Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1841: A sword spiked blood pendant

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In the Phoenix family area, everyone shouted Fang Chen's name loudly.

They believe that Fang worship can create miracles again.

On the podium, Emperor Black Bird and Emperor Longpeng also sneered.

"Blood Peng is not comparable to the sky bird, this kid is dead." The God Emperor Long Peng knows blood Peng very well, and said coldly.

"Yes, bloodpeng's body is bloodthirsty blackpeng, with a terrifying talent of supernatural bloodthirsty realm. Once the gods fall into the bloodthirsty realm, he will definitely die." Black Bird God nodded.

The bloodthirsty field, although not very useful for the true god.

But for Tenjin, it is synonymous with death.

If it weren't for Xue Peng a few years ago, he offended a God Emperor Realm and was seriously injured, causing Xiu to plunge.

Now it has surpassed Feng Peng and has become the strongest player in the Antarctic Tenjin.

However, even so, after a few years of silence, Xue Peng once again raised his cultivation base to this level. And because of the deep enough accumulation, his bloodthirsty field became very bloody.


Fang Chenfeng stood lightly, without fear.

Upon seeing this, Xue Peng's body showed a rich and extremely **** breath.

"The bloodthirsty realm."

Suddenly, Xue Peng snorted, and the **** breath of horror suddenly swept the entire Yanwutai, and wrapped Fang Chen in the middle.


Fang Chen was also a bit stunned. He didn't expect Xue Peng to release such a powerful field.


In the bloodthirsty field, Fang Chen felt a terrifying breath approaching.


His wrists jittered, and he set up a saint-level formation to separate his body from the bloodthirsty realm.

"Thought it would be able to resist my bloodthirsty realm? You are too naive."

Blood Peng sneered, his figure flashed into a body, and a dark black skypeng spread his wings and flew directly into the bloodthirsty realm.

The outsiders, with wide eyes, looked at Yanwutai.

The blockage of the bloodthirsty realm made them unable to see the situation inside.

"Space Time Book."

Fang Chen sneered in his heart and exhibited the book of time and space. The breath of time and space after the fusion instantly diffused, but wherever the breath of time and time passed, there was his figure.

Puff puff……

Fang Chen found the right opportunity, and the Xingyin sword in his hand was fiercely cut on the wings of Xuepeng.

Click ...

Blood Peng's wings were cut directly by Fang Chen, and the miserable cry came out.

At the same time, the **** breath in the bloodthirsty realm also became irritable.

"If it is a true artifact, it will certainly be able to abolish the wings of Xuepeng." Fang Chen glanced at the Xingyin sword in his hand.

When assassinating the Black Sword Divine King before, the Xingyin sword shattered. But then within the Phoenix family, Fang Chen personally refined the Xingyin sword.

The re-refined Xingyin Sword has reached the level of the ultimate **** artifact.

However, there is still a certain gap between the best artifacts and true artifacts.

When he said that sooner or later, Xuepeng controlled the **** breath and attacked Fang Chen madly.

"It's almost over."

Fang Chen once again exhibited space-time book, unpredictable body shape. At the same time, he exhibited the Archaic Refining God's Trick of Destruction Sword.


A terrifying sword light directly penetrated into Xue Peng's body.

Suddenly, Xue Peng's sword was nailed to the Yanwu platform.

Hiss ...

The bloodthirsty field gradually collapsed.

After a while, the outside world finally saw the situation on Yanwutai.

"What? Blood Peng fell?"

I don't know who called it, and suddenly the whole square was in an uproar.

Including the four great emperors on the rostrum, all were a little dazed.

"How is it possible? How can he resist the bloodthirsty realm of Xuepeng?" God Emperor Longpeng was puzzled.

The black bird **** on the side, with a sullen face, could not accept this result.

The Antarctic Divine Emperor looked at Fang Chen with trembling, while the Phoenix Patriarch looked happy.

On the Yanwu platform, the tip of the Xingyin sword is inserted on the ground, nailing the body of Xue Peng.

This scene was too shocking.

Who is Xue Peng? The fourth strongest in the Antarctic Tenjin. However, in front of Fang Chen, it was so vulnerable.

"How strong is his strength?" Feng Xiuer said confusedly in the Phoenix area.

