Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1675: Ghost Dragon Gate

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

"Dare to die, dare to talk hard?"

In fact, the ghost dragon gate master has regarded Fang Chen as a dead man.

For this day, he was well prepared.

The Holy Light Church has successfully penetrated into the Northern Territory. In this operation, he will wipe out the Zhou family in one fell swoop.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

A warrior from the ages cannot afford any waves.

The eyes of the master of the Dragon Gate turned to the head of the Zhou family.

"Old Zhou Zhou, if you have any last words, please hurry up and you will have no chance in a while." The ghost dragon gate sneered.

"My children of the Zhou family, swear to resist." The Zhou family growled.

"Vow to resist." Deafening voice resounded through the sky.


With the order of the ghost dragon gate master, everyone in the ghost dragon gate launched an attack.

The disciples of the Zhou family also regarded death as their home, and the scene was extremely chaotic.


Seeing the battle was about to start, suddenly the space was still.

"what happened?"

The ghost dragon gate master was terrified, his body could not move.

"Brother Hanlong."

Only Fang Chen can move freely.

He looked at the sky and said with a laugh.

Hanlong Lingwang strolled out of the void and landed on Yanwutai.

"Brother Hanlong's business is over?" Fang Chen asked.

"Yeah, I came here as soon as I was busy. I just saw you fighting, so I didn't bother you." Hanlong Lingwang smiled.

Seeing the Hanlong Spirit King, the ghost dragon gate master was even more shocked.

This person's body actually circulates the divine power.

"God, is he a god?"

The ghost dragon gate master was terrified.


The Hanlong Spirit King waved his hand freely, and the space stillness was lifted.

In an instant, everyone resumed operations.

"Seniors, juniors don't know that you have a good relationship with him, juniors are convicted."

The owner of the ghost dragon gate hurriedly begged for mercy and made some jokes.

Even though he is very strong, there is no resistance in front of the gods.

How could he not understand how the Northern Territory appeared a **** from out of thin air?

And this **** seems to be good with Fang Chen.


The ghost dragon gate master cursed secretly.

However, he still bowed his head, waiting for the Hanlong Spirit King to speak.

Compared with the sadness of the ghost dragon gate, everyone on the Zhou family was full of smiles.

Tenjin, the **** above, actually knew Fang Chen, and the relationship was very good.

"Brother Fang, please wait for a while." Han Longling said.

Raising his hand and throwing it in his feet, the body of the Hanlong Spirit King contains a breath of suffocation.

Being watched by the Hanlong Spirit King, the Lord of the Dragon Gate lowered his head and his heart shivered.

"Hidden deep enough." Hanlong Lingwang said something that made everyone feel puzzled.

Suddenly, the ghost dragon gate master giggled.

"It was found."

The Ghost Dragon Gate Master gritted his teeth and punched his head with a sudden punch.

Click ...

The head shattered, and the ghost dragon master killed instantly.

No one thought of the sudden change.

"What's going on?" Fang Chen asked doubtfully.

"Humph, it's simply dead."

Cold Dragon Spirit King swept the disciple of Guilongmen with cold eyes.

Wow ...

He reached out with big hands, and there were countless disciples who were directly beheaded by him.

After a round of attacks, only a few disciples remained, tremblingly waiting for the trial.

"Let's go." Han Longling said.

These disciples were relieved and quickly left.

"This senior, thank you for your help." The Zhou family chief thanked with a fist.

Cold Dragon Spirit King shook his head and said, "They **** it."

Having finished speaking, regardless of the doubts of the Zhou family, he turned and said: "Let's go."

Fang Chen froze for a moment, and then looked at the Zhou family elder.

"Patriarch Zhou, I have disturbed Zhou's family during this time. I will go first. If there is time in the future, I will come back."


Hanlong Lingwang took Fang Chen and left the Zhou family.

The Zhou family is directly frying the pan, thinking it was a **** battle, who can know that in the end it actually led to the gods.

"Patriarch, the ghost dragon gate is destroyed, this is a great opportunity."

"Yeah, the ghost dragon gate master is dead, we should immediately occupy the territory of the ghost dragon gate."


The Zhou family head was a little worried.

"Patriarch, we can properly release the wind and say that there is a **** coming out and destroying the ghost dragon gate master." The elder said: "In this case, they will definitely think that there is a **** behind our Zhou family, we must not dare to treat our Zhou family Shot. "

After weighing the pros and cons, the family head Zhou issued an order.

