Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1662: Idiot Zhou Xiange

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

When Fang Chen had just arrived at Zhou's house, Zhou Hongda was able to deal with it.

How long has it been since Fang Chen's strength has risen to a shocking point.

In terms of how to say, Zhou Hongda is also a triple warrior of the ages, and he is very strong.

However, in the face of Fang Chen, he was hit by a punch and fell into a coma.

Even the weekly punishment from the sprint was stunned on the spot.


Zhou punishment froze for a moment, then ecstatic.

He quickly came to Fang Chen's side and said with a laugh: "Congratulations to Fang Brother, his strength has soared."

Over the past few months, he has always believed that Fang Chen must not be dead.

Now it seems that Fang Chen not only died, but also should have some chances, his strength has soared.

While Zhou Fei was chatting with Fang Chen, many disciples around him were shocked.

When Zhou Xiange came here, he suddenly discovered that Zhou Hongda had fallen to the ground and passed out.

"Damn ..."

Zhou Xiange clenched his fists, his heart full of anger.

Everyone in the Zhou family knows that Zhou Hongda is his Zhou Xiange.

And Fang Chen's blatant shot against Zhou Hongda, this is simply a naked face.

Zhou Xiange narrowed his eyes, and a cold breath appeared.

He wants to let this, the humble guy, get the punishment he deserves.

"Fang Chen, do whatever you want to deal with the children of the Zhou family in the city, what should you do?"

Zhou Xiange asked coldly.

In his eyes, he emitted a terrifying light and looked directly at Fang Chen.

However, the latter did not care.

"Zhou Hongda shot first." Fang Chen said lightly.

The side penalty nodded and explained: "Yes, I can prove it. If it weren't for Zhou Hongda's aggressiveness, Fang wouldn't shoot."

"Huh, full of nonsense, Zhou Hongda just suspected that Fang Chen had a second heart for the Zhou family, so he had to capture him, but this person was ruthless, and actually started to be so heavy, what kind of person is eligible to stay in our Zhou family?" .

He glanced at Fang Chen glaringly, wishing he could shoot him directly.

However, what he has is a way to deal with Fang Chen, there is no need to shoot his own.

"This logic is also drunk. Could Zhou Hongda want to kill me or not allow me to resist?" Fang Chen retorted relentlessly.

"Zhou Hongda just wanted to capture you, why did you kill you?" Zhou Xiange said.

Fang Chen sneered and said, "Everyone on the scene saw that Zhou Hongda's attack was very fierce, and he was very overbearing. He just wanted to kill me. Could he stand still and let him attack?"

"It's ridiculous, the children of the Zhou family actually said such an idiot." Fang Chen said strongly: "If it is me who fell on the ground now, will you Zhou Xiange take the lead for me? After all, you Zhou Xiange is just a cover Zhou Hongda only. "

The weekly punishment on the side, fell into silence, but his attitude can show everything.

He supported Fang Chen and stood on Fang Chen's side.

"If you Zhou Xiange really thinks so, then why do you shoot me now and kill me?" Fang Chen's eyes were full of ridicule.

It's not that he despised Zhou Xiange, it was the latter's strength that could not enter his eyes.

Zhou Xiange is also famous among the children of the Zhou family.

Moreover, he also ranks in the Gubang. Although it is only the ranking at the end of the Gubang, it is enough to explain the problem.

Never been a weak warrior, so humiliated.

Zhou Xiange is very angry now.

"Boy, do you know the consequences of angering me?" Zhou Xiange said with a somber face, gritted his teeth.

"I don't know." Fang Chen shook his head.

Fang Chen's indifferent expression completely angered Zhou Xiange.

The latter was shocked all over the body, "Today, I am going to be justified by Zhou Hongda."

Zhou Xiange shot, his fists clenched, and his breath rose to the extreme.

However, Fang Chen's words almost made Zhou Xiange's coma pass.

"Zhou Xiange, your strength is too weak. I disdain to deal with you." Fang Chen shook his head, and never thought about playing with Zhou Xiange.

"Boy, you are dead."

Zhou Xiange roared.

However, at this time, the warriors on the street have given way to one after another.

Several Gubang strongmen led by Zhou Fengyang appeared.

