Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1807: Violently

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Inside the real dragon treasure.

Fang Chen walked side by side with Xingyue, while also thinking about what happened after going out.

"Yue'er, I have the mark of death on my body. The death emperor knew that his disciples were beheaded, and he would definitely be furious, maybe he would come by himself." There must be a strong man in the Nanling Sword Palace waiting. As long as we go out, we will definitely die. "

Xingyue shook her head, indicating that it was not to blame Fang Chen.

Fang Chen clasped Xingyue's little hand and said, "The only way we can go now is to escape. The land in the extreme south is unable to continue to stay. In fact, I am not worried about their interception, but thinking. Where are we going to escape this time? "

Fang Chen's voice was full of melancholy.

The realm of God Realm has no place to live.

First fled here from the Far East, and now has to escape again.

And it was not the Zhou family and other forces that offended this time, but the Nanling Sword Palace, one of the seven top forces of God Realm.

However, this is the end of the matter, and regret is useless. I can only find a way.

"Brother Chen ..."

Xingyue's red lips lightly opened, and suddenly said: "After I fully awakened the Xuanyin Phoenix body, a lot of information appeared in my mind. One of the information is about the Phoenix family."

"Oh?" Fang Chen listened.

"The great destruction of the universe almost destroyed the Phoenix family. But in the end they survived stubbornly, hiding in a certain area of ​​God Realm and gradually strengthening the power of the ethnic group. Better, let's go to the territory of Phoenix family?" Xingyue asked .

"Where is the territory of the Phoenix family?" Fang Chen's eyes lit up and asked quickly.

"South China Sea." Xingyue Road.

Fang Chen pondered for a moment, and then said: "Right now, we don't want him, only so."

After the two discussed, Fang Chen sent a message to the little mouse in Zhou Pu's mansion.

Immediately, the two were fully prepared, and then held hands and stepped into the door of the void.


Almost at the moment of stepping into the gate of the void, Fang Chenshi exhibited the space-time book, with Xingyue, hiding his figure.

Huh ...

In a blink of an eye, Fang Chen appeared in the Shenglong Mountains.

He glanced, and there was indeed a strong man in the Nanling Sword Palace in the void, but only the three great kings.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen breathed a sigh of relief. The God King's words made him more likely to escape.


Without any hesitation, the space-time book has reached the extreme, with Xingyue, quickly escaping from this place.


At this time, the Void Gate was closed, and the Holy Dragon Mountains returned to calm.

In the sky, the eyes of King Zen Chan flashed, and he fed his frown.

"What's the matter, did the thief fall into the real dragon's treasure?" Black Sword God King hurriedly asked.

"If he comes out, we must be able to find it." Word of God said.

King Chenchen's face was somber, he suddenly felt a breath.

"Not good, this son is proficient in the art of concealment, has escaped, hurry up." Chanchen God King said loudly.

Suddenly, the three kings quickly chased away.

There is no doubt that the space-time modification system is very strong.

However, after all, Fang Chen is a celestial god, and there will still be a flaw in front of the **** king.

King Chenchen used this flaw to capture Fang Chen's trail and quickly pursued it.

Fang Chen also felt the three powerful breaths from the rear, but he didn't worry at all, according to the original plan, quickly swiftly.

About three hours later, at the agreed place, they saw four of them.

"Boss, what happened?" The little mouse asked.

"The three kings of the Nanling Sword Palace are chasing and killing me, hurry up." Fang Chen said hurriedly.

"Boss, what the **** are you doing? Actually let the three kings chase you down?" Xiao Huang also asked with some doubts.

"I killed two Tianjiao disciples in Nanling Sword Palace." Fang Chen said casually: "One of them is the only disciple of Death Divine Emperor."

Heard that the little mouse gave a thumbs up to the boss.

"Boss, you are awesome, and deserved to be my idol. The disciples of Death Divine Emperor dare to kill, ha ha ha, really happy." The little mouse laughed.

The group quickly fled, and their speed was extremely fast.

But in the rear, the three kings are also hot pursuit.