Feng Ni's face also changed constantly, and after a long time she sighed, she knew she was not as enshrined.

Some people are happy and others are sad.

In the Phoenix family area, there was a loud cry.

In the Tianpeng tribe area, the voice of anger is constant.

Feng Peng narrowed his eyes and stared at Fang Chen.

"Boy, Xuepeng will not die in vain." Feng Peng said coldly.

Fang Chen glanced at Feng Peng, walked to Xue Peng, held the Xingyin sword, and gently pulled it out.


Xue Peng's body collapsed in an instant, and the fresh wind blew through, dissipating between the world.

The fourth strongest player in the Antarctic Tenjin Rankings died in Wutai.

Fang Chen put away the Xingyin sword and returned to the Phoenix family area.

If it was a fluke to kill the Tian Qiaozi yesterday, then the strong killing of Xue Peng today, everyone will have to reexamine Fang Chen.

The latter's strength is even stronger than they thought.

"It seems that this time the gods are bigger than the first, it should be Eagle Wing, Feng Peng, Xingyue and Fang Chen."

"Xingyue's strength is slightly worse, I estimate that the strongest three should be Eagle Wing, Feng Peng and Fang Chen."

"No matter who it is, this time the God of Gods, it must be very exciting."

Outside the square, the onlookers marched and whispered.

Things evolved to this point that the two orcs did not expect.

Despite their anger, they were helpless. The rules are what they said, and now they are like this, what can they say?

In the Nether Clouds, Phoenix Ancestor and Shura Divine Emperor smiled.

The two orc ancestors on the opposite side are somber.

"This kid can't stay." Tianpeng ancestor said.

Ancestral Devil Bird nodded, "It doesn't matter if he is a disciple of Tiangu Palace. Guzu cannot fight us because of him."


In the square, the fighting continued.

It's just that Fang Chen's battle is too dazzling, and directly covers the battle light behind.

Until the end of the second round, everyone seemed to be dreaming.

They did not understand how Fang Chen resisted Xuepeng's bloodthirsty realm?

Only Xingyue knows that Fang Chen's strength has already surpassed Xue Peng.

Not to mention Xue Peng, even Feng Peng and Eagle Wing are probably not his opponents.

After the second round, the Phoenix family returned to the stronghold with joy. The faces of the two big orcs are gloomy.


Devil Bird Stronghold.

"Black Bird Divine Emperor, the Phoenix family has produced such a dark horse, this is something we did not expect before." Long Peng Divine Emperor said. "We have to find a way to solve this problem."

Originally planned to kill the Phoenix gods in the gods.

But now only two rounds have taken place, the two big orcs have lost so many excellent gods.

Therefore, they had to be forced to change their strategy.

"Unless Fang Chen is kidding against Eagle Wing or Feng Peng, no one can stop him." The Black Bird Divine Emperor nodded and said in a deep voice: "But the Antarctic Divine Emperor is responsible for the draw, and we can't interfere." "

Just as the Emperor Longpeng and the Emperor Black Bird thought about it, the two great emperors appeared.

"Ancestor." The two hurriedly called.

"The appearance of Fang Chen has disrupted our plan, and he needs to be removed." Dao Pao said.


The two great emperors also have their own hardships. At this stage of development, they are also helpless and can only pray that Eagle Wing and Feng Peng will meet Fang Chen earlier.

"Nanling Sword Palace has a grudge against Fang Chen. The two **** kings came to the Antarctic continent just to capture Fang Chen. However, during the sneak attack, the Phoenix Patriarch was alarmed and the sneak attack failed. You can contact these two **** kings." Ancestors.


The two great emperors heard the words, their eyes lit up, and they were thinking quickly in their minds.


At night, there are no fingers in the Antarctic city.

In a hidden courtyard, two great emperors suddenly appeared.

"Come out." Long Peng Shen Huang said in a deep voice.

"The God King of Nanling Sword Palace, we are not malicious, please come out to meet." Black Bird God Emperor said.


In the darkness, two figures emerged, which were awesomely the King of Zen and the King of Speech.

"You are looking for us?" King Chenchen asked.

"Yes, it is natural to know that the **** king of Nanling Sword Palace came to the Antarctic continent, and naturally he would do his best to be a landlord."

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