Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1746: Unsuitable

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The words of the Zhou family's top management changed the face of everyone.

He is using the Zhou family head to threaten everyone in order to achieve his purpose.

Panyue Zhanxian narrowed her eyes and watched all this quietly.

Holy Sun Sect's Cold Dragon Spirit King and Heavenly Prison Saints were flushed and very angry.

"It's mean enough."

While the two were talking, Qi Qi stood in front of Fang Chen.

"Is it bullying me that there is no one in the Holy Sun Sect? I want to see, how can your Zhou family move my Saint Sun Sect disciple today?" Han Longling Wang said coldly.

"Hanlong Lingwang, do you know what you are doing? Doing so will bring disaster to the Holy Sun Sect." Zhou Jia senior said.

"Humph, it's ridiculous." Hanlong Lingwang sneered.

Upon seeing this, the senior Zhou family stepped out and made two punches.

Suddenly, a terrifying fist swept through.

"not good."

Fang Chen screamed badly. This person is a strong man in the heavenly realm, not at all able to resist the cold dragon spirit king and the heavenly saint.

Right now, I am afraid that only Panyue Zhanxian can resist.


The senior Zhou family shot to suppress the cold dragon spirit king and the celestial saint, and then said to another **** sect realm god.

Shenzong Realm stepped out step by step, the whole body was breathing, and Fang Chen felt his body seemed to be imprisoned.

His heart was burning with anger.

However, reason told him not to fight hard.

Fang Chen's gaze fell on Panyue Zhanxian's body among the electric light and flint.

Right now, I only have Pan Yue Zhanxian to help, I hope to succeed.

"Senior Panxian War Immortal, please also help the younger."

Fang Chen clenched his fists and said to this moon war fairy.

The latter was somewhat stunned and immediately asked lazily: "Little fellow, although you are kind to me, you won't let me do it for you."

If Panyue Battle Immortal is shot, it will inevitably be opposed to the Zhou family.

For a little guy, it's obviously not worth it.

Everyone nodded their heads, how could the Panyue War Immortals exist easily?

Ripple looked at it indifferently, as if she had nothing to do with her. And the Queen of Immortal Void behind him is very anxious.

"Tangtang Zhou family, sent a Shenzong realm god, to deal with a disciple who discouraged the realm, aren't you afraid of being laughed at?" Said the Queen Xianxu coldly.

She wanted to shoot, but she was blocked by Sister Ripple Tenjin.

She understood the meaning of Sister Sister and did not want to intervene in this matter.


When Sister stopped her, she understood the meaning of the latter.

Fang Chen has no chance.

Looking at Fang Chen who was about to be attacked by the Zhou family god, the Queen Xianxu sighed and shook her head.


Seeing that the attack of the Zhoujia Tianshen was coming, Fang Chen hurriedly transmitted the sound to Panyue Zhanxian.

At the same time, a unique atmosphere belonging to Panyue Xiandong was secretly released.

The originally lazy Panyue Zhanxian suddenly stared at Fang Chen with wide eyes.

"You come from the lower realm?" Panyue Zhanxian Chuanyin said.

Fang Chen nodded and said: "The juniors got Panyue Xiandong when they were in the lower realm."

This sentence is enough to make Panyue Zhanxian shot.

"It turns out so."

The breath of Panyue Xiandong will not deceive him.


Suddenly, Pan Yue Zhanxian's body appeared a terrible war intention, the next moment his figure flashed, appeared in front of Fang Chen.


With a punch, the space seemed to collapse.

Fang Chen behind him shook his heart.

Is this the strength of Panyue Zhanxian? With a punch, the world changed.

The Zhou family's Shenzongjing Tianshen couldn't withstand Panyue's attack on Immortals, and it was retreat in distress.

"Panyue Battle Immortal, what do you mean?"

This sudden change made everyone stunned.

Why did Panyue Zhanxian suddenly shoot, what does this mean?

The most angry thing is the senior Zhou family, who originally thought that Panyue Zhanxian would scold Zhou family and would not shoot.

But now ...

"Do I need a reason for my Panyue Zhanxian shot?" Panyue Zhanxian said indifferently.

Everyone suddenly realized, yeah, Pan Yue and Immortal exist, does he need a reason to shoot?

His fist makes sense.

Everyone thoughtfully looked at Panyue Zhanxian, things were getting more and more exciting.

