Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1801: Xiuyun Swordsman

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Nanling Sword Palace is one of the seven top forces of God Realm.

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire Far South is almost the site of the Nanling Sword Palace. As long as the Nanling Sword Palace says, the weak forces in the Northern Territory have no room for survival.

However, existence makes sense.

Even the Nanling Sword Palace can not kill innocents indiscriminately. In that case, it will surely lead to a war of gods.

Nanling Sword Palace is a paradise for sword repairs. Even the most powerful Divine Emperor Realm of God Realm, when it comes to sword repairs, they will also rave about Nanling Sword Palace.

The Nanling Sword Palace is not only because of its powerful resources, but also the systematic training of Jianxiu disciples. This is very important.

Xiuyun swordsman, chief disciple of Nanling sword palace inner palace.

According to his status in the Nanling Sword Palace, he has surpassed most of the elders in the outer hall, even more so than the elders in the inner hall.

As long as he orders, there will be countless gods to sell his life.

Nothing else, just to be recognized by Nanling Sword Palace.

But now, Xiuyun swordsman has met two enemies.

Because I said, I met a lunatic.

Finally came to God Realm and found Xingyue hard.

For the sake of his wife Xingyue, he did not hesitate to fight against the old Tianshen Realm Ripple Tianshen, as well as the Zhou family whose power is second only to the seven top ancestors.

However, as soon as he entered the last floor of the Zhenlong Shengta, Fang Chen discovered that his wife Xingyue was actually fighting with the Xiuyun swordsman.

He was furious and looked at Xiuyun Swordsman.

Xiuyun swordsman is also staring at Fang Chen, he wants to know where this guy came from.

In the land of the extreme south, some of the more powerful decentralized celestial gods, who can call the name, he knows.

But this person has a real face.

For a long time, Xiuyun swordsman feels extremely gloomy. And cunning workmanship is also his label.

He did not underestimate Fang Chen because he was young, on the contrary.

Even the second teacher could not enter the last floor of the True Dragon Pagoda, and this person could easily enter.

All this is enough to illustrate the problem.

Previously, this mysterious purple robe woman made him very helpless.

Now, another one popped up.

The Xiuyun swordsman frowned slightly, but he was trying to suppress Fang Chen.

"Boy, do you know who you are talking to?"

Xiuyun Swordsman tried to threaten Fang Chen with Nanling Sword Palace. After all, if it were a common god, hearing the name of Nanling Sword Palace would be frightening.

"The chief disciple of Nanling Sword Palace Xiuyun Swordsman." Fang Chen said indifferently.

"Since I know it's me, dare to come to this muddy water?" Xiuyun swordsman raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in a deep voice.

It would be better if the latter could be retreated without a fight.

Right now, the most important thing is to get real dragon blood.

As for the two people in front of them, after they got the blood of the real dragon, it was not too late to clean them up.

The reason why Xiuyun swordsman refused to shoot was because his real goal was true dragon blood.

"Do you know who she is?" Fang Chen pointed at Xingyue behind him and asked.

The Xiuyun swordsman shook his head, and Fang Chen continued: "She is my wife. You Xiuyun swordsman has shot my wife. Should I just sit back and ignore it?"

Fang Chen's attitude shows everything.

Wen Yan, Xiuyun swordsman spread his hand.

In this case, there is nothing to talk about.

In his eyes, the murderous intentions were vertical and horizontal, and a strange breath appeared around him.

I don't know when, a **** artifact appeared in my hand, ready to fight at any time.

"Yue'er backed away." Fang Chen turned his head and smiled softly at Xingyue.

The latter nodded gently, and his eyes were tender.


Xingyin sword appeared in the hand, Fang Chen's body, the sword gas.

Seeing this, Xiuyun swordsman was also stunned, and he immediately laughed and mocked.

"Jianxiu?" Xiuyun swordsman sneered: "Dare to claim to be Jianxiu in front of my Nanling Sword Palace?"

The helm of the Nanling Sword Palace, Wu Jian Divine Emperor once said such a sentence.

There is no sword repair outside the Nanling Sword Palace.

Although this sentence is arrogant, it can also explain some things.

Since then, the Nanling Sword Palace has been based on the orthodox swordsmanship and proclaimed their sword cultivation.

