Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1812: Feng Peng and Eagle Wing

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Seeing Fang Chen's breezy look, Elder Jin shook his head slightly.

Although his talent is good, he is too proud to be mostly unsuccessful.

"Oh by the way, I forgot to tell you, although they are both enshrined, but they also have levels." Elder Jin suddenly remembered and said: "Our Phoenix family's enshrinement has a total of three levels, namely gold, silver, and bronze. . "

"Beat three puppets separately, it is a bronze offering. If you can defeat two puppets together, it is counted as a silver offering." Elder Jin said slowly.

"Beat three puppets together, is it a gold medal?" Fang Chen asked. Elder Jin nodded, and Fang Chen continued to ask: "What privileges does this gold medal offer?"

"Gold medal enshrinement is still very high in my phoenix family. For example, to participate in the **** of the gods, it must be a priority gold medal enshrinement, as for the silver medal and the bronze medal, do not have to think about it." Jin elder said.

Fang Chen's eyes lit up and walked straight to the three puppets.

"Get started." Fang Chen said.


Elder Jin waved his palm and suddenly the three puppets were excited.

"Shoot together." Fang Chenfeng said lightly.

Elder Jin frowned, reminding: "You have to think about it."

"I have thought about it clearly. The three puppets are nothing to fear." Fang Chen said with a smile.

Upon seeing this, Elder Jin no longer spoke much, directly controlling the three puppets, attacking Fang Chen.

"Puppet puppet puppet? A familiar feeling."

Fang Chen saw the weakness of the three puppets at a glance, and his hind body turned into a residual image.

Puff puff……

Point out three fingers in a row and hit the three puppets who are attacking.

Subsequently, his figure returned to its original position.

He turned and smiled and said to Elder Jin: "Okay, I should pass."

Having said that, Fang Chen walked to Xingyue's side, and seemed to be quite confident in himself.


Elder Jin still wanted to say something, but the three puppets who were attacking suddenly collapsed on the ground.


In the mind of Elder Jin, there was a turbulent wave.

"How did you do it?" Elder Jin asked with wide eyes, staring at Fang Chen.

Fang Chen shrugged and smiled: "Puppets are not living creatures, as long as they find their weaknesses, they will win in one blow, and it's no big deal."

Fang Chen said that the wind and clouds were light, but Elder Jin's heart was really shocked.


The entire Phoenix family has many gold medals, and many can beat the three puppets.

But like Fang Chen, there is no one.

In one breath, the three puppets are directly defeated. What a powerful strength this requires.

"Are you a puppet master?" Elder King asked.

Fang Chen shook his head, he was only slightly involved with puppets, and he was no puppet master at all.

Elder Jin took a deep breath and tried to suppress the vibration in his heart, looking at Fang Chen. "Congratulations, you have become a gold medal offering for the Phoenix family. This is your identity token. For other things, let Fenger tell you."

After all, Elder Kim left in a hurry.

Somewhere in the garden.

The patriarch is drinking tea, thinking about some things.

Suddenly, Elder Jin came in a hurry.

"Elder Jin, so anxious, is there anything?" The patriarch asked.

"Patriarch, Fang Chen, who traveled with Xingyue, became a gold medal offering for our Phoenix family." Elder Jin said.

In response, the patriarch did not feel surprised.

"I heard Feng'er said that his strength is good." The patriarch nodded.

"Patriarch, do you know how he defeated the three puppets?" Elder Jin asked.

"How did you defeat it?" The patriarch was also curious.

"One breath, only one breath, crushed the three puppets." Elder Jin said breathlessly.

A moment later, the patriarch stood up.

"Is this really the case?" The patriarch asked.

Elder Jin nodded, and a smile appeared on the patriarch's face.

"Convince this person as soon as possible, let him participate in the **** of God." The patriarch said.

Such a strong man is considered top in the heavenly realm. It is very important for the Phoenix family to be able to participate in the Tenjin.

However, it didn't take long for Fang Chen to apply, and the patriarch passed without any hesitation.

At this point, Fang Chen was finally relieved.

"Brother Chen, you don't have to be like this."

