Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1830: Increase the strength of soul road

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As the days of the **** Tenbi are getting closer and closer, the eyes of everyone on the Antarctic continent are gathered on the three big orcs.

The Antarctic gods are the strongest and they have become the only topic after tea and dinner.

Seven days after Fang Chen returned to the territory of the Phoenix family, Xiaohuang's body had undergone a great transformation.

There was golden light on his body, and his breath was rising.

The little mouse and the pangolin, and the hippocampus watched quietly.

"Little Huang is transforming." Said the little mouse.

As soon as the words fell, the golden light on Xiao Huang's body disappeared instantly, and his eyes suddenly opened.

"How is it?" The little mouse asked eagerly.

"Heaven God Realm." Xiao Huang said happily, because the other three guys, the cultivation base is only a **** waiting state. "I think that among the four of us, we should be ranked according to strength. My strength is now the strongest, and I should be the boss. What do you say?"

Hearing the words, the little mouse smiled happily, and the smile was extremely gloomy.

"Pangolin, Xiaohai, he said he wanted to be the boss, what do you think?"

The faces of Xiaohai and pangolin are also full of grinning smiles, and the three guys surround Xiaohuang in the middle.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Huang seemed to notice something was wrong and said quickly.

"Why? Of course it's beating you."

The voice of the little mouse fell, and the three guys exerted all of their strength, beating Xiao Huang fiercely.

"you guys……"

Before the yellow words were finished, they were blasted away.

He barely stood up, very dissatisfied, "The three of you deal with me, it's too mean."

Bang Bang Bang ...

A deafening voice sounded, half an hour later.

The three of them sat on the ground breathlessly and stopped the attack.

Xiao Huang was bruised and very angry.

"Xiaohuang, is it not the right boss?" The little mouse asked with a smile.

Xiao Huang swishes, far away from the little mouse, for fear of his hands.


Seeing this scene, the three guys laughed.

Xingyue, who has already completed her cultivation, will smile when she sees this scene.

These four guys have different potentials.

In general, the Devourer has the strongest potential, followed by the Ant Royal Family, followed by the Sea Horse and the Pangolin.

The four of them are husband-in-law's fighting partners, Love House and Wu. When they saw the four of them playing, Xingyue smiled.

Subsequently, her eyes fell on the secret room.

In the back room.

Fang Chen has been enlightening Chiba Needle.


The golden heart beating rapidly, the wild soul breath gradually diffused.

Click ...

Just as Fang Chen was ready to converge, he suddenly heard a clicking sound from Yuanshen.

Fang Chen shook his heart and hurriedly looked at Yuanshen.

This look was dumbfounded.

The two little golden men in Yuanshen moved from the central position to a certain direction, freeing up a large area.

In this open space, the smoke is smoky, and the soul is very rich.

"this is……"

After watching for a long time, Fang Chen was a little shocked.

Unexpectedly, when enlightening Chiba Needle, his Yuanshen actually broke through.

Overjoyed in Fang Chen's heart, he hurriedly manipulated the Soul Dao's breath, and began to gather the third little golden man.

With the help of the other two little gold figures, the third little gold figure soon condensed.


The three little golden men stood side by side, with a strong soul-aura that swept through the entire secret room in an instant.

Fang Chen could feel that after Yuanshen reached Sanyuan Realm, the earth-shaking transformation took place.

"Is this Sanyuan Realm?"

Fang Chen's inner ecstasy, the primordial **** of the three-level realm level, but only the true **** can achieve it.

Among the gods, only those top arrogances have hope.

And myself, unconsciously, reached the ternary state.

Resisting the ecstasy in his heart, Fang Chen combed the information in his mind.

Finally, two points are summarized.

First, his Yuanshen has already reached the critical point of duality, and it is possible to break through at any time. During this time, it happened to enlighten Chiba Needle, and I felt something.

Second, the role of the golden heart is due.

"Yuanshen has reached the ternary realm. Isn't it true to cultivate the Qianye Needle?"

Fang Chen smiled, and immediately began to practice Qianye Needle.

Tianpin Soul Dao Divine Chiba Needle has a total of three layers.