"Great tone."

Zhou Tongyu, ninth in Gubang, sneered.

The emergence of these strong men, Zhou Xiange forcibly suppressed his inner anger, and immediately clenched his fists: "Bring Feng Yang to rule for me."

Immediately, Zhou Xiange told Zhou Fengyang the whole story.

Of course, it is inevitable to add oil and vinegar.

Although Zhou Puyi wanted to defend himself during the period, he was stopped by Fang Chen.

This excuse is useless, let them talk.

After a moment, Zhou Fengyang glanced at Fang Chen coldly after listening to Zhou Xiange's description.

It was this guy from the beginning, who snatched his five-star mission.

Zhou Fengyang is a vengeful person who has always resented Fang Chen in his heart.

Now, finally found the opportunity.

"Fang Chen, you broke Zhou's rules and deserve to be punished by the Zhou's family." Zhou Fengyang said with a high profile, said indifferently.

"Zhou Fengyang, anyway, you are also one of the top five in Gubang. It's really worrying for your IQ to be able to say such an idiot." Fang Chen laughed.

Being mocked by Fang Chen, Zhou Fengyang was naturally angry.

"Since you are so ignorant, there is no need for our Zhou family to treat you. If I shoot you, you will definitely think that our Zhou family is bullying." After all, Zhou Fengyang looked at Zhou Xiange and said: " Xian Ge, you know what to do. "

"Feng Yang, rest assured, I will definitely capture this thief." Zhou Xiange said in a deep voice.

Zhou Fengyang nodded, "If he resists, you can kill on the spot."

Zhou Xiange heard the words, happily in his heart, step by step toward Fang Chen.

"Boy, just grab your hand and catch it, otherwise, I will not show mercy to Zhou Xiange."

Facing the threat of Zhou Xiange, Fang Chen closed his eyes directly.

"You kind of trash, deserve to talk to me."

What happened on the street has spread to the ears of the high-level people in the family.

In the Nether Clouds, many elders, including the Zhou family elders, are watching this scene.

"The patriarch, the deadline has passed, this son has not yet entered the ancient list, did the original promises have to be fulfilled?" Asked one of the elders.

"Yes, patriarch, you can't deliberately cover him up because of punishment."

Hearing the elders, the patriarch shook his head slightly: "Don't you find that Fang Chen's strength has improved a lot."

"Zhou Xiange is a strong player in Gubang. Anyway, wait until the end of this war." The patriarch continued: "If he can defeat Zhou Xiange, it means that he has the strength of Gubang and he can naturally stay in my Zhou family."

Scanning the many elders, the patriarch asked, "Are you in trouble?"

"Of course I have no opinion. As long as he can defeat Zhou Xiange, it proves that he is the arrogant man of heaven. What about my Zhou family resources training him?"

"Yes, if he wins this battle, I shut up."

Many elders have expressed their opinions.

On the street below.

Zhou Xiange was even more furious when he saw Fang Chen closing his eyes.

"go to hell."

Zhou Xian Ge Shi exhibited the Zhou family's magic, and his fist burst out with a wild breath.

This breath, like Jinghong, quickly shot at Fang Chen.

"Boy, I see how you resist."

Zhou Xiange moved his intention to kill. This attack contained his strongest blow.

He is confident that only Fang Chen will be hit, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured.

By that time, haven't you let him ravaged?

"Boy, just pretend."

Zhou Xiange believes that Fang Chen knows he is invincible and simply closes his eyes and poses.

Rumble ...

The scary light came to Fang Chen in an instant.

"too weak."

Fang Chen shook his head impatiently, and a voice came from his mouth.

Immediately after that, he punched out with a punch.

In front of him appeared a series of fist shadows, these fist shadows thundered together, bombarded on the horror light.


The deafening voice resounded through the sky.

After the fist shadow collided with the horror light, a strange scene happened.

The shadow of fist smashed the horror light with the destructive power.

Later, it fell on Zhou Xiange's body.


Zhou Xiange's body, like a broken kite, flew straight out.

Blood spilled over the sky.

There was silence on the street.

Everyone stared at this scene dumbfounded.

It's too exaggerated to blow the Gubang strong with one punch, right?

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