In a quiet courtyard, Xingyue stood straight in the courtyard, looked up at the blue sky, and said softly.

How did she not know that everything Fang Chen did was for her.

"Yue'er, your goal is that the **** of the sky is bigger than the first. I am a little bit worried about the Tianjiao and Devil Bird clan. When I defeat them all, I will admit defeat, and the first is you "" Fang Chen said.

Xingyue heard the words and fell into silence.

Although she is usually reticent, she has a deep love for Chen.

With a peaceful atmosphere, Fang Chen poured Xingyue into her arms.


The Phoenix family, after Fang Chen's story spread, many gods came to visit.

Of course, there are also some gods who want to challenge Fang Chen.

In this regard, Fang Chen directly ignored it and closed down to practice.

At this time, in the territory of the Devil Bird Clan.

In the meeting hall, in addition to the clan of the Devil Bird Clan, there are clan of the Tianpeng Clan.

At the top of the meeting hall, there are two thrones.

Sitting on the throne on the left is the God Realm Powerhouse of the Devil Bird Clan, and on the throne on the right is the God Realm Powerhouse of the Tianpeng Race.

Below, there are many elders.

Of course, the most dazzling are the two younger generations who stand in the forefront.

The golden-winged Dapeng Fengpeng of the Tianpeng tribe, the younger generation of eagle wings of the Devil Bird tribe.

"Longpeng Divine Emperor, since the Phoenix family has agreed to the God of God, then our plan should be able to be perfectly displayed." The Devil Bird's God Emperor Realm said with a smile.

"This time, God Tianbi, my Tianpeng tribe will definitely try my best to stop the Phoenix clan. But you must not forget the Black Bird Divine Emperor, the agreement between our two tribes."

The Black Bird Divine Emperor nodded, and the Divine Emperor could not come out, he was the actual master of the Devil Bird Clan.

The two great orcs, with the help of this god, will wipe out the gods of the Phoenix family.

At that time, the reserve force of the Phoenix family was cut off. In the gradual elimination of their true gods.

It won't take long for the Phoenix family to fall apart.

After discussing the matter of dealing with the Phoenix family, the Black Bird Divine Emperor suddenly said: "Longpeng Divine Emperor, I have long heard that your Tianpeng tribe Fengpeng is the legendary gold-winged Dapeng. Open your eyes? "

At this moment, an eagle wing in black stood out and clenched his fists: "I would also like to learn how strong Golden Wings are?"

Upon hearing this, the eyes of Longpeng Shenhuang flashed.

This is a discussion, which is completely a temptation of the Devil Bird Clan.

He wanted to refuse, but Feng Peng spoke first.

"I also wanted to ask Brother Yingyi for advice. The place here is too small. How about we go outside?" Feng Peng laughed.

"it is good."


The two flashed in shape and quickly reached the square.

call out……

Feng Peng's figure flickered, leaving a virtual shadow in the void, unable to capture its true trace at all.

"It's fast." Numerous elder elders who followed followed couldn't help but sigh.


Eagle Wing shot, and a pair of wings appeared instantly behind him.

Wings spread out, terrifying winds screamed, and vast power swept the whole earth.


Then, a deafening voice resounded through the sky.

At the time when many powerful men were confused, the bodies of Feng Peng and Eagle Wing fell together on the square.

The two looked at each other with dignified eyes.

The eagle wing first said: "It is indeed a gold-winged Dapeng. The speed is so fast that the eagle admires it."

"Ordinary bird bloodline can be cultivated to such a level, and most people can't do it." The two complimented each other.

Seeing the black bird **** emperor, he laughed.

"I can't think of the **** Tenjin this time. Who in the Phoenix family can resist the attack of Feng Peng and Eagle Wing?"

Longpeng God Emperor on the side nodded slightly.

This is a fact, but in his heart, he is also a bit wary of the Devil Bird Clan.

Especially this eagle wing, the talent is too strong. The ordinary bird body can actually resist the attack of Golden Winged Dapeng.

"Black Bird Divine Emperor, since this is the case, then we will go back first."

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