Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1873: Devastating blow

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The upper levels of the temples are all secretly watching this battle.

Although the entire City of Gods is very empty, there are also many strong ones.

On Yanwutai, the destruction storm is getting stronger and stronger, and the momentum is soaring. The body of Destruction King exudes a trembling breath.

His eyes closed tightly, and the power of destruction in the vortex quickly rose.

In the sky, there are dark clouds, and in the sea of ​​clouds, lightning and thunder.

Thunderstorms swooped down and bombarded in the vortex. The breath of Thunder Road, combined with the breath of destruction, makes the destruction storm even more terrifying.


Fang Chen saw this, frowning slightly.

He felt that the devastating storm that the God of Destruction was performing was obviously much stronger than the last time.

"Stop him."

The destruction of the storm brought Fang Chen a depression, and he quickly arranged a supernatural-level formation.


Peer-level array draped over Wutai to cut off the thunder in the sea of ​​clouds.

The breath of the sudden destruction of the storm suddenly weakened a lot.


In the mouth of God of Destruction, a cold killing word was spit out.

At the next moment, the vortex in the sky was held by his palm and shot straight towards Fang Chen.

Rumble ...

Qianye needles are spreading, and the rich soul road breath diffuses.

Hundreds of thousands of embroidery needles instantly condensed, Fang Chen opened his hands and yanked, and the dense embroidery needles shot fiercely into the vortex in the sky.

Ding Ding Ding!

Although the embroidery needle is strong, it is swallowed by the vortex in an instant.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen continued to mobilize the soul breath, condensing more Qianye needles.

"The second layer of Chiba Needle."

"The third floor of the Chiba Needle."

The second and third layers of the Chiba needles were continuously exhibited. After the coagulation of the million embroidery needles was completed, they were shot towards the vortex again.

This time, the speed of the vortex finally became slower.

"Do you die?"

The God of Destruction laughed wildly, and the vortex in his palm continued to bombard Fang Chen.

Ten thousand ways!

When thousands of embroidery needles all hit the vortex, the face of Destruction King finally changed greatly.

"Crush me."

God of Destruction placed the vortex in the void, his palm clenched into a fist, waving constantly.

A series of punches appeared out of thin air and bombarded the dense embroidery needles.


After all, the devastating storm couldn't withstand the power of the Chiba Needle and exploded.

The power of terror flooded Yanwutai.


Peer-level formation appeared in Fang Chen's body, and it was difficult to resist the power to destroy the storm.


The destruction of the King of God was also a little shocking.

In just one year, this kid actually blocked his own storm of destruction.

In his heart, he moved.

"Boy, do you think you can defeat me to destroy the King of God by holding back my destruction storm?" The body of the King of Destruction is suspended in mid-air, looking down at Fang Chen from a high position. "Today, let me see you, I Destroy God ’s true attack power. "

The voice of the God of Destruction fell, and the power of the monstrous rule of destruction emerged.

The palm of Destruction King grabbed in the void, grabbed a force of destruction rules, and quickly condensed into a spear.

The God of Destruction held it in his hand, the power in his body oscillated, and the breath on him reached the ultimate.

The tops of the temples that secretly followed the battle sighed.

"The Lord of Destruction can actually apply the rules of destruction to this point. It is indeed extraordinary."

"Yeah, the attack power of God of Destruction is really the first among Gods of Kings. However, this guy named Fang Chen can't be underestimated in strength, and his defense even makes God of Destruction somewhat helpless."

"Just kidding, Guzu's disciples must be extraordinary."

The discussions between the high-level officials did not affect Fang Chen's battle.

Destroying the spear in the hands of God King gave Fang Chen a very dangerous feeling.

"call out……"

When the spear pierced him, he displayed the Magic Book of Time and Space without hesitation.

The third level of space-time magic book is on display, the body and space-time fusion, and even can control the time flow rate on the Yanwutai.

This made Fang Chen directly invincible.


The spear that destroys the **** king, and the crazy thorns are in every corner of the Yanwutai.

But he couldn't touch Fang Chen's figure at all.

