Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1855: King Pursuit

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When the Dragon Sword God King released his breath, Fang Chen felt it instantly.

His face changed greatly, looking around.

"It's really great. If you are given some time, I am afraid that even we are not your opponents."

At this time, the Dragon Sword God King was no longer hidden, and came out of the secret.

The other six great kings also came out one after another.

"Nanling Sword Palace?"

Fang Chen's face was gloomy, and he saw signs on the clothes of Dragon Sword God King and others.

"Boy, please follow us." The Dragon Sword God King grinned.


Fang Chen didn't say anything, his figure flashed, with Xingyue, he quickly retreated.

"Stop him."

The Seven Kings of God finally deceived Fang Chen from the territory of the Phoenix family. How could he let him go so easily.

Headed by the Dragon Sword God King, the seven people displayed powerful attacks one after another, immediately enclosing Fang Chen and Xingyue in the middle.

"In front of the seven of us, do you also want to escape?" The Dragon Sword God King sneered: "Unfortunately, you just just broke into the God King Realm."

When Fang Chen was fighting with Eagle Wing, the Dragon Sword God King had already seen it.

Seven people surrounded Fang Chen and Xingyue Tuan.

At this time, if Fang Chen didn't understand it, he was an idiot.

"The Tangling Nanling Sword Palace, in order to deal with me, actually made such a move, it really made people laugh." Fang Chen sneered.

The Dragon Sword God King spread his hands, and his face was full of disdainful smile: "Boy, if you kill Xiuyun Swordsman, you must be ready to be chased and killed by our Nanling Sword Palace."

In their view, as long as the goal can be achieved, what is the special means?

Fang Chen and Xingyue looked at each other, and then secretly said: "I will lead them away in a while, and you will quickly return to the Phoenix family. Although the Nanling Sword Palace is strong, it does not dare to start inside the Phoenix family.

"Brother Chen ..."

Xingyue wanted to say something, but was stopped by Fang Chen.


Fang Chen did not hesitate to display the Taiko Refining God's tactics, and the five swords were issued in unison.

Xingyin sword pierced the sky, carrying the power of the five rules, and stabbed fiercely at one of the gods.

"you wanna die."

This **** king, looking at its breath, is the relatively weaker of the seven **** kings.

Fang Chen chose him as a breakthrough, but also wanted to break up the encirclement and suppression of the seven gods.

The breath of the **** king's body spread instantly, and he punched Fang Chen with a punch.

When approaching the **** king, Fang Chen's face showed a dark smile.


The dense embroidery needles appeared in front of him in an instant.

Millions of embroidery needles, carrying a breath of terror, penetrated directly into the body of this **** king.

At the same time, Fang Chen appeared in the space-time book, and appeared behind the **** king in an instant. Xingyin sword penetrated into the body of the **** king fiercely.


Five sword moves exploded. Although the **** king evaded in time, it was too late, and his body was blown away.

"Blood River King."

Seeing this, the Dragon Sword God King shouted in anger.

The attack of their six great kings also roared and fell on Fang Chen.


The mountains are trembling and stone chips are flying. Fang Chen's figure disappeared.

With just one face-to-face, the Blood River God King was hit hard, and Fang Chen's figure disappeared, which made the six Dragon King God King's faces extremely cold.

"He must be still nearby, find me out." Dragon Sword God Wang Han said.

At the same time, his eyes fell on Xingyue who was attacking.

"Kill her for me."

As soon as the words of the Dragon Sword God King fell, there were two God Kings to deal with Xingyue.


Xuanyin Phoenix body was urged to the extreme, Xingyue's body was full of icy extreme power.

Thump ...

Above her head, a huge phantom of Phoenix condensed.

I saw that Phoenix Phantom opened his mouth and spouted a hot flame.

At the same time, a loud Fengming sound resounded through the sky.

Thump ...

Fang Chen's figure appeared like a ghost in the space-time book.

When the eyes of several **** kings were attracted to Xingyue, Fang Chen appeared again quietly. The Taiko Refining God Skill and the Qianye Needle were exhibited at the same time, and the blood river **** King, who was hit hard, was directly destroyed.


The deafening voice came suddenly.

