Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1853: God of Destruction

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The King Realm, for most gods, is an unreachable state.

The vast God Realm, the gods are countless. But it is very difficult to enter the realm of God. Some people are stuck in the bottleneck all their lives.

Fang Chen and Xingyue entered the realm of God King at the same time, and were still husband and wife. This kind of thing is rare in God Realm.

After reaching the God King Realm, we must also think of a title of God King.

In the courtyard, Fang Chen and Xingyue sat together, and the four of them, the little mouse, also came to join in the fun.

"Sister-in-law, how is your face red?" The little mouse asked Xingyue's face red, lowering her head, and asked puzzled.

"Yes, sister-in-law, are you uncomfortable?" Xiao Huang also asked.

The pangolin and Xiaohai couldn't help laughing.

Hearing Xiao Huang and the mouse, Xingyue was even more shy and dared not look up.

Fang Chen glared at the two guys, and then said, "You are called to let you think of a title for me, what are you talking about?"

The topic shifted to the title of God King, Fang Chensheng was afraid that these two guys would break the casserole and ask in the end, then Xingyue would be embarrassed.

Speaking of the title of God King, the four guys' eyes lit up, and they were scrambling to think.

"Boss, the title of the sister-in-law is the Moon God King. Isn't it your name to be King Chen God?" Said the little mouse.

"Chen Shenwang, this name is too tacky, right? No, the boss's title of God King must be called a very loud, and very popular." Xiao Huang shook his head.

"So what are you talking about?" The little mouse asked.

Xiao Huang pondered for a moment, and then said: "Otherwise call it Star King?"

"Aren't you so tacky? Star King, which point shows domineering?" Little Mouse said.

"How about King Fang?"

"I think it's called King of Sword God directly. Look at the palace owner of Sword Palace in Nanling, there is no Sword God Emperor. This title is more overbearing." Xiaohai said with a smile.

The four guys have spoken me, Fang Chen has been listening quietly.

However, the titles they came up with were strange, and Fang Chen was helpless.

"Brother Chen ..."

Suddenly, Xingyue raised his head, looked at Fang Chen, and opened his lips with soft lips: "Brother Chen, you are the descendant of the destruction system, and you still entered the sword with destruction. How about calling Destruction King?"

Hearing the word Destruction King, the little mice suddenly fell silent.

Immediately, they were very excited. "It's still a great sister-in-law. I thought of such a pull name as soon as I got out."

"Yes, boss, just call God of Destruction. When you become a Divine Emperor in the future, it will be God of Destruction."

Fang Chen frowned and thought, he had not thought about this title.

However, named after the six rules, unless it is very strong, or has a deep background, otherwise it will be punished.

Moreover, God Realm already has the King of Destruction, isn't it the same name if he is calling the King of Destruction?

These are all Fang Chen need to consider.

After all, his current strength is not enough to rampage in God Realm, so everything must be considered carefully before making a decision.


Suddenly, the golden heart beat quickly.

Fang Chen was stunned and immediately stared at the golden heart.

"Do you want me to be the King of Destruction?" Fang Chen asked to himself.

Boom Boom Boom!

The golden heart beating fast, it seems to be responding to Fang Chen.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen was in deep contemplation, and the golden heart was the longest companion for him.

Without the golden heart, there is no achievement today.

Moreover, the master of the golden heart is the ancient **** of the universe, which once dominated the world of God.

Along the way of martial arts, you should follow your heart. If everything can be accommodated, what other martial arts peaks should be pursued?

In Fang Chen's mind, such a word suddenly appeared.

Immediately, Fang Chen grinned, he knew he already had an answer.

Destruction of the King of God is called Destruction of the King of God.

Although this title is somewhat publicized, it is very difficult to cause some killings. But I am not afraid, if I can't even pass this level, what is the peak of martial arts.

At this moment of Fang Chen, Yuan Yuan shook his mind, and he instantly realized that his whole body exuded a golden light.


