Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1665: Octopus

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On the stage, Fang Chen was extremely arrogant.

He deliberately angered Zhou Fengyang and Zhou Chen and others, let them come to the stage to fight.

But obviously, he underestimated Zhou Fengyang's tolerance limit.

He glared at Fang Chen, clenching his fists, and his heart was burning with anger.

But in the end he still refrained, because he could not determine whether he could really break Fang Chen's formation.

"Humph, arrogant."

After talking, Zhou Fengyang turned around and left without any delay.

Zhou Chen also left. As for the failed Zhou Tongyu, people have stopped paying attention.

Seeing that no one is fighting anymore, Fang Chen put away the Qiankun formation, hehe smiled and walked off the gambling table.

Zhou Xixuan moved gently, and came to Fang Chen.

"The strength of the young man is really unfathomable." Zhou Xixuan said softly.

Fang Chen smiled lightly: "Xixuan Fairy praises the error."

"If the son is free, can you come to my other courtyard to recount?" Zhou Xixuan asked.

Fang Chen could feel the envious eyes around him.

Many eyes looked at Fang Chen fiercely.

Zhou Xixuan is a fairy of the Zhou family.

However, seeing Zhou Xixuan never get close to any man on weekdays, I did not expect to invite Fang Chen to go to his and her other courtyard to narrate now.

"Fairy invited, how could Fang Mou refuse? If free, Fang Mou will naturally visit the fairy." Fang Chen smiled.

"Then I will wait for the son to come."

With a smile on his face, Zhou Xixuan slowly left the gambling platform.

For a time, Fang Chen became the focus of the gambling arena.

In the void clouds.

Many seniors, including the patriarch, were very satisfied with the performance of this party.

"How? I said at the beginning, this child has high potential, and my Zhou family's investment in him is worth it." The patriarch smiled.

But at the beginning, it was against the public discussion, and Fang Chen was forced to stay.

Now this kid can easily beat Zhou Tongyu, which can be regarded as a long face.

Within a few months, he can be ranked among the top ten of the Gubang. In his Zhou family calendar, I am afraid that only the ancients have such genius.

His Zhou family branch has not been a genius for a long time.

In recent years, there has been a weekly penalty, and the Zhou family has great expectations for him.


In this fight, Fang Chen earned a million inferior spirit stones.

In addition to the 1.6 million he had before, the total number of **** stones reached 2.6 million.

However, during this period, the little mouse ate 100,000 pieces, so only 2.5 million pieces remained.

In the courtyard.

Fang Chen sat on the stone bench, opposite him, the little mouse squatted.

"Boss, how is Ant Egg?"

Ant eggs are a big killer. If they can breed an ant royal family, they might be able to be ant queens in the future.

"There is not much improvement." Fang Chen said.

"Boss, you try to inject some energy to see what happens to it?"

According to the proposal of the little mouse, Fang Chen injected his own strength into the ant egg.

Hiss ...

After the ant eggs absorbed their power, nothing changed.

"No change." Fang Chen spread his hand and shook his head.

"Boss, the energy required by the ant egg is divine power. You try to put the spirit stone in to see if it will absorb it." The little mouse said.

As a deity-eating rat, he has inherited memories and knows many secrets.

Fang Chen heard the words, and as soon as his eyes lit up, he placed the spirit stone next to the ant egg according to the mouse.

A strange situation appeared, and the ant egg felt the divine power emanating from the spirit stone, and suddenly began to vibrate.

"Something happened."

Fang Chen was very excited and continued to stare at Ant Egg.

After a while, the power in the spirit stone was completely absorbed by the ant eggs.

"There is not much change, but it is certain that it can absorb the spirit stone." Fang Chen said slightly. "Can the **** stone be nurtured, can it be conceived before?"

"The more energy the ant egg absorbs, the shorter the gestation time will be," said the little mouse.

After discovering this, Fang Chen suddenly placed a stone **** stone.

Huh ...

After a few breaths, the deity stone completely disappeared.

"This ... is it too fast?"

Fang Chen continued to put the spirit stone beside the ant egg.

Ant eggs are madly absorbing the divine power in the spirit stone, and some subtle changes have also occurred in the process.