Then, everyone in the Zhou family went to the ghost dragon gate territory.

The Hanlong Spirit King took Fang Chen and hurried through the void.

"Brother Hanlong, why did the ghost dragon gate suicide?" Fang Chen asked doubtfully.

Even if you are afraid of the gods, it should not be like this.

"He is the aftermath of the Holy Light religion."

"What is Holy Light?"

"The Holy Light Church is the most evil force hidden in God Realm. Their practice is based on the killing of human warriors. The seven top forces of God Realm jointly issued orders to eradicate the Holy Light Church. However, the Holy Light Church is too deep to hide. No trace can be found. "Han Long Ling Wang explained.

Fang Chen's heart shook.

The seven top forces of God Realm, but that is the power that controls the entire God Realm.

Unexpectedly, Shengguang can actually contend with the top seven forces for so long.

"Normally, you can only kill some little priests of the Holy Light Church." Han Longling said: "For example, the ghost dragon gate master just now is the lowest disciple in the Holy Light Church."

"If the top powers of God Realm join forces, should they be able to destroy the Holy Light Church?" Fang Chen asked.

Hanlong Lingwang shook his head.

"If it could be done, it would have been done long ago." Han Longling said: "In fact, three hundred million years ago, the seven top forces joined forces to carry out an encirclement and suppression of the Holy Light religion. It was terrible, but it was not completely eliminated. "

"Since the encirclement and suppression, the Holy Light religion seems to have disappeared from God Realm." Han Longling said: "Moreover, the Holy Light religion involves some of the universe's secrets. To deal with the Holy Light religion, a little carelessness will trigger The universe collapsed and the great destruction came early. "

This is obviously not what God Powerhouse wants to see.

"It turns out so."

Holy light teaching, to the other party, is too far away.

"If the Holy Light religion lurks in God Realm, how can it be discovered?" Fang Chen asked.

"There is something called the Holy Light of the Lingtai in the disciples of the Holy Light. The source of their strength is the Holy Light of the Lingtai. Although they have disguised their power into divine power and heavenly power. But they can still find it." Han Long Ling Wang said briefly.

"Brother Hanlong, where are you taking me?" Fang Chen asked.

"Go to my sect."


The gate of the Hanlong Spirit King is called the Holy Sun Sect.

Holy Sun Sect, located on the edge of the extreme east, can be regarded as a medium-sized force of God Realm.

Compared with the ghost dragon gate, Zhou family, green union city, black dragon sect is much stronger.

The return of the Hanlong Spirit King triggered the shock of the Holy Sun Sect.

Everyone thought that the Hanlong Spirit King had fallen. Who would have thought that not only did he not fall, but he suddenly became a god.

A few months later, Hanlong Lingwang took Fang Chen to the Holy Sun Sect.

"This is the Holy Sun Sect." Hanlong Lingwang introduced.

The place where Holy Sun Sect is located is a high mountain peak.

"For the time being, you will live in the Holy Sun Sect for a period of time. I will ask the Sect Master, maybe you will have the opportunity to send you to the Tiangu Palace."

The Hanlong Lingwang settled Fang Chen in the Holy Sun Sect and was about to leave.

"By the way, my younger brother is also an ascendant. I will bring him to see you later, maybe he will be interested in you."

After all, Hanlong Lingwang turned and left.

"Ascensionist? Who is it?"

Counting the strong men who ascended to the realm of the lower realm.

Who is this Saint Sunzong?

Fang Chen thought randomly, and suddenly he felt that Xu Mijie was moving.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Fang Chen hurriedly took the Xu Mijie and suddenly saw a token flashing faintly.

"this is……"

Seeing this token glowing, Fang Chen was ecstatic.

This token was given to Xingyue.

Within a certain distance, the token will be sensed.

Now, the token is moving, which means that Xingyue must also be in the Far East.

"Xingyue, are you?"

Fang Chen held the token and his heartbeat accelerated.

At this moment, a voice came outside the courtyard.

"Brother, my brother, like you, also ascended from the lower realm. I will take you to see you, maybe there is still a connection between you."

The voice of Hanlong Lingwang came and interrupted Fang Chen's thoughts.

Fang Chen quickly withdrew the token and happened to see Han Long Ling Wang coming in.

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