Many kendos in the spirit world were repaired separately, and they dared not collide head-on with the Nanling Sword Palace.

Seeing Fang Chen die Jianxiu, Xiuyun swordsman sneered.

He cultivated the cloud swordsman, the most feared one was Jianxiu.

Because of his understanding of Kendo, it reached a level of unbelievable.

Even every attack on Jianxiu is well-known.

Under such circumstances, who can beat him?

"Unless it is the true god, no one among the gods can beat me." Xiuyun swordsman said confidently.

"Oh? It seems that I am about to break the record today." Fang Chen said indifferently.

There was no ups and downs on his face, it seemed that playing against Xiuyun Swordsman was just a trivial matter.


The breath of Fang Chen's whole body exploded in an instant, and his mind was filled with the rich information of Taikoo Refining God.

At this time, Xiuyun swordsman was surprised to find that Fang Chen's Xiuwei was actually just a **** sect realm.

"God Sect Realm? Did you make a mistake?"

The Xiuyun swordsman was even more surprised, but soon his eyes flashed the cold killing intent.

"That's why it's mysterious, kill it."

I don't know when, the sword in the hands of Xiuyun swordsman quietly came out of the sheath, carrying a terrifying sword gas, and rushed to Fang Chen.

"Taiwan refining the magic formula."

Fang Chen knew that he could not deal with Xiuyun swordsman at all.

Moreover, the use of ordinary kendo magic is simply useless.

Therefore, as soon as he came up, he exhibited the Taikoo Refining Spirit.

Sword of destruction.

Rumble ...

The power of the terrifying rules of destruction suddenly emerged, surrounding the body of the Xingyin sword, and punctured directly as Fang Chen's wrist trembles.


The two heavenly artifacts collided fiercely, and the power of terror was erupted suddenly.

The entire Dragon Dragon Tower was shaking for it.


The power to destroy the rules, unprecedented madness, directly poured into the sword of Xiuyun Swordsman, and immediately pushed Xiuyun Swordsman back.


The Xiuyun swordsman who stabilized his figure finally dignified.

He finally knew how the humble man in front of him stepped onto the last floor of the True Dragon Pagoda.

"This kind of exquisite kendo magic is not a genius, it is most likely ..."

Xiuyun swordsman did not say anything, but his heart has already set off a storm.

The only transcendent divine magic is the legendary saint divine magic.


At this moment, Xiuyun swordsman's eyes were full of greed.

Holy divine magic, that is only divine magic qualified to practice.

If he can get this divine art, even if he is faced with an ordinary true **** strongman, there is no basis at all.

"I must get this swordsmanship." Xiuyun swordsman shouted inwardly.

His fists were clenched, and his blood was boiling.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that must not be missed.

Even if this is the killing ring, he will not hesitate.

"Originally I wanted to kill you, but now I have changed my mind. Give me this swordsmanship, and I can spare you." Xiuyun swordsman said in a dark manner, but after seeing Fang Chen indifferent, he continued: "You can rest assured, I am the chief disciple of Nanling Sword Palace. As long as I say a word, you can walk sideways in the very south, and no one dares to move you. "

Fang Chen sneered secretly, this Xiuyun swordsman's eyesight was terrible, and at once he saw his extraordinary swordsmanship.

This is Taikoo Refining God's Secret, even if it is given to Xiuyun Swordsman, he can't practice it.

Fang Chen shook his head and said, "You can't even beat me, and said you can't kill me and let me go, which is ridiculous."

"Are you sure, this is your heart's words?" Xiuyun swordsman Shen Sheng asked, fierce breath, swept over, oppressed Fang Chen with momentum.

Fang Chen spread his hands, without fear: "Yes, this is what I say in my heart. Swordsmanship is on me. If you have the ability, take it."

"You are looking for death." Xiuyun swordsman was completely angry, "I will capture you and hold you out of your soul, I can still get it."

Toasting without eating and drinking fines, Xiuyun swordsman is no longer ready to keep his hand.

Seeing this, Zipao Xingyue asked: "Brother Chen, do you need help?"

Fang Chen smiled and shook his head and said: "If you can't protect it, then what is the point of my practice? What's more, it's just a divine realm, even if the true **** is here today, I can certainly take you go."

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