Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1659: extraordinary

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Together, the formation is boundless.

Fang Chen felt like he was a newborn baby, greedily sucking in this rich formation breath.

Realizing this mysterious formation really inspired Fang Chen.

Some lineup problems that I hadn't thought of before are now almost completely figured out.

Moreover, with the passage of time, Fang Chen became more and more confident about his formation.

In half a month, the skill of the team has improved a lot.

Now, he is hitting the bottleneck.

This bottleneck is very common in the array.

Equivalent to Xianfan.

If he can shock the past, then he can be regarded as a real entrance.

If the shock fails, it will become extremely difficult to understand the formation.

Fortunately, his position is not weak.

The vast array of formation information is constantly evolving in Fang Chen's mind.

"This should be……"

Fang Chen is constantly evolving the model of the formation method.

At the same time, it is constantly improving.

The strongest magician in the lower realm is Nine Stars.

Unlike Divine Realm, the Nine Star Array Master is only a fledgling in Divine Realm.

Only when you are extraordinary can you stand on the battlefield.


Fang Chen's hands, with different seals, quickly changed on his chest.

At the same time, the Pentagram star flickered endlessly, and a strong array of breath quickly spewed out.

Seeing the appearance of the Hanlong Spirit King locked in the star steel chain, his eyes were bright, and the other party praised Chen.

"This kid has a good understanding, and he can think of using the Pentagram to break through."

Hanlong Lingwang nodded with satisfaction.

It is impossible for the general formation master to think of this.

Even if I think of it, I dare not try it easily.

Once it fails, the consequences cannot be assumed.

However, Fang Chen is also a bold artist.

He quickly absorbed the breath of formation that emerged from the Pentagram.

After about a quarter of an hour, Fang Chen suddenly snorted.

Suddenly, his hands quickly sketched a fuzzy array model.

This array model is the most basic model and the most important model.


Fang Chen looked up to the sky and tried his best.

Rumble ...

The air in his mind rolled, and the whole person seemed to have changed a lot.

Which fuzzy array model on the chest gradually became clear.

"Did it break?"

Fang Chen looked at the formation model in front of him and muttered to himself.

He closed his eyes and felt the breath of formation in his body, very excited.

Starting today, he is a true master of the magical array.

The so-called extraordinary means that the real immortals are separated.

In my mind, the vast array of formation information swept through.

Fang Chen sighed quite a bit, and deserved to be an extraordinary array mage. Compared with the nine-star array mage, he did not know how many times he was stronger.

"Wow ..."

Fang Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and his hands were bound with the seal of Fa.

For a moment, an invisible formation appeared quietly.

Seeing this, Fang Chen was overjoyed.

"Not bad."

The cold dragon spirit king said hoarsely, with some joy in his words.

Fang Chen's formation talent is beyond his imagination.

"Congratulations, you have become a truly extraordinary formation master." Hanlong Lingwang continued.

Fang Chen thanked Hanlong Lingwang with a fist, and then continued to enlighten the Pentagram.

"After reaching the extraordinary state, the understanding of the method of playing is completely different from before." Fang Chen glanced at the five-pointed star and he said to himself: "And, I feel that the five-pointed star is not so complicated."

The Pentagram is too complicated, which makes Fang Chen difficult to understand.

But now, at a glance, you can clearly see the real trajectory of Pentagram.

Fang Chen is more confident and can understand this formation.

"Take full effort to understand the formation."

Fang Chen secretly said, immediately the avatar avatar, and enlighten the formation together.

This formation is quite peculiar, and Fang Chen also felt this.

"Inside the formation, it seems to be its own space."

Fang Chen was shocked in his heart. This kind of formation, the ordinary extraordinary formation master, could not be arranged.

I want to come, the person who arranged this formation should be a strong man.

"Try to use real time and space to understand the formation."

This formation seems to be a space.

Therefore, Fang Chen wants to use the true meaning of time and space as an introduction to understand this formation.

However, the results after the trial exceeded Fang Chen's expectations.


Fang Chen's eyes widened, looking at the Pentagram star.