Finally, after absorbing about 10,000 **** stones, Ant Egg stopped absorbing the divine power.

"It should be saturated." Fang Chen said.

Immediately, he stared at Ant Egg.

"The surface of the ant egg has a golden light looming."

Although very subtle, Fang Chen still caught it.

This discovery made Fang Chen very happy.

After the ant egg absorbs the divine power in the deity stone, it has changed, which shows that the deity stone is helpful to it.

"Boss, that's great. As long as there are enough **** stones, they can be quickly bred." The little mouse was also very happy.

He also looked forward to having an ant emperor as a partner in the future.

"Earn God Stone."

With his current strength, there is not much challenge in the Zhou family.

The only thing to do is to earn the spirit stone.


The next day, Fang Chen came to the pseudo-Zhou Tianxing Tower again.

Last time I broke into the tower and entered the second floor.

This time, Fang Chen's goal is the fourth layer, which is the highest layer.


Easily entered the pseudo-Zhou Tianxing Tower, and then quickly passed through the first floor to the second floor.

"carry on."

Fang Chentou did not return and entered the third floor.

After entering the third floor, feeling a trace of pressure, Fang Chen directly arranged the Qiankun formation.

Rumble ...

Innumerable attacks are resisted by Qiankun formation.

"It's too easy."

Seeing the Qiankun formation, Fang Chen had to sigh that the formation together was really vast and extremely mysterious.

Before, he would not have thought that he could have such a formation.

"The Qiankun formation is so strong, I don't know how strong the formation above it is?"

Fang Chen guessed that the more powerful formation, once arranged, should be able to learn mountains and rivers?

That kind of powerful formation is not something he can touch now.

"With the proficient application, the control of the Qiankun formation is becoming more and more proficient." Fang Chen was very happy.

In this way, he easily broke through the third floor.

Before coming to the entrance of the fourth floor, Fang Chen encountered great challenges.

At the entrance of the fourth floor, there is a creature with a strong breath.

This creature has eight hooves and six heads.

"It's so strong, it seems to have divine power in its body."

The eight-hoofed creature opened its blood basin with a big mouth, and the other party opened its teeth and claws.

"Humans, want to enter the fourth floor, and break through my level." Eight-hoofed creature spit out.

"Defeat you, or just trap you?" Fang Chen asked.

"Huh, based on your current strength, also trying to defeat me? It's ridiculous." Eight-hoof creature is very confident in itself. "The warriors of the ancient world, as long as they can trap me, they will be considered passers-by."

The eight-hoof creature laughed.

Its big gong-eyed eyes looked down on Fang Chen.

"Boy, let's get started." Octopus said.

If you defeat the eight-hoof creature, it is indeed difficult.

But it ’s too easy to just trap it?

Although the Qiankun formation has not been completely controlled, it is enough to trap the eight-hoof creature.

Besides, the eight-hoof creature is only approaching the God-Man indefinitely, and it is not yet a true God-Man.

The whole body circulates the divine power, but it cannot really control the divine power.

Seeing the fierce and evil eight-hoof creature, Fang Chen was not afraid.

"Bulk, I will enter the fourth floor."

After all, Fang Chen rushed to the eight-hoof creature.

The latter didn't care about Fang Chen at all, and the eight hoofs stretched out suddenly, grabbing Fang Chen.

Suddenly, Fang Chen felt that the space was distorted, and great pressure invaded.

"Thanks to the Qiankun formation, otherwise, it is impossible to resist the attack of the eight-hoof creature." Fang Chen said.


Fang Chen displayed the space-time book, avoiding the blow of the eight-hoof creature, and then quickly arranged the Qiankun formation.

"Bulk, try my formation."

"Stupid human beings, with the formation method, just want to trap me?" Eight-footed creature sneered. "≠" ≠ "≠" ≠,

Huh ...

In a blink of an eye, the Qiankun formation was completed.

The interior is a self-contained space that completely isolates the eight-footed creature from the outside world.

At this time, the face of the eight-hoof creature finally changed.

"What kind of formation is this?" The eight-hoof creature shouted.

"Big guy, how about my formation?"

Fang Chen grinned and swayed toward the fourth floor entrance.

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