On the first layer, 100,000 needles were instantly condensed. On the second layer, millions of needles were instantly condensed. In the third layer, ten million needles were instantly condensed.

This is also the terrible place of the Qianye needle. Every needle contains the power of terror to the extreme.

Imagine that when fighting against the enemy, there were ten million needles at once, and the enemy could not resist it.

"Chiba needle."

In Fang Chen's mouth, chanting Qianye needle's mantra, he began to practice.

He tried to control Yuanshen, exuding the soul of breath, and began to gather the embroidery needles.

Perhaps it was because Yuanshen reached Sanyuan Realm, and the first time to condense the embroidery needle succeeded at once.


In front of Fang Chen, a small embroidery needle was suspended, which seemed to be no threat, but in fact it was very deterrent.

According to Fang Chen's guess, the soul power contained in this tiny embroidery needle is enough to destroy a Shenzong realm, which is definitely a terrible thing.

With the first experience, the next practice is much easier.

Embroidery needles one after another were condensed by Fang Chen.

After seven days, Fang Chen gathered 100,000 embroidery needles in one breath.

"So strong."

One day, Fang Chen opened his eyes, and the soul breath instantly converged.

He can feel that the power of the first layer of Qianye needle is very powerful.

Relying on this first layer, relying on Soul Dao attacks alone, it can also be among the top ten of the Antarctic Tenjin list.

After practicing for so long, it seems to have reached the bottleneck, Fang Chen is ready to go out and relax.

"Let the avatar practice the Chiba Needle."

Fang Chen placed the avatar in the secret room and continued to understand Qianye Needle.

Strive for the successful cultivation of the second layer of Qianye Needle before the **** of the gods.

Crunch ...

The chamber door opened, and Fang Chen walked out of it.

"Brother Chen." Xingyue just came and saw Fang Chen, said with a smile.

"Yue'er, have you finished your cultivation?" Fang Chen asked.

Xingyue nodded and said, "The bottleneck has been reached. I always feel that the realm of the **** king can be touched, but I can't catch it."

"The time hasn't come, don't worry." Fang Chen nodded and said: "By Yue'er, you are now in a half-step God Realm, how is your strength?"

Xingyue thought about it, and said immediately: "It should not be a problem to deal with the strong men on the Antarctic Gods List. Even under the King of Gods, they can retreat all over."

After hearing the words, Fang Chen's eyes lit up, and then said: "Yue'er, if you let you pin down an ordinary **** king, can you do it?"

Xingyue was a little surprised, but still nodded.

"Very good." Fang Chen said: "Yue'er, the **** king of Nanling Sword Palace has come to the Antarctic continent and has been staring at us. As long as we leave the territory of the Phoenix family, they will deal with us. We take the initiative to attack. "

"Proactive attack?" Xingyue frowned, "They have three people, we can't resist it at all."

"I have a way."

Fang Chen's heart, eager to move, want to engage in a big one.

"I listen to Brother Chen." Xingyue said softly.

Fang Chen immediately summoned the four of them back and told them about it.

"What? Boss, are you going to deal with the three great kings?"

"Boss, the three great kings have suffered a loss, and this time they will not be easily fooled."

"Yeah, it must be carefully considered. If we are not careful, we may all die."

Only the pangolin is relatively calm, his eyes blinked, and then said: "I think this matter, the possibility of success is great."

"I have a strong defense and a small yellow attack. The two of us work together. It is not a problem to hold back the word God King. And you, Mouser, cooperate with Xiao Hai, you should be able to contain the King Chenchen. Just leave the Black Sword King alone to the boss. If so, the plan is really likely to succeed. "The pangolin continued.

"What do you think?" Fang Chen asked.

"Yes is okay, but after all, the other party is a **** king realm, we can't resist for too long." Xiao Huangdao.

"I condense two top-level saint-level formations, buy them for you, and you can display them at a critical moment. Once you get my signal, you will immediately return to the Phoenix territory."

The four guys glanced at each other, then focused on their heads, their eyes full of madness.

"Hahaha, **** him."

"Beheaded to kill the true god, it's really **** happy."

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