Four of them, the little mouse, found Fang Chen's change and hurriedly called.


Fang Chen's golden light breathed around him, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Just call God of Destruction."

Looking at the whole God Realm, there are only six Divine Emperors named after the six rules.

The six rules are unique, and the rule divine emperor is also unique.

The emperor and the king are the same.

However, the true gods of these two realms, the competition is not so fierce.

Appears at any time, the **** king named after the six rules, the **** emperor. But most can't live long.

It is the most terrifying thing that can survive the countless competitors.

The spirit world has experienced endless years, and the pattern has already stabilized.

The six rule gods have been around for a long time.

Although many kings choose the six rules as the title, they cannot shake the status of the six rules.

"Hahaha, destroying the King of God is really domineering." The little mouse grinned.


After stepping into the realm of God King, Fang Chen has been studying the Qianye Needle. If the Qianye Needle is cultivated to the third level, dealing with the God King is simply in his hand.

However, he was not in a hurry, and time was nothing to him.

Antarctic continent, seaside.

On this day, in the choppy South China Sea, an empty warship suddenly appeared, with seven **** kings above them. They were sent by the Nanling Sword Palace to capture Fang Chen's power.


The Void Battleship stayed at the seaside, and the seven **** kings fished down from it.

Then, he waved the palm of the head **** and put away the void warship.

"Dragon Sword God King, this is the Antarctic continent." One of the **** kings said.

The headed Dragon Sword died, and nodded slightly, his face somewhat gloomy: "Don't act lightly, collect the thief's information and check it, and work out a plan of action."

"Yes, Dragon Sword King."

The Seven Great Kings soon came to Antarctica and lived there.

At the same time, also secretly inquiring about Fang Chen's news.

A few days later, the seven **** kings gathered together to discuss with each other about Fang Chen.

"Dragon Sword God King, after our investigation, we found that the realm of this child seems to be the God Realm. However, its strength is comparable to the God Realm."

"In the gods of the gods not long ago, this son strongly hit the gold-winged dapeng of the Tianpeng tribe, which angered the ancestors of the Tianpeng. However, because of the intervention of the Shura Divine Emperor, the Tianbi dabiao ended. He is now the Phoenix family. Gold medal enshrined. "

"It's just a god, our seven **** kings shot together, this one can't escape." A man with thick eyebrows and big eyes disdain.

The Dragon Sword God King looked at the man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and then said: "The ability to kill the three of them is not to be underestimated. The seven of us unite, although they are powerful, they can compete with the Divine Emperor. But this is not a land in the extreme south, but the Antarctic continent. It is very likely that something will happen, so be careful. "

After a pause, the Dragon Sword God King continued: "And, don't forget, this son is good at escape, and the speed is extremely fast, comparable to the gold-winged Dapeng. The command of the Death God Emperor is to capture, not to kill."

Hearing the words of the Dragon Sword King, the other Kings nodded one after another.

"Dragon Sword God King, he has been in the territory of the Phoenix family, how do we do it?"

"He is a gold medal enshrined by the Phoenix family. We are going to do it in the territory of the Phoenix family. It is bound to be counterattacked by the Phoenix family. So we can only wait for him to leave." "The way to let him go is nothing more than to spread some news that attracts him."

The Seven Great Kings discussed the strategy to deal with Fang Chen.

After a long time, a great strategy was negotiated.

Fang Chen is good at escaping, and the speed is extremely fast, then it will inevitably be unable to resist the temptation of Void Dan Yunguo.

"Hahaha, this is a good idea."

"Only the Dragon Sword God King can think of it, it is really clever."

"That kid is so good at escape, it is impossible not to know the Void Dan Yunguo. Once we release the news, he will definitely look for it. That is a great opportunity, as long as we capture it, even the Phoenix family will not tear Face offend our Nanling sword palace. "

"I have thought about the details of the matter. When you spread the news, you must pay attention to it, and don't expose it." The Dragon Sword God nodded.



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