Three days later.

Fang Chen still did not get rid of the tracking of the three great kings, and a bold idea came into his mind.

"If you can't get rid of the tracking of these three great kings, our tracks will be exposed." Fang Chen said.

"Boss, you say, what should we do?" The little mouse asked.

"Four of you, lead away the other two **** kings, and I joined forces with Yue'er to hit one of them." Fang Chen quickly said his plan.

"Exactly, the four of us have recently studied a battle line." The little mouse said furiously.

Xiao Huang on the side was also very excited, and the pangolin reminded: "Don't be too happy. After all, the other party is a strong king of the realm of the gods, and you can't underestimate the enemy."

"Good, never belittled."

After the negotiation was over, Fang Chen and Xingyue concealed their bodies, while the four of them, the little mouse, deliberately released their breath.

"I sensed some breath and hurry up."

In the rear, Shen Sheng, the King of Zen, said.

The three great kings quickly came to the place where Fang Chen was.

"They seem to be separated, several breaths have gone from this direction, and two breaths have gone from the other direction." Zen Chen King said coldly.

"Well, if you want to escape in this way, it's impossible." Black Sword God King said: "I'm going to chase this side, you and King Shenchen go chasing there, we will contact you at any time."

"Okay, you should be more careful."

The division of labor of the three great kings is clear, and the host quickly leaves.

The direction of the Black Sword God King is awesome that Fang Chen and Xingyue ambush in advance.

"Brother Chen, do you do it?" Xingyue said.

Fang Chen shook his head, "The other two **** kings haven't gone far, waiting."

After another moment, the Black Sword God King came to a jungle, looked around, and said with a cold voice: "Boy, I know you are hiding here, come out quickly, and catch your hand, otherwise, I will blame my Black Sword God King. "


While the Black Sword God King was speaking, his whole body exuded a terrifying sword spirit, and he was instantly embarrassed by the weeds on the ground.

"Do it yourself."

As soon as Fang Chen's voice fell, his figure immediately appeared behind the Black Sword God King. Without even thinking about it, he displayed the Taiko Refining God's Secret.

call out……

The five major sword moves, fully displayed, the terrifying attack power instantly hit the body of the black sword god.

"you wanna die."

The Black Sword God's finger swiped sharply, and a trembling sword light appeared in the void, resisting the five sword lights, and a terrifying breath erupted.

At the same time, Xingyue shot.

The loud sound of Fengming resounded through the sky.

Xingyue urged Xuanyin's phoenix body. Her body was surrounded by a rich and extreme fiery breath.

At the same time, behind him, the power of the Phoenix quickly gathered to form a fiery red Phoenix.

"this is……"

When the Black Sword God King noticed it, it was too late.

The fiery red phoenix suddenly hit the black sword king.

Suddenly, the explosion started.

The power of the phoenix after the explosion was terrifying.

Suddenly swept through the whole land, and knocked the body of the Black Sword God King instantly.

"Bash ..."

The Black Sword God King spit blood, and he quickly transmitted the sound to the Zen King and the Word God King, telling them that the thief is here.

"Damn ..."

Struck by the power of the Phoenix, the blood of the Black Sword God King's body rolled over, and the combat power dropped sharply.


Fang Chen and Xingyue quickly escaped into the void and disappeared.

Soon after, the King of Zen and the King of Speech came.

Seeing some weak black sword **** sitting on the ground, he quickly asked, "What's going on?"

The Black Sword God King said things one by one, and his face changed suddenly. "Which direction did they escape?"

"Over there." Black Sword God King said.

"Black Sword God King, you heal first, let's go after the thief."

Let's just say that the God King and Zen God King quickly left.

After a large circle, Fang Chen completely got rid of the three great kings, and with the little mouse, they swept towards the South China Sea in four rounds.

"Boss, those two kings are really powerful. Fortunately, the four of us have developed a new battle array, so we can barely resist." The mouse was afraid for a while.

"Nonsense, that's the God King strong." Xiao Huang said aside.

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