"Damn, I don't believe that you can escape for a lifetime."

The God of Destruction shouted in anger and fell into a state of madness, and the spear pierced madly.

After a quarter of an hour, the Destruction King was slightly embarrassed.

Holding a spear in his hand, he stood quietly on the Yanwu platform, turned his head to look into the void, and said, "If he had been avoiding like this, when would the battle be going on?"

He is talking to the top of the temples.

He cannot attack Fang Chen, nor can the latter defeat him.

If there is no third party involved, the battle will continue without any meaning.

However, before the opening of the top of the temples, Fang Chen appeared.


Fang Chen sneered and said, "From now on, if I avoid, I will lose."

"Okay, let's fight."

Hearing the words, the Destruction God King grinned widely, holding the Destruction Spear, and stabbed at Fang Chen fiercely.

"A blow to destruction."

Destroyer King Shi exhibited his killer skill and destroyed the blow.

In this blow, almost no Divine King can confront it head-on, unless it is the Divine King of creation, which has an endless breath.

Otherwise, Zhong will die.

"Taiwan refining the magic formula."

In Fang Chen's body, the golden heart was beating rapidly, and the golden liquid quickly integrated into the Xingyin sword.

The five great sword moves, the blood and golden liquid of the real dragon, increased the attack power of the five great sword moves to the strongest.

"this is……"

The tops of the temples that secretly followed the battle were also frightened.

The Kendo magical art exhibited by Fang Chen was unheard of.

Even the **** king of the Nanling Sword Palace might not be able to perform such awe-inspiring swordsmanship?

At the same time as many high-level leaders were shocked, the five great sword moves turned into five sword lights.

The time sword light changes the time flow rate on the Yanwu platform, while the space sword light is an auxiliary supernatural-level array method, directly blocking the space. Destroy the sword light main attack, create sword light auxiliary, provide endless energy. As for the reincarnation of the sword light, it is disturbing the state of mind of the King of Destruction.

Masters play, once the state of mind is chaotic, they will definitely lose.

The five great sword moves, playing a very different effect, stabbed fiercely on the destruction spear.


The two collided, and suddenly a deafening voice erupted, and the entire Yanwutai trembled.

The power in the Destruction King is like being taken out, and it is injected into the Destruction Spear like crazy.

This is his desperate fight. If Fang Chen cannot be defeated, then his title of God King will surely be lost.

This is something that the Destruction King does not want to see.


At this moment, the Destruction King has been unable to care so much.

There is only one thought in his mind, that is to kill Fang Chen and keep the title of destroying the King of God.


With a devastating blow, its attack power is very strong. In addition to the destruction of the king, he drained all his power.

Suddenly, a splendid force erupted inside the spear, which would create a sword light and directly smash it.

Fang Chen's attack, all energy comes from creating Jianguang.

The smashing to create the sword light also cut off the attacking power of Taikoo Refining God's Secret from the root.


Time, space, and two sword lights are shattered one after another.

There were also cracks on the destruction of Jianguang.


Fang Chen snorted, and the rebirth of Jianguang burst into a bright light, directly wrapping the God of Destruction.


A miserable cry came from the mouth of the God of Destruction.

The God of Destruction was in a frenzy. He held the Destruction Spear in his hand and stabbed it fiercely.

Click ...

The samsara of samsara shattered, and the sword of destruction shattered.

However, when the destruction of the sword light shatters, it will also shatter the destruction of the spear.

Destroy the body of God King and Fang Chen, back off one after another.

However, before waiting for Fang Chen to stabilize his body and destroy the God King Yang Tian Changxiao, he took a treasure from his arms.


The God of Destruction shattered the treasure, and suddenly the massive water of destruction emerged from it, drowning Fang Chen with a sudden thunder.

Even, Fang Chen was too late to run the time and space magic book to escape.


The high-rise of the secret temples shouted in anger.

The God of Destruction is in violation of the rules, and the heavy water of destruction is displayed. This is to kill Fang Chen.

Rumble ...

A horrible coercion appeared over the city of Gods.

"Destroy the King is against the rules of the Temples, you should know what to do."

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