Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1645: Sad reminder

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Zhou Penalty was obviously wrong. Fang Chen frowned not because he was worried about beating Lu Hang, but was discovered by Lvhecheng.

It is thinking about the gray breath attached to the true meaning of time and space. What is it? Why is it so powerful.

Thinking about it, I don't understand.

In the end, I just took back my thoughts and didn't want to.

"Brother Fang, the battle for Treasure seems to be at the final stage. Are we going to shoot?" Zhou Puyi asked.

With the power of weekly punishment, naturally it will not involve the treasure competition.

However, if it is added, it will be different.

Zhou Pu's gaze gazed at Fang Chen, waiting for the latter's decision.

Listening with your ears, you can hear it faintly, and there are sounds of fighting not far away.

"Forget it, let's not get involved." Fang Chen said secretly for a moment.

Zhou punishment nodded, although a little unwilling.

However, the strength is here, there is no way to succumb.

"In that case, let's leave here first?" Zhou Peng asked.

Fang Chen nodded and left the place together with Zhou Penalty.


In the chaotic battlefield, Ghost Zhi held a light mass.

He wanted to escape from this place, but he was besieged by everyone.

"You are looking for death, I will not let you go by the ghost dragon gate." Gui Zhi shouted in anger.

"Huh, the treasure is my Black Dragon Sect."

The disciples of Heilongzong bear the brunt.

The whole battlefield is very chaotic.

With the help of Guilongmen, Guizhi escaped with difficulty.

It is not a way to persevere in this way. The ghostly face is somber.

As long as they can leave the 100,000 mountains and give them 10,000 guts, they will not dare to provoke the ghost dragon gate.

However, here is the Shenglong Mountain Range.

The Zongmen seniors couldn't come at all for a while, and they could only rely on themselves.

"Brother Gui Zhi, what should I do?"

A disciple beside Gui Zhi asked hurriedly.

In the siege of everyone, the disciples of Guilongmen retreated.

Thump ...

Just as the disciples of Guilongmen asked Guizhi, there were several disciples who were beheaded by disciples of Heilongzong and other disciples.

"You cover me."

Ghost Zhi gritted his teeth, as long as he escorted the treasure to Huizong door, even if it lost a few disciples, that would be fine.

"Get time for Brother Zhizhi."

The disciples of Guilongmen shouted and tried to resist the attacks of other disciples.

Thump ...

The battle became fiercer and fierce, and one disciple of ghost dragonmen gradually fell into the pool of blood.

While taking advantage of the chaotic scene, the ghost's physique flashed away and fled from here.

"Don't let the ghost run away."

The disciples of the Black Dragon Sect took the lead in attacking and chasing the ghost Zhi.

Ghost Zhi at this time has already escaped a long distance.

Looking at the golden light in his hand, a ghostly smile appeared on the ghostly face.

As long as he is allowed to escape, then he will easily leave 100,000 mountains.

call out……

However, when the spirits were ecstatic, a sudden strong wind gusted in front of me.

Immediately afterwards, he shook hands unconsciously.

Suddenly, he was shocked to find that the golden light cluster in his palm was long gone.

"Damn, who is it?"

Ghostly roared in anger, looked around, clenched his fists, and attacked the surrounding void with madness.

However, no matter how he attacked, nothing was discovered.

Huh ...

Soon, many Zongmen disciples headed by the Black Dragon Sect came in a hurry.

They besieged Ghost Zhi in the center.

"Gui Zhi, call the treasure." A disciple of Heilongzong said coldly.

"Gu Zhi, you have also seen that you can't escape from this place without handing over the treasure."

"Good, hand over the treasure, you still have a chance to live, otherwise, there is a dead end."

Many warriors around said one after another.

They stared at Gui Zhi with burning eyes, ready to shoot.

Gui Zhi's face was cold, and there was a stomach of resentment in his heart, nowhere to vent.

"Treasure was taken away." Gui Zhiqiang endured his anger and said in a deep voice.

"Huh, such a trick, don't take it out of the way."

"Yes, when we came here, no one found. You told us, who took your treasure?"

"Guizhi, your lies are too good."

Many warriors don't believe in ghost words.

