Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1795: Dragon Ball

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

The mood has improved, and the attainments have also improved a lot.

The current Fang Chen, arranged into the Holy Class array, is very easy, and the power is beyond imagination.

Using the sacred-level array method, add the unpredictable changes in the space-time book. It took almost no time to break the sword array.

Thump ...

When the fifth Tianshen disciple died in the hands of Fang Chen, the remaining Fang Long and Mo He face was full of horror.

They have never felt such terrible pressure, even in the face of the brothers, it will not be like this.

"Damn, who the **** are you?" Fang Long Shen Sheng asked.

Aside from Mohe, his body was trembling, and there was a wave of regret in his heart. If you knew this, you might as well give up.

Now it's time to hit the iron plate, and the gods can't fall all of a sudden.

Even if he teamed up with Fang Long, it would not be possible to behead him.

The only thing I can do now is to pray that this person fears the coercion of Nanling Sword Palace and let them go.

"Who is important to me?" Fang Chen smiled lightly.

"You killed the disciples of the Nanling Sword Palace, and the Sword Palace will not let you go." Fang Long threatened the Nanling Sword Palace. "If you are stared at by the Sword Palace, you will definitely die even if you escape to the end of the world."

"Boy, I advise you to let the two of us go, and we will treat this matter as if nothing has happened." Mohe also said: "Otherwise, we will immediately inform the master of the news here."

"Brother Master shot, not to mention you, even a **** who is more powerful than you, will certainly die."

During his speech, Mohe took out a special sword-shaped message from his arms to convey Yu Pei.

This sword-shaped communication of jade was used for communication among disciples of the Nanling Sword Palace.


Sword Qi surrounds Yu Pei, as long as he exerts a little force, he can pass the news.

"You have obtained the treasure inside the True Dragon Saint Tower, why do you rush to kill it? This will not do you any good." Mohe smiled bitterly.

Fang Long on the side, staring at Fang Chen with vigilance, the two of them quickly backed away.

"Do you threaten me?"

Fang Chen sneered. The man he was most afraid of was threats.

Moreover, this is still the real dragon holy tower, even if they are beheaded, how can that brother?

"My brother and I will have a battle sooner or later, I don't mind in advance." Fang Chen smiled lightly.


Seeing Fang Chen walking towards them, Mohe yelled loudly: "If you are taking a step, I will activate the communication Yu Pei."

Mohe held the communication jade tightly and shouted loudly.


A gust of wind blew past, and Mohe felt a cold breath approaching.

"Brother ..."

Mohe immediately activated Yu Pei, and then said quickly.

However, he only had time to speak to the master, and the sword-shaped communication Yu Pei was completely broken.

Thump ...

Immediately afterwards, a flash of cold light flashed over, and Mohe's body was pierced by Xingyin's sword.

"I fight with you."

Fang Long knew that he could not escape, and simply urged the whole body to want to die with Fang Chen.

"Do you explode?"

After solving Mohe, Fang Chen's figure flickered, and instantly fell into the void.

After the time and space book was repaired to the extreme, Fang Chen's perception of the time and space practice system became stronger and stronger.

As long as he does not appear, it is impossible to find his trace under the true God.

"Let's die together."

Although no trace of Fang Chen could be found, he could feel that Fang Chen must be in this area.

Tenjin Realm blew itself up, that kind of power was too strong.

If it is placed in the lower boundary, the power of self-detonation can instantly destroy the Green Bamboo Island.


The power of self-detonation, like the vast starlight, spread out instantly, and the power of terror constantly swept the entire earth.

The True Dragon Pagoda was shaking, and countless disciples of the Nanling Sword Palace felt a terrible breath and prostrate to the ground.

Cough ...

The power of the explosion spread rapidly.

Fang Chen came out of the void, a little embarrassed, and coughed lightly.

"Still underestimated the self-explosiveness of the powerful gods." Fang Chen said secretly.

Fortunately, I successfully avoided it.

"Let's go."

After solving the trouble, Fang Chen left the True Dragon Saint Tower.

