Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1654: Dark Night Gold Bat

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Zhou Xixuan is the lovely girl of the Zhou family.

Not only is he strong, but his popularity is also very good.

Won the favor of many young generations of the Zhou family, and even some disciples of other sects want to pursue Zhou Xixuan.

In the Northern Territory, Zhou Xixuan's beauty is notorious.

People call Xixian fairy.

Seeing Zhou Xixuan, Fang Chen also shined.

Zhou Xixuan gives a very pure feeling, and has seen many beautiful women in the past.

However, they are not as shocking as Zhou Xixuan.

"Good pure woman."

Fang Chen can clearly feel that Zhou Xixuan has a very pure breath on his body.

Zhou Xixuan looked back, the entire mission hall, an uproar.

Many disciples scrambled to watch Zhou Xixuan.

Facing Zhou Xixuan, Zhou Fengyang and others also put away their arrogant attitude and spoke much softer.

"Fengyang, anyway, you are also the fourth strongest in Gubang. Since others have taken over the task, you should not be tough. You know the rules of the Zhou family, why should you?" Zhou Xixuan said with a laugh.

"He must be sure to take the five-star mission. As to whether he can complete it, he will say it another way. If you are really interested in this five-star mission, will you pick it up when he fails, isn't it the same?"

Hearing Zhou Xixuan's words, Zhou Fengyang was not easy to say anything.

He coughed twice, and then said: "Since Xi Xuan you said so, I don't know him in general."

Having said that, he turned his head and thoughtfully looked at Fang Chen, and then gave ‘advice’, “Boy, the five-star mission is extraordinary, I hope you can come back alive.”

After Zhou Fengyang and others left, Fang Chen clenched his fists at Zhou Xixuan: "Thank you Fairy Xixuan."

"This matter is Feng Yang's fault, and it has nothing to do with you. Even if I change to someone else, I will come forward." Zhou Xixuan said with a smile.

Fang Chen had a good impression of Zhou Xixuan.

"The five-star mission is very dangerous. Even if we are, we dare not take it hastily. You have to be more careful." Zhou Xixuan urged.

"Thank you fairy reminder." Fang Chen thanked.

Zhou Xixuan nodded and left the mission hall.

"Brother Fang, are you really going to complete this five-star mission?" Zhou Pu asked with wide eyes.

Fang Chen nodded. Although the five-star mission was difficult, the rewards were extremely rich.

If it can be completed, reward tens of millions of high-grade **** spirit stones, which is equivalent to the value of a middle-grade artifact.

What Fang Chen lacks at this stage is the deity stone.

Moreover, he is full of time and space, confident and able to withdraw.

According to his words, try chanting. Even if it is unsuccessful, it will not kill you.

Obviously, many disciples are not optimistic about Fang Chen.

When leaving, they shook their heads one after another.

Zhou Hongda came to Fang Chen deliberately, mocking Fang Chen.

In this regard, Fang Chen directly ignored.

"The time limit for the five-star mission is one month. When will Brother Fang set off?" Zhou Puyi asked.

"Leave now."

Time is running out, of course, we must hurry to complete.

"You take the task. The elders in the cold sky mine veins have received the message. Someone will answer you after you pass." Zhou punishment said.

Fang Chen nodded and left Zhoujiachengchi.

The Hantian mineral vein is on the right side of Zhoujiachengchi. Not too far from the ghost dragon gate.

After three hours, Fang Chen came to the Hantian mine.

As soon as I came here, I felt a cold breath and came across.

The land in the extreme south is extremely hot in itself and belongs to the hot zone.

And it's amazing how cold it is here.

"Hantian mine veins." Fang Chen raised his head and looked at the mine veins in front of him. Parent Zhou had already come out to meet him.

"Are you Fang Chen?" Zhou Zhoulao asked.

"Younger Fang Chen, meet the elders."

The elder nodded, then said: "This is the case, an unknown creature was found in the cold sky mine veins, and our miners have several strangely missing."

"After our investigation, this unknown creature is very likely to have high-level combat power in the ancient world. The specific kind of creature is temporarily unknown." The elder explained.

After hearing the words, Fang Chen nodded.

It seems that the Zhou family does not know anything about the inside of the vein.