He just urged time and space to try to pour into the Pentagram.

However, a strange scene appeared.

In the third corner of the Pentagram star, the energy is instantly saturated.

"Is it because of space rules?"

With this amazing discovery, Fang Chen continued to enlighten the formation.

He controlled the true meaning of time and space, shrouded in the Pentagram.

The grayish breath gradually penetrated into the pentacle.

In this way, after five days, the fourth corner was full of energy.

After half a month, the fifth horn was completely full.

When the energy of the Pentagram was completely full, it suddenly burst into a bright light.

Five kinds of light emerged from the five-pointed starburst and intertwined into a colorful array in the sky.

"This is the essence of the formation?"

Fang Chen sat on the Pentagram star, looked up at the sky, his heart was very shocked.

After more than a month of hard work, the essence of the formation finally appeared.

"Quickly understand the formation, the opportunity is not lost."

Seeing this, the Han Longling King hurriedly urged.

Fang Chen nodded, and then began to enlighten the formation.


Zhou Penalty did not believe that Fang Chen died, and came to the Hantian mine veins to find no results.

Finally, you can only give up.

The Zhou family's discussion of Fang Chen's figure also gradually dissipated.

This is the case with God Realm.

When you are strong, there are people talking about you everywhere.

However, even the genius in the evil spirits will be completely dissipated once it falls.

Falling geniuses are not geniuses.

The Hantian mine veins have returned to calm, and the younger generation of the Zhou family is also practicing in their own way.

Ghost Dragon Gate.

Ghostfire and Ghost Eight have been unable to contact for a long time.

This made the elders of Guilongmen somewhat puzzled.

Finally, after deliberation, they decided to send Guizhi to explore.

"Guizhi, the Hantian mineral vein is a mineral of the Zhou family. You must be careful here." An elder said with a serious heart.

"Elders can rest assured that I will find out the truth. If the ghost fire and the ghost eight are really killed by the Zhou family, I will definitely seek justice." Guizhi clasped his fists.

Because of the treasure event, his status in the ghost dragon gate gradually declined.

This was an opportunity for meritorious service. Ghost Zhi vowed to be beautiful and let Zongmen's senior officials know his role.

"Well, you go." The elder nodded.

Ghost Zhi hurried on and off, and finally came to the other end of the cold sky mine when night fell.

"According to intelligence, Ghost Fire and Ghost Eight should be here to ambush the younger generation of the Zhou family." Gui Zhi secretly said.

He looked around, very empty, and found nothing.

"Go in and see, maybe Ghost Fire and Ghost Eight are trapped in a certain area." Ghost Zhi said.

Immediately, Guizhi entered the cold sky mine veins.

He searched carefully in the veins.

In an instant, it was dawn.

After a night of searching, there were no clues.

This made Gu Zhi probably sure that the ghost fire and the ghost eight should be traumatized.

Just when he was thinking, he suddenly found someone coming in.


Guizhi was hidden in the dark and found to be a mining worker.


The ghost's body flashed, and his big hand reached out, directly buckling the miner's throat.

"Don't call if you want to live." Gui Zhi coldly said.

Immediately, he took the man to a dark place.

"You ... what do you want?"

The miner was a little scared and his body was shaking.

"Whatever I ask, you answer." Gui Zhi said: "Otherwise, I will kill you." "≠" ≠ >> ≠ >> ≠,

"You said……"

"Recently, are there any abnormalities in Hantian's veins?" Gui Zhi asked.

"A month ago, the Hantian mineral vein discovered an unknown creature, and the descendant released a five-star mission." Miner said, "Fang Chen was the one who took the mission, and he disappeared after entering the vein. The last two Zhou Hongda came and found the unknown The creature disappeared and the vein regained calm. "

After listening to the miner's words, he frowned.

"Fang Chen?"

"It's the warrior who came back from the Holy Dragon Mountains with Master Zhou Punishment." The miner said tremblingly.

Ghost Zhi nodded, then punched out, and the miner's body fell softly to the ground.

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