They believe that this is a ghostly pretext.

He knew that he could not escape the killing of these people, and he stayed here deliberately, trying to deceive everyone.

It is a pity that, for the sake of treasure, all talents will not manage so much.

"What I said is true, just now, someone was in the void and took my treasure." Gui Zhi was a little angry.

A disciple headed by Heilongzong took a step forward, staring at the ghost.

"Gu Zhi, your strength can be tied with Lu Hang. No one in the crowd is sure, and can steal the treasure from you silently. According to what you said, at least it is a high-level strongman in the ancient world. This disciple of the Black Dragon Sect paused and continued: "However, everyone knows that there are no high-level warriors in the ancient realm at this time among the disciples who entered the Shenglong Mountain Range."

Everyone nodded and agreed with the words of the disciples of the Black Dragon Sect.

"Today, if you don't surrender the treasure, you never want to leave this place alive."

After all, some people couldn't help but Thunder shot.


The tail of the spine of the Saint Dragon Mountain Range.

Venerable Fang Chen and Zhou Pu are rushing all the way to prepare to leave the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"Brother Fang, how about sitting at my Zhou's house when I leave 100,000 mountains?" Zhou Pu laughed.

Fang Chen pondered for a moment, then nodded.

There are also reasons for such a decision.

First, when I first came to God Realm, I was not familiar with everything here, and I might be able to get the information I wanted at the Zhou family.

Second, by far the most important thing is to go to Tiangu Palace.

Fang Chen hopes to pass the Zhou family and leave the land of the extreme south.

"Brother Fang, which force are you a disciple?" Zhou Fei asked curiously.

"I am loose repair." Fang Chen said.

Zhou Pu was very admired and said, "I really admire Fang Brother, and I can grow up to this point if I go through loose repairs."

In the process of Zhou Penalty chatting with Fang Chen, the avatar has quietly returned to his body.

At this moment, a smile appeared on Fang Chen's face.


One hundred thousand mountains are very vast.

After half a month, Fang Chen and Zhou Penalty walked out of the Shenglong Mountain Range.


Take a deep breath, with a smile on Zhou Pu's face.

Outside the Shenglong Mountains, there is a lot of strong breath.


Fang Chen was a little puzzled and just wanted to speak, but heard Zhou Penalty speak out.


Following the cries of Zhou Pu, there were several strong men in the wasteland ahead.

One of them should be the strongest of the Zhou family.

A middle-aged man exuding a noble breath, seeing Zhou Penalty, stepped out and came to him.

"Peer, are you okay?" Zhou Hua asked.

"Father, I'm fine." Zhou Pu smiled and said: "By father, I will introduce you to you. This is my good brother. His name is Fang Chen. This time I experienced in the 100,000 mountains, thanks to Fang brother, I will be able to return here safely and securely. "

"Thank you." Zhou Hua clenched his fists at Fang Chen.

"It's just a matter of raising hands." Fang Chen nodded gently.

"Go, go back."

Zhou Hua glanced at the other forces on the wasteland, and immediately took Zhou Penalty and Fang Chen to leave the place.

Over time, the strongest competing for the treasures have also returned.

"Look, someone came out."

Suddenly, a strong man said.

Suddenly, the elders of Ghost Dragon Gate became gloomy.

Because, they saw the whole body covered with blood, the ghost of the dying breath.


An elder quickly supported Gui Zhi.

"What the **** is going on?" Another elder Shen Sheng asked: "Who the **** is it that hurts you like this?"

After a while, Gui Zhi came out, and successive warriors appeared.

Among them, many disciples headed by the Black Dragon Sect roared with anger when they saw the ghost. "Gui Zhi, call out the treasure."

The ghost spirit supported by the elders, because of the overnight rush, coupled with injuries, instantly passed out.


The other elder Zongmen heard the word Treasure and his eyes were bright.

"what happened?"

"Elder Black, the treasure of the Holy Dragon Mountain Range was born, but was snatched away by ghosts." Disciple of the Black Dragon Sect said.

The elders of other forces such as Lvhecheng looked at the ghost dragon gate one after another.

"Why? Don't you still want to start against our ghost dragon gate?" Elder ghost dragon gate said coldly.

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