I don't know what Fangchen said to Panyue Zhanxian, but the latter actually let him do it.

"Panyue War Immortal, you are too much."

The senior Zhou family took out a token from his arms, and injected the divine power into it, and the token suddenly emitted a dazzling light.


Everyone felt the tremor of the earth, and then a phantom appeared gradually in the void.


The senior officials of the Zhou family gave up suppressing the cold dragon spirit king and the heavenly saint, and said with a fist.

"What's the matter?"

This is an illusion of the Zhou family head, his deity is within the clan.

"Patriarch, Leier is dead." Zhou's senior whispered.

The ghost's complexion changed suddenly.

After a long time, he said in a deep voice: "Who killed?"

"I suspect that Leier's death is related to Fang Chen, and I want to capture it for interrogation, but it is blocked by Panyue Zhanxian." Zhou's senior officials told the truth.

He knew that Panyue Immortal's involvement in this matter was beyond his control, so he could only summon the patriarch.


The patriarch's gaze fell on Panyue Zhanxian.

In an instant, glanced at Fang Chen behind Pan Yue Zhan Xian.

"Panyue, I haven't seen you for a long time." Xu Ying's face showed a smile.

"Old Monster Zhou." Panyue Zhanxian nodded.

"Are you going to protect him?" Vigning asked.

"I owe him a favor." Panyue Zhanxiandao.

No one can hear the meaning of his words, that is, to protect Fang Chen.

Virtual Shadow fell into silence, thinking for a moment, and then said: "Go."

"Patriarch, does Lei'er's hatred just count like this?" Zhou's senior cried.

"Of course not, Lei Er's death, I will definitely find out what happened." Xing Ying said.

In desperation, the Zhou family could only leave Lianhua Mountain.

On the square, there was silence.

Everyone's eyes fell on Panyue Zhanxian.

Even the Ripple God looked at the latter with some surprise. She didn't understand what benefit Fang Chen gave Panyue Zhanxian.

However, these seem to have little to do with themselves.

"Ripple, don't worry about me, announce the result." Panyue Zhanxian spread his hand, and then said.

He glanced at Fang Chen with interest, and walked to Gusen.

Fang Chen is also waiting for Ripple Tenjin to announce the result.

In the eyes of everyone, Ripple Tenjin came out.

Her eyes glanced over Fang Chen, and then said softly: "This time, I chose a son-in-law for my child Xingyue. No one except Fang Chen completed the task. But ..."

Ripple Tenjin paused, Fang Chen had an unknown hunch.

He clenched his fists, and his nails got caught in the meat because of excessive force.

"However, Fang Chen is too weak to meet my standards, so ..."

The next words, Ripple Tenjin did not say.

However, everyone knows that Fang Chen was ruled out by Ripples.


Fang Chen's mind is blank.

His eyes were dull, his body trembling slightly ...

After working so hard for a long time, it turned out to be the result.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the reason why Ripple Tenjin did not choose Fang Chen was not because Fang Chen was too weak. The real reason is not wanting to offend the Zhou family.

It's really ridiculous. For your own benefit, you can give up the happiness of the disciples.

This is also the so-called lovers.

The Cold Dragon Spirit King and the Heavenly Priest, dragging Fang Chen's clothes tightly, fearing that his mind would heat up and break with the Rippling God, so that would be a big trouble.

The pain spread across Fang Chen's body, and his heart hurt.

However, he is very strong.

"Old lady, my wife, no one can take away." Fang Chen clenched his fists, secretly said in his heart.

He walked towards the ripple **** step by step, the cold dragon spirit king wanted to stop, it was too late.

"Fang Chen."

Everyone yelled.

"Dare to ask Ripple Tenjin, did you make this choice for Xingyue, or for you?" Fang Chen clenched his fists.


There was an uproar in the square.

Countless Zongmen disciples stared at Fang Chen with wide eyes.

Was it because the boy was rejected because his head was hot?

How dare you question Ripple Tenjin in public?

Even if Ripple Tenjin killed him, I am afraid no one said anything?

"Huh, what choice do I have, it's not your turn to ask." Ripple Tenjin said coldly, and his back flickered and disappeared into the square. "Everyone is a visitor from afar. Later, I will host a banquet in Lotus Mountain to thank you for coming."

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