However, before that, he took away all the seven people's Xuya ring.

"What's going on? What happened to True Dragon Santa?"

"Did Brother Fang Long step into the 127th floor?"

"It must be the birth of Treasure, otherwise, there can be no such big movements."

The lower class disciples of Nanling Sword Palace are all talking.

Their eyes were full of unbelievable expressions, they simply could not imagine that the sound of the previous explosion was Fang Long's self-explosion.

If this matter is passed back, the Nanling Sword Palace will also be shaken.


Inside a true dragon holy tower.

Wearing a brown shirt, with two sword eyebrows above his eyes, it seemed very cold, and the whole body exuded a monstrous and breathless atmosphere.

This man is sitting cross-legged in a high-rise of the True Dragon Santa, and is feeling.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and a sword-shaped message appeared in his palm.

"Brother ..."

There was a rapid voice in Yupei's summons, and then a sound of vibration rang, and Yupei's news broke up.


The person's complexion instantly became somber.

Seven people from Mohe and Fanglong were sent by him to the first true dragon holy tower to seize the treasure.

But now, Mohe hastily sent back a message and was unable to contact.

"Mohe is dead."

Brother Fist clenched his fists, and the sword-shaped message instantly became a powder.

Immediately, the master brother sent messages to Fang Long and other six people in succession, all with the same result.

"Who the hell? Kill them?"

The master said coldly.

With the strength of the Fanglong Seven, unless it is the top Tenjin realm strong, otherwise, it is impossible.

In Nanling Sword Palace, there are quite a few that can do this.

But they are no longer in the first true dragon holy tower.

The only explanation is that in addition to the purple robe woman, there are others who entered the real dragon treasure.

"No matter who you are, killing my disciples in Nanling Sword Palace will surely die."

The master's eyes flashed murderous intent, and said coldly.

Before that, he got the news that there was a mysterious woman in a purple robe who opened a killing ring on the first floor of the Zhenlong Tower.

When he arrived, the purple robe woman had already left.

However, judging from the remaining atmosphere at the scene, he believed that the purple robe woman must be a strong enemy of the gods.

After that, he searched the entire True Dragon Saint Tower, but he never found the whereabouts of the mysterious woman in purple robe.

But now, another tragedy has appeared.

"Good, very good. It's really interesting to dare to target me at Nanling Sword Palace."

There was a dark smile on the face of the older brother.

Since he joined the Nanling Sword Palace, so far, no one has dared to challenge the majesty of the Nanling Sword Palace.

This time, they entered the True Dragon Treasure to find an opportunity to break through to the True God.

So long ago, so many disciples died.

"This thing is not over."

Having said that, the older brother calmed down his inner anger and continued to close his eyes and feel the martial arts.

For him, even if this hatred had to be reported, it was not important to keep up with his own affairs.

"When I find the blood of the real dragon, it will surely make you corpse broken."


The second true dragon holy tower.

When Fang Chen came here, none of the disciples of Nanling Sword Palace had yet to get the treasure.

"The treasure is mine."

Fang Chen moved quickly, climbing towards the 127th floor.

Soon, he came to this level.


Taring appeared, and he carefully observed Fang Chen, his face full of surprise.

After a long time, Taring stroked his beard and smiled, "Yes, actually reached the second level."

At a glance, Ta Ling could see that Fang Chen came from the first True Dragon Saint Pagoda.

Huh ...

The egg-sized dragon ball arrived, leaving only the last dragon ball, and Fang Chen was a little excited. △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧

"Your basic martial arts can reach the second level, it is not easy. I hope you can seize this opportunity and get the real dragon blood." Taling Road.

"Young people must work hard."

After all, Fang Chen left the second Zhenlong Shengta.

He has been using the space-time book to travel through time and space, and the disciples of the Nanling Sword Palace never noticed its arrival.


A deafening voice passed into the ears of many disciples in Nanling Sword Palace who were struggling.

"The Treasure has been obtained, and the others quickly leave the True Dragon Pagoda."

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