strong hallucinogenic breath.

In an instant, the power of the dream law in the air suddenly appeared.

The mythical beast with open teeth and claws suddenly seemed like a walking dead.


The weekly penalty not far away sighed.

The law of fantasy is very strong, and if you are not careful, you will fall into a fantasy.

No wonder before he came to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, his father told him to meet the warrior with dream rules, so he must be more careful.

"Of course my boss is amazing." Said the little mouse.


Under the effect of the law of dreams, the mythical beast had almost no resistance, and was killed by Fang Chen.

"Brother Fang, is your weapon too outdated?" Zhou Fei saw Fang Chen's Xingyin sword and grinned: "Nobody will use this kind of garbage weapon. Is it that you are ascending from the lower realm Did it come up? "

Weekly punishment is very curious. This kind of weapon is too garbage. The artifacts of God Realm are everywhere.

The weapon in Fang Chen's hands was not as good as the lowest-level inferior artifact, but he was used as a weapon.

Although the artifact differs from the magical soldier by a word, it is a thousand miles away.

Only when I came to God Realm, I realized that the so-called magic soldiers in the lower realm are simply ordinary soldiers.

The weapon of God Realm is called an artifact.

The lowest grade is the inferior artifact, followed by the middle grade artifact and the top grade artifact.

Fang Chen's Xingyin sword can only be regarded as a ninth-order magic soldier, still a distance away from the artifact.

The inferior artifact is in God Realm, everywhere, compared to Fang Chen's weapon, it is indeed a bit shabby.

"I haven't found a suitable weapon for the time being, and it has been with me for a long time, and I am reluctant to change it." Fang Chen said. ℃ ≡ ℃ ≡ ℃ ≡Ge ℃ ≡

Zhou punishment nodded, "Brother Fang, when you leave 100,000 mountains, go to my Zhou's house. I'm going to find someone to help you upgrade your weapons."

"Then I would like to thank Brother Zhou." Fang Chen thanked with a fist.

Indeed, the strength of the weapon directly affects the strength of the warrior.

Fang Chen suffered at a loss and ate on weapons.

The ninth-order magic soldier, the strongest in the lower realm, came to God Realm and was not as good as garbage.

Fang Chen quite lamented that God Realm is God Realm.

The most central place in the entire universe is also the place where the powerful gather.

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