Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1862: Dragon City

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The Celestial Family is located in the southeast of God Realm and borders the Nanling Sword Palace in the extreme south.

The Dragon Array City is the city on the fringe of the territory of the Tianzhen family, and the city closest to the extreme south.

Standing on the streets of Longzhen City, Fang Chen's mood was quite pleasant.

Thanks to Sword Array Divine Emperor, otherwise it would be impossible to come to Dragon Array City so easily.

"The power to destroy the King of God is really great." Fang Chen said secretly: "If the King of God is not destroyed, he may not be able to leave the teleportation array."

After this battle, Fang Chen also understood the tyranny of the six rules of the king.

At the same time, he also knows the gap between his cultivation and his rebirth with the **** of destruction.

"The next time I meet, it won't be like this now." Fang Chen said secretly.

He had great faith in himself, and he could only achieve this level by destroying the endless years of God's cultivation.

And how long does it take to practice oneself, will one day surpass Destruction King.

"The danger is lifted, you don't have to hurry to go to the Sky Bone Palace, why don't you follow me to sit in the main palace?" Sword Emperor smiled, "Dragon Array Lord is my best friend."

Fang Chen nodded, the sword array Divine Emperor was so kind, he could not refuse.

After a while, the two came to the main palace.

"Hahaha, Brother Jianzhen, why are you here?"

Just came in, there was a **** king dressed in luxury, came out with a smile.

Fang Chen knew that this person should be the Dragon lord.

"I'm back from the far south, and I'll come and see you when I pass by here." Sword Emperor God smiled.

"Brother Sword Array, come in quickly." The dragon lord said with a smile. After the party entered the meeting hall, the dragon lord also noticed Fang Chen.

"Who is this?"

"His name is Fang Chen. It is an interesting young man I met in the South China Sea practice." Sword array **** emperor said simply.

It is said that the Lord of the Dragon Array didn't think much, and changed the subject, and asked with a smile: "Brother Jianzhen, you have been practicing in the South China Sea for so many years and you have never returned. Did you break through this time?"

The Sword Array Divine Emperor shook his head and said: "With the formation method, you don't know that, how difficult it is to take that step."

The Lord of Dragon Array just wanted to speak, and suddenly a servant hurried in and hurriedly said a few words in his ear.

The latter's face changed a bit, and this small change was caught by the sword array **** emperor.

"Dragon Array, what's wrong? Did you encounter any difficulties?" Sword Array Divine Emperor asked.

The Lord of the Dragon Array was hesitant and was scolded by the Sword Array Divine Emperor: "What kind of friendship do you have with me? There is nothing to say directly, I will help you naturally will help you."

Hearing the words, the Dragon Array City Master felt a little sick and apologized hurriedly, "Brother Sword Array, don't be angry. Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that the Lord of Magic Array brought his proud disciples to my Dragon Array City. Challenge the younger generation. But you also know that none of my younger generation in Dragon Array City is decent. "

"The demon **** king this guy ..."

After listening to Sword Array Divine Emperor, he knew what was going on.

He knows this demon king magically very proudly.

I took a proud disciple, showed it everywhere, and loved my face very much. He usually does not deal with the dragon lords. When bringing the apprentice this time, he must inevitably give the dragon lords the horse power.

"I didn't want to ignore this guy originally, but what he said was too unpleasant, and I agreed to his challenge in a rage." The Dragon Lord said bitterly.

"What did he say?" Sword Emperor asked.

"He said, I don't have a little energy, and I can be a dragon lord. I also rely on the relationship of my brother. Brother, you have been away from the Tianjin family for many years, he wanted to beat me, by the way, squeeze me out, let me give up the lord." The main road of Dragon Array.

The Sword Array Divine Emperor shook his head, somewhat displeased, "The Devil Array Divine King is a bit too much. Isn't it the competition of the younger generation?"

During the speech, the eyes of Sword Array Divine Emperor fell on Fang Chen.

"Dragon Array, I have a way to solve your current dilemma."

"What way?" Dragon Array City Lord asked hurriedly.