The blood river king's head was directly penetrated by the Xingyin sword, and the Yuanshen collapsed, killing him instantly.

"Blood River."

"Boy, I'm going to kill you."

The Dragon Sword God King was furious, and the other God Kings also gave up their attacks on Xingyue, all gathered together, and the other party launched a fierce attack.

The six **** kings joined forces, so Fang Chen also felt a touch of depression.

However, he is still desperately resisting and fighting for Xingyue a little time.

Huh ...

Xingyue urged the power of the phoenix, stomped his foot, and quickly disappeared here.

Taikoo refining the tactics of the gods, the five great swords move together.

The sharp sword light surrounds Fang Chen's body. Over his head, millions of embroidery needles are condensed and ready to go.

"Boy, we admit that I looked down on you. But today, you can't escape our palm." The Dragon Sword God Wang Bing said.

In his hand, I don't know when, a sword of a real artifact appeared.


The six kings of the gods exhibited the Zhenling swordsmanship of the Nanling Sword Palace, with colorful sword lights and flying all over the sky.

Click ...

Five sword lights, broken by the six great kings, Fang Chen's body exploded, and a trace of blood escaped from the corner of his mouth.

"Space Time Book."

Fang Chen immediately urged the Book of Time and Space to hide into the void.

"Want to escape?"

Seeing that Fang Chen was nowhere to be seen, the Dragon Sword God Wang Lima took out a flower full of death from his arms.


Suddenly, a flash of light appeared in the void.

That was the light shining from the death mark. The Dragon Sword God King saw it, his body flashed, and he chased away.

"Boy, you have a death mark on you, you can't escape it."

In the process of pursuing Fang Chen, the Dragon Sword God King was also quite shocked.

This kid's concealment method is really serious. If it were not for the death mark, they would never be able to trace his trail.

Huh ...

Time is passing, although Fang Chen is fast, he is still caught up by the six kings.

Rumble ...

The deafening fighting sound rang again.

The six great kings gradually took control of the fighting situation and defeated Fang Chen's fight.

"Boy, you can stand proudly under our six **** kings for so long, you are also proud of them." The dragon sword **** king's voice just fell, and his big hand reached out, ready to capture Fang Chen.


At this moment, a majestic voice came from the distant sky.

Then, a trembling breath swept the earth.


The faces of the six great kings changed greatly. As soon as the dragon-sword **** king gritted his teeth, his big hand continued to reach out, and he was about to catch Fang Chen.

Thump ...

In the void, a flash of black light flashed through, and suddenly the dragon sword **** king's big hand was forced to retreat.

Pedal Pedal!

The black light contains the power of terror, pushing the Dragon Sword God King back, and the latter's body finally stabilized his body.

In the sky, Phoenix Ancestor appeared.

"Phoenix Ancestor."

Seeing the beautiful woman in front of him, the Dragon Sword God King hurriedly clenched his fists.

Divine Emperor, that's a strong level with Death Divine Emperor. One thought can kill them.

"Do you know that he is the gold medal of my Phoenix family?" Phoenix ancestor asked with a somber face.

"Phoenix Ancestor, this person killed the disciple of Nanling Sword Palace. The Death God Emperor named to take this son back. We know that he is a gold medal enshrined by the Phoenix family, so he did not do it in the territory of the Phoenix family." Kingly way.

What he meant was obvious. No more hands in the territory of the Phoenix family, but a face for the Phoenix family.


The ancestor of Phoenix looked gloomy, very unhappy.

Upon seeing this, the six great kings looked at each other, and the dragon sword king stepped forward and clenched his fists: "Phoenix Phoenix, we must capture this person, this is the order of the death **** emperor. If he can't bring him back, , The Divine Emperor will take action in person. "

"If the Death Divine Emperor arrives, even if you stop the Phoenix Ancestor, it will not help." Dragon Sword God King said: "My Nanling Sword Palace is one of the seven top forces of God Realm. It has not violated your Antarctic continent. You three big orcs have a face. "

"If you insist on protecting this son, you can only ask the Death Divine Emperor to take action."

The Dragon Sword God King has no choice but to take the Death Divine Emperor and frighten the Phoenix Ancestor. //,Please pay attention

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