Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1677: Xingyue

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Ripple Tenjin received Xingyue as an apprentice in his later years.

Very fond of Xingyue, even more than all the disciples of Lianhua Mountain.

Ripple Tenjin is the real Tenjin Realm. Looking at God Realm, only the true God above him can make him bow his head.

The Zhou family is in the extreme east, and has great power. Even so, they dare not offend Lotus Mountain.

Just because there is ripple **** in Lotus Mountain.

In fact, Ripple's vision is very poisonous.

At the beginning, Xingyue was a disciple, and everyone on Lotus Hill was very puzzled.

At that time, Xingyue was too weak to bear the pressure of God Realm.

But it happened that he met Ripple Tenjin, who brought it back to Lotus Mountain.

Xingyue also proved its potential with practical actions.

In the vast environment of God Realm, countless cultivation resources are superimposed, and now it has become a real God-man.

Although it is just a metamorphosis, it is really extraordinary.

With the improvement of cultivation, Xingyue's face became more and more beautiful.

So much so that many younger generations in Jidongdong want to witness Xingyue's style.

Ripple also wanted to find a reliable man for his apprentice.

However, Xingyue has never agreed.

"Yue'er, you never leave Lianhua Mountain in peacetime, why do you want to leave now?" Ripple Heavenly God indulged and asked.

"Master, I have some things to deal with." Xingyue said briefly.

Ripple Tenjin saw it, and did not stop it.

"After going out, be careful in everything. If you encounter someone who is invincible, just report my name. If you want to come to the extreme east, my name should be able to save your life." Ripple Tenjin said slightly.

After saying goodbye to Ripples, Xingyue went all the way west.

She is the most favorite disciple of Ripple Tenjin, and the flying artifact is of course not a problem.

Ride the flying artifact and follow the token's guidance, and came to the territory where Saint Sunzong was located a few days later.

"This is the territory of Saint Sunzong, is Brother Chen here?"

Xingyue's figure, suspended in the sky, took out the token and watched carefully.

There is nothing wrong with the guidance of the token, it must be here.

"Brother Chen, wait for me."

Xingyue whispered, and immediately moved on.

When Xingyue came to the foot of Shengrizong Mountain, she was a little surprised.

According to the token guide, Fang Chen is within the Holy Sun Sect.

But how did Fang Chen enter the Holy Sun Sect? Was it a disciple who was accepted as a disciple?

In addition, Xingyue could not think of other possibilities.

"Maybe, Brother Chen has an opportunity."

Xingyue couldn't wait to see Fang Chen, jumped and flew towards the peak.

When she came to the mountainside, she was stopped by the guard guarding the mountain gate.

"This is the most important place for Holy Sun Sect, and idlers are not allowed to enter."

"I am a disciple of Lianhuashan Ripples, and I came to see the Lord of the Holy Sun." Xingyue clenched his fists.

"What? Disciple of Lotus Hill?"

The guard heard the words, his face slightly changed, and hurried back to inform.

The land of the Far East, the name of Lianhua Mountain, is known to everyone.

The name of the rippled **** is even louder.

After a while, the guard took Hanlong Spirit King to the mountainside.

The Hanlong Spirit King is a little curious. They are still planning to hear news from Lianhua Mountain. Why did the disciples of Lianhua Mountain come to Holy Sun Sect?

"This girl, the Holy Sun Sect Master is no longer going out, and the old man comes to greet me, I don't know what is the price of the girl coming to my Holy Sun Sect?" Han Longling Wang smiled.

"I'm looking for someone."

Xingyue said.

At the same time, Fang Chen who practiced in the Holy Sun Sect.

Suddenly his body shivered, and then he quickly took out the token.

"Why is the token movement so great?"

Fang Chen's face was covered with doubt.

"Boss, do you say the sister-in-law will find the place according to the token guide?" Said the little mouse.

Wen Yan was very excited in Fang Chen's heart.



The space-time book is running, and Fang Chen's figure, almost blinking, has merged into the void.

Fang Chen at this moment, the speed is running to the extreme, and in a blink of an eye he came to the gate of Saint Sunjong.

When his eyes fell on the mountain gate, he was stunned instantly.