This five-star mission should focus on sharpening the younger generation.

"Elder, I want to go in and see." Fang Chen said.

"Come on, I will take you there." The elder said.

After a while, the elder took Fang Chen to the entrance of the Hantian mine veins.

"You can enter from here." The elder pointed to the hole and said: "But I want to remind you that the unknown creature will only appear at night, and it will hardly appear during the day."

"Elder, have you seen that unknown creature?" Fang Chen asked.

The elder shook his head.

Fang Chen stopped talking and entered the cold sky mine veins.

Suddenly, the extreme cold breath invaded.

"Click ..."

The little mouse jumped out, the small paw grabbed a piece of cold ore, and swallowed it in a big mouth.

"Boss, this cold ore is extremely cold and suitable for practicing the law of ice." The little mouse said while eating.

"Be careful, I feel weird." Fang Chen whispered.


The other end of Hantian mine veins.

Inside the vein, there are two warriors, crouching inside the vein, chatting.

"I don't know how many beasts of the Zhou family can be killed this time." One of the warriors with pointed jaws said.

Another person was wearing a blue shirt with a flash of murderous intent on his face, saying: "Well, we put the dark night gold bats into the cold sky mine veins, causing an illusion of the appearance of unknown creatures. The morality of the Zhou family will definitely be released Mission, take the opportunity to sharpen the younger generation of disciples. "

"I don't know when the children of the Zhou family will arrive as soon as possible."

Guilongmen also inadvertently discovered the cold sky mineral veins.

Then, after confirmation, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the Hantian mineral vein that appeared in their territory was actually connected with the Zhoutian Hantian mineral vein.

After several years of mining, a channel was finally opened.

Then, they designed to kill the younger generation of the Zhou family.

The pointed-billed monkey warrior, called the ghost fire, is a bit stronger than the ghost, and has reached the five levels of the ancient world.

And another man in blue clothes, called Guiba, is the dearest brother of Guizhi, and his cultivation capacity has reached the sixth level of the ancient world.

The two controlled the dark night gold bats and lured Zhou's children in.

Just as the two were talking, suddenly the fire was overjoyed.


After all, with the dark night gold bats, they sensed the coming person.

"Don't worry, wait at night to start." Guiba said.

The dark night gold bat can absorb the breath of darkness.

At night, the power surged.

If the dark night gold bats can solve it, they don't need to shoot them.

At this time, at the other end, Fang Chen was taking a mouse to check the cold veins.

"Did you find anything?" Fang Chen whispered.

"Boss, I seem to have sensed that there is a **** beast nearby." The little mouse looked around and said lowly.

"We will force it out together." Fang Chen said.


Fang Chen's figure flickered, hiding in the void.

Fang Chen was in the void, seeing the dark night gold bat hidden in the darkness.

"what is that?"

Fang Chen passed the picture he saw to the little mouse.

"Boss, that's the dark night gold bat." Little Mouse said: "The strength of this mythical beast in the night will soar.

"Dark night gold bat?"

Fang Chen frowned, staring straight at the dark night gold bat.

The latter didn't even know that someone had already stared at him.

"Although the dark night gold bat is strong, it has a weakness." The little mouse said by virtue of inheritance memory: "Boss, you dive behind it and attack its ribs."

Fang Chen nodded.

According to the little mouse, dive behind the dark night gold bat.

Silently took out the Xingyin sword, and then urged the power of the law of fire and the law of the sword.

The two merged into the Xingyin sword.

Suddenly, Fang Chen stabbed a sword.

Fire magic swordsmanship.

Thump ...

There was hardly any resistance, and Xingyin Jian stabbed fiercely into the body of the dark night gold bat.


A loud voice resounded through the cold sky.

"not good."

Dark Night Gold Bat launched a counterattack and flew Fang Chen at once.

At the same time, ghost fire and ghost eight yelled.

"The dark night gold bat is injured." Ghostfire said in a deep voice.

"Call it back soon." Guiba's face was somber.

Ghostfire controlled the dark night gold bat with his mind, and let the latter quickly leave there.

After a while, the dark night gold bat returned to the ghost fire.

Seeing the sword wound in the ribs of the dark night gold bat, the ghost frowned.

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