Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1870: election

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Destroy the mansion.

In the garden, Fang Chen sat cross-legged, looking at the time and space magic book in his hand.

Guzu has seven disciples, and each disciple has an independent mansion, whose name is his title.

When Fang Chen changed the name of the mansion to the mansion of destruction, everyone in Tiangu Palace exclaimed.

Because, God of Destruction is the six rules of God, the title of Fang Chen ’s God is this, the meaning is very obvious, that is, to compete with God of Destruction.

Many people are talking about Fang Chen.

Even Gu Zu grinned when he knew about it.

This apprentice has his own personality.

As for doing so will find the attack to destroy the king, then he is not in charge.

He must rely on his own efforts to keep the title of the six rules of the king.

"The Time and Space Magic Book is really powerful."

After watching it for a while, Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh.

If it is compared with the book of time and space, the book of time and space can be regarded as the first introduction to the art of time and space repair system, and the magic book of time and space is the perfect magic.

The gap between the two is very large. After all, this was created when Gu Zu entered the Divine Emperor Realm at the beginning.

There are a total of nine layers in the Space-Time Phantom Book, which is half of it compared to the eighteen layers in the Space-Time Book.

Fang Chen can feel the breath of time and space repair system from the lines of the magic book of time and space, which is extremely rich.

"Brother Master only took three years to practice the time and space magic book to the fifth floor, which is already the fastest speed." Fang Chen thought of Gu Zu's words, there was some hope in his heart, he could break the brother Record?

Thinking of this, Fang Chen began to practice.

In fact, it is relatively easy for the time and space practitioners to get started, but if you want to learn more, it will be difficult.

Fang Chen has a deep understanding of the space-time modification system, and has great potential.

The time and space rules merged by the two rules have also mastered the point of perfection.

He spent a long period of incense sticks, familiarizing himself with the first layer of time and space magic book.

Then, urge the breath of time in the body to start cultivation.

The spatiotemporal practice system is itself a system related to spatiotemporal rules.

This system is based on the rules of time and space. Hearing the ancestors said that if they practiced to the extreme, even the cosmic **** may not be able to discover its traces.

The Guzu is also the most difficult **** emperor recognized by God Realm because of the time and space practice system.

The degree of difficulty is even beyond the six rules of Divine Emperor.

This is why the Guzu single-handedly can create a top force like the Tiangu Palace in God Realm.

Among the top ten emperors, no one is the opponent of the ancestor in terms of speed. As long as the ancestors conceal their bodies, they need a lot of effort to find them.

Gu Zu has been perfecting his time and space repair system. He always believes that the system he created is not perfect.

In his mind, the most perfect system of time and space practice should be to merge with heaven and earth, and use the power of heaven and earth to attack opponents.

As long as the opponent is inside the universe, he will be attacked by the forces of the universe all the time.

That is the perfect space-time repair system in the mind of the ancestors.

Of course, he also knew that it was very difficult to reach that step.

But if he can really do it, he will possibly become a cosmic god.

In the ruined mansion, the power of time and space rules enveloped the entire mansion.

Fang Chen practiced day and night, and a month passed in an instant.

The election of the new top ten disciples will begin tomorrow.

Gu Zu came to the Destruction Mansion and wanted to see the disciples' cultivation process. However, before he approached the ruined mansion, he felt a familiar breath.


Seeing this, Gu Zu's eyes lit up and his mind moved, and his figure instantly appeared in the ruined mansion.

When he saw Fang Chen's air flowing around him, a smile appeared on his face.

"This kid."

Gu Zu couldn't help but laugh, just one month later, Fang Chen cultivated the time and space magic book to the first level.

This speed is pretty good.

Moreover, he can see that his disciple is very down-to-earth, very hard to practice, and has great potential.

"I don't know if your final achievement can exceed your six fellows." Gu Zu secretly said.

Gu Zu looked at it for a long time, and after confirming that Fang Chen was fine, he turned and left.

However, shortly after Gu Gu left, Fang Chen stopped practicing and slowly opened his eyes.

"I feel that my body is transparent, so comfortable."

Fang Chen thought to himself, he looked inside his body, and found that the air had already filled the whole body.

"The Book of Time and Space Illusion, is worthy of the holy product magic, it is really powerful."

After sighing, Fang Chen wanted to try the power of the Magic Book of Time and Space.

His mind moved, and his figure disappeared out of nowhere.

Fang Chen, hiding in the void, was very excited. He could feel that as long as he had an idea, the rich air in the air could be controlled by himself.

"The **** king is strong, if you want to find yourself, it is impossible." Fang Chen said confidently.

After the time and space magic book practice, after hiding in the void, his breath can completely converge. Even the strongest king of the gods, using the power of the rules, can not see the slightest clues.

This is the power of Time and Space Magic Book.

"Now I am not afraid of destroying the King of Destruction."

Fang Chen's eyes were hot, and he secretly said in his heart.

After the threat of Death Divine Emperor was lifted, he always had a knot in his heart, that is, to make a break with the God of Destruction.

After all, God Realm can only have one King of Destruction.

Of course, this is not anxious. After he goes to the Temple of Gods for certification, the God of Destruction will naturally come to the door.


Fang Chen spit out a turbid breath, and immediately appeared in shape.

With his current strength, not to mention the top ten disciples, even for the elders of Shangwai Palace, there is no problem.

However, he also knows the rules of Tiangu Palace. Although he is a disciple of Guzu, he can't break the rules.

"After waiting for the top ten disciples, challenge the elders of the outer palace directly." Fang Chen said secretly.

The identity of the elders of the outer palace is more useful than that of the top ten disciples.

Moreover, the goal set by the master is to become the elder of the inner palace as soon as possible.

When the next day came, the entire Tiangu Palace was plunged into excitement.

Countless noisy sounds, endless ears.

The election of the ten largest disciples is arguably the hottest thing in Tiangu Palace every year, and it is also the most grand thing.

The top ten disciples represent the most outstanding arrogance of the younger generation of Tiangu Palace.

For every disciple who joins Tiangu Palace, the dream is to become the top ten disciples.

Because only by becoming the top ten disciples can you have the opportunity to become a martial arts practitioner of time and space.

Many disciples can't wait any longer.

They believe that this is their chance to change their destiny. Of course, more disciples come to see the excitement.

Being able to rank among the top ten disciples, which one is not stunning is amazing. Without a brush, dare not to challenge at will.

Tiangu Palace, Tiangu Square.

The huge Tiangu Square was crowded with thousands of disciples.

Many disciples came early, and in the center of the square, there is a Yanwutai.

There is a rostrum in front.

"I don't know if anyone will be among the top ten disciples this time."

"There should be, every time the election of the top ten disciples, a dark horse will emerge."

"I think it's a bit difficult. The top ten disciples are very strong. It's very difficult to beat them."

"Yes, we can only watch a lively election for the top ten disciples. We don't know when we will be among the top ten disciples."

Many disciples, when they say this, are full of regrets on their faces.

Of course, more disciples are full of vitality.

They believe that heaven is rewarded with hard work, and as long as you work hard, you will definitely be rewarded.

"Have you heard? The disciples newly recruited by Gu Zu will also participate in the election of the top ten disciples."

"I haven't seen the disciples of Guzu yet, I don't know how this person can be tolerant."

"Gu Zu's vision must be very high. The disciple he collected should be a demon."

"Look, the ten disciples are here."

In the square, I don't know who yelled.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on the top ten disciples.

Ten of them represent the strongest young generation in Tiangu Palace. Looking at the whole God Realm is also considered a top genius.

Their appearance caused a sensation in the square.

Everyone called their names out loud.



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