That's not Xingyue, who else can?


Fang Chen put away the token and landed, shouting loudly.

Xingyue, who was talking to the Hanlong Spirit King, heard the voice, slightly stunned, and immediately turned around.

Seeing Fang Chen running wildly, tears in his eyes could not restrain it.

"Brother Chen."

Xingyue quickly walked towards Fang Chen. When the two met, they instantly rushed into each other's arms.

Fang Chen held Xingyue tightly in both hands, as if dreaming.

"Yue'er, I finally found you."

This sentence contains endless bitterness.

It has been several years since I came to God Realm, and finally saw my wife.

The obsession in Fang Chen's heart finally fell.

The Hanlong Lingwang on the side widened his eyes and looked at this scene.

After a long time, he laughed and was very happy.

The cold smile of the Hanlong Spirit King interrupted the quiet atmosphere.

Fang Chen looked at Hanlong Lingwang awkwardly.

"You continue, don't care about me."

After all, Hanlong Lingwang turned and left.

At this moment, in the hearts of the two, only each other.

As if in this world, only two of them are the same.

"I knew that, Brother Chen, you would come to God Realm to find me." Xingyue said crying.

Fang Chen gently wiped the tears on Xingyue Qiao's face, and then said softly, "Yue'er, aren't we together? Why are you crying?"

"I'm happy."

Although there are only three simple words, it represents the endless thoughts of Xingyue and other parties over the years.

No one can understand the pain.

The farthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death.

It's that they love each other, but they can't meet each other.

In Xingyue's mind, I recalled the ancient sword continent bit by bit.

In such a short time, Fang Chen can dominate the lower realm from the ancient sword continent, and then ascend to the God Realm.

Xingyue fully understood how much bitterness he had suffered.

"We will never separate again."

Xingyue hugged Fang Chen tightly, fearing that this was a dream.

That kind of painful days, she never wanted to go back.

"Relax, no one can separate us." Fang Chen said firmly.

Over the years, he has only one thought to practice hard, that is to go to God Realm and find his wife.

Long time is better than newlyweds.

Fang Chen and Xingyue haven't seen each other for many years.

For the gods of the **** realm, for a few years, it was just a flick.

However, for Fang Chen and Xingyue who have been practicing for less than a century, these few years are really too difficult.

There is a feeling of living like a year.

But now, finally, it is hard work.

The two were quiet in the world of two, and forgot everything.

When the two were aware, it was too late and Haoyue was empty.

"Yue'er, you are so beautiful."

Fang Chen stared at Xingyue with emotion, and said softly.

When Xingyue heard the words, her pretty face was reddish and her head was lowered.

"Brother Chen, how did you come to the Far East?" Xingyue asked.

Fang Chen told Xingyue all the things he had experienced in the extreme south.

In this way, the whole night, the two have been talking about everything they have experienced over the years.

Until the next day, dawn came.

Xingyue felt a trace of tiredness.

"Yue'er, I will take you to see my elder brother." Fang Chen said.


Holy Sun Sect, in a courtyard.

Cold Dragon Spirit King and Heavenly Priest are discussing things, Fang Chen is here.

"Brother Hanlong, Brother Heavenly Prison." Fang Chen clenched his fists.

"Haha, I thought your kid had forgotten our two old men." Hanlong Lingwang quipped.

Hearing that, Xingyue Qiao blushed slightly, embarrassed.

"Brother Hanlong, this is my wife Xingyue." Fang Chen said.

"No wonder you let your kid's soul dream, it turned out to be such a beautiful beauty." Hanlong Lingwang laughed.

The saints on the side also nodded, "Fang Chen, congratulations."

Xingyue had long learned from Fang Chen that the Hanlong Spirit King and the Heavenly Hell Saints.

"Meet the two seniors." Xingyue clenched his fists.

"You're wrong when you say that. Your husband called me brother, but you called my senior ..." Han Longling quipped.

"Hanlong ... Brother." Xingyue whispered.


There was laughter in the courtyard.

Fang Chen was able to meet Xingyue, and Hanlong Spirit King and Saint Hell were also very happy.

However, things are not as simple as they thought.

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