Sword Array Divine Emperor pointed to Fang Chendao: "This son has a destiny with me. He wanted to accept him as a disciple, but he already has a master. His attainments on the array are not weak, so let him replace you. The disciples of the city play, what do you think? "

The Dragon lord, who didn't care about Fang Chen, looked at Fang Chen carefully.

It was only discovered that Fang Chen is also a **** king.

"Brother said that, I'm completely fine."


In the dragon array city, in a certain other courtyard.

The Demon King of Gods sat on the stone bench tasting tea, standing beside his proud black bear.

"Master, the Lord of the Dragon Array has been quitting, obviously it is afraid to fight. Why did you suddenly change your mind today?" Black Bear asked puzzled.

The black bear is a big man, about one and nine meters tall, and he is very bloated.

But don't look at his clumsy, potential on the line, it is quite impressive.

"Why do you do so much? The younger generation battles, who are you afraid of?" The Demon God King sneered, "This time, I'm going to give the dragon dragon a good horse."

"Master, when fighting for the position of the city master, if it was not at the critical moment, the sword array **** emperor helped. This dragon array city has long been the master's pocket." Black Bear said.

The Demon Array King nodded and said, "Tomorrow you will defeat your opponent by means of thunder. Let everyone in Dragon Array know how strong my apprentice of Demon Array is."

"Master, rest assured."

The Black Bear is very confident.

When the next day arrived, the Demon King of the Magic Array brought the black bear to the square of the Dragon Array City.

At the same time, the Lord of Dragon Array also arrived, but beside him, there were two strangers.

"That is……"

When the Demon Array King saw the Sword Array King, his pupils shrank suddenly, a little unexpected.

"Master, the Sword Array God Emperor is back?" Black Bear asked in a low voice.

"Magic array, long time no see." Sword array **** emperor greeted actively.

"It turned out that Sword Array Divine Emperor was back, so I said how could the Dragon Array have the courage to accept my challenge?" The Magic Array Divine King said with a smile.

"Magic array, don't be too happy. Your apprentice Black Bear will lose, but it's not good-looking." The dragon-owner said with a grin.

"Let's talk nonsense, what about your people?" The Demon King of the Matrix frowned.

Fang Chen came out from behind them.


The face of the magic array **** changed slightly, he said with a deep voice: "You actually sent a **** king to fight my disciples?"

His apprentice black bear is just a god, how can he defeat a **** king?

"Magic array, the competition is a combination of formation and not martial arts. What are you afraid of? Do you think that your apprentice's position is better than the one in front of you?" The Dragon Array City master teased.

"Humph, my magic array is scared? It's ridiculous."

Having said that, the black bear stood in the middle of the square and made a provocative action against Fang Chen.

"If you don't use martial arts to cultivate behavior, just relying on your attainments, I don't believe that he can beat my apprentice." Demon King Shen sneered.

"Boy, although you are a **** king, but I will still defeat you." Black Bear grinned: "Tianjin defeated the **** king, I feel excited when I think about it."

Fang Chen is a little speechless. Although this kid seems simple and honest, he has a personality with him.

"No wonder the Demon God King will accept you as a disciple." Fang Chen said.


The black bear exuded a strong atmosphere around his body, his face full of wild smiles.

"Boy, I'm a top-level saint-level magi, what are you fighting against me?" The black bear's arrogant voice came.

At the edge of the square, the three strong men stand.

"Huh, even if this is a saint-level formation mage, it can't be my apprentice's opponent." The demon king of the magic array sneered. He knew the black bear's approach very well.

He is almost invincible in the same realm, and he doesn't even believe that Fang Chen is a master of magical array.

Because, even within the Celestial Family, there can be no such genius.

Demon Array glanced at Sword Array Divine Emperor and Dragon Array City Lord. The two talked and laughed, and didn't seem to worry at all.

"Dragon Array, sometimes I really appreciate your big heart. If you know that you must lose, you must die, aren't you tired?" The Demon King sarcastically said.

The Sword Array Divine Emperor directly ignored it, while the Dragon Array City Lord said: "Devil Array, who is the one who dies to face, you know better than me. Also, the potential of your apprentice Black Bear is not as good as imagined."

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