Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1874: Bizarre heart

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Gu Zu has been paying attention to his disciples.

Fang Chen challenged the destruction of the King of God, which was within the ancestor's expectations.

However, after the battle started, Fang Chen really shocked him.

Only then did he know that his disciples had such a strong fighting power. Its strength is no weaker than any of the elders of the Seventy-two Palaces.

Gu Zu grinned when he saw this.

He knew that the battle was over, and the God of Destruction was not an opponent of his disciples.

However, at the last moment, the God of Destruction was in a frenzy, and the sanity was disturbed by the reincarnation of Jianguang, losing his sanity.

He took out a lot of water to destroy and drowned Fang Chen's figure.

Because the latter resisted a blow to destruction, the pressure was quite large, so when retreating, I didn't expect that the God of Destruction would come.

Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by heavy water, and the body was corroded instantly.

Gu Zu was very angry, and the projection came over the gods.

"Destroy the King is against the rules of the Temples, you should know how to do it." Guzu's angry voice exploded over the Temples.

The high-level hearts of the temples throbbed, and at the same time they would fall into a crazed capture of the God of Destruction.

"Destroying the King of God violates the rules of the Temples of the Gods, and the other party kills the enemy, take it." One of the **** emperors' realm was ready to attack the King of Destruction.

However, it was stopped by the Guzu.

Gu Zu frowned and said coldly: "Forget it, you can deprive him of the title of God King. His life is left to my apprentice to take it."

After all, with a wave of the palm of the Guzu, Fang Chen wrapped in the destroyed heavy water was taken away directly.


Tiangu Palace.

Gu Zu expelled Fang Chen's heavy water of destruction, but his face was somber.

"Although I showed up in time to expel all the devastating waters, but ..."

Looking at the flesh and blood being corroded, only Fang Chen of the skeleton remains, Guzu's heart is quite unpleasant.

This is his own disciple, actually ended like this.

And myself, there is no way.


Gu Zu sent a voice to the Vice-President, and a moment later an old man in white appeared.

"Princess, why do you call me?" Asked the vice-prince.

"I was destroyed by heavy water, you come and see." Guzu said in a deep voice.

This deputy palace lord is a creation emperor, a healing method, which is extraordinary.

In this respect, even the ancestors are ashamed.

The vice-grandmaster slightly inspected Chen Xian's injury, and his face gradually darkened. He glanced at the Guzu, and then said: "His situation is not optimistic. Although you cleared away the devastating water that invaded him in time. But there is still a part of the devastating water that entered his spirit and heart."

"His Yuanshen has cracked, and the collapse is only a matter of time. Instead, his heart is quite miraculous, and he is still resisting the erosion of the devastating heavy water. It is precisely because of this that he sighed with relief." The Vice-President continued.

"Do you have a way?" Gu Zu asked hurriedly.

The Vice-President nodded and said, "There is a way, but it's a bit troublesome."

"What way?" Gu Zu asked.

The Vice-Palace pondered for a moment: "There is only one way right now, that is to expel his soul, the heavy water of destruction in his heart. Then reshape his body for him."

"However, this process is extremely difficult, and a slight error will make him fall. Be careful."

Hearing the words, Guzu was relieved, as long as there was a way.

"Okay, let's start now." Guzu said.

The deputy palace master nodded. He and the bone ancestor briefly exchanged ideas on how to help Fang Chen expel the destructive heavy water in Yuanshen.

Guzu nodded, indicating full cooperation.

The palm of the Vice-President was pressed on Fang Chen's body, and the power of the creative rules suddenly poured into his body, and came into his mind, and penetrated into the Yuanshen a little.

Hiss ...

In Yuanshen, the three little golden men have broken, and Yuanshen will also be damaged.

The Destructive Heavy Water has completely occupied Fang Chen's Yuanshen. After the power to create rules entered, the Destructive Heavy Water launched a strong attack.


The vice palace roared loudly.

Suddenly, the figure of the Guzu continued to shrink, and finally turned into a breeze and disappeared into the air.

At the next moment, the voice of Guzu came from Fang Chen's Yuanshen.

"I have come in." Guzu said.

"Full-hearted expulsion." Vice-Palace said.


Guzu began to expel the heavy water of destruction within Fangchen Yuanshen.

This trick seems simple, but it is very difficult. And there must be a **** of creation who protects his primal spirit with the power of creation rules.

Otherwise, a strong man like Gu Zu, who sneaks into Fang Chen's Yuanshen with time-space repair system, will detonate his Yuanshen.


The Guzu quickly expelled the heavy water of destruction within the Yuanshen, and the Vice Palace Master was also the Yuanshen who kept Fang Chen with all his strength and did not allow it to break.

Time is passing.

This situation lasted three hours.

Yuanshen was destroyed by heavy water, and finally was expelled by Guzu, and Guzu came out of Yuanshen.


The cracks in Yuanshen no longer expand.

Upon seeing this, the Vice-President's face was overjoyed, and continued to increase his strength, wrapped in Fang Chen's Yuanshen, and broke away from this broken body.

Guzu arranged a formation here, and put Fang Chen's broken primordial spirit into the formation.

"Let his Yuanshen recombine first, and wait until it is restored, then he can reshape the Yuanshen."

He breathed a sigh of relief, and Fang Chen's life was finally picked up, but as to when he could reshape the flesh, I don't know yet.

Next, the two great emperors cooperated to prepare to expel the heavy water of destruction in the heart.

However, this time, it encountered difficulties.

"what happened?"

Gu Zu's face was a bit gloomy, and he was puzzled.

By his means, there is nothing that can't go to the huge God Realm. They can even enter Fang Chen's Yuanshen, but they cannot enter his heart.

"It seems that there is a protective film around his heart, which automatically protects the heart." Shen Gong, the deputy palace's chief, can only make sense with this explanation.

The two great emperors encountered difficulties, and if they were unable to expel the heavy water of destruction in their hearts, they would fall short.

"What should I do?" Gu Zu asked the deputy palace master.

He is the creation emperor, and he has the right to speak on the matter of healing and saving people.

"You can't come by hard, otherwise you will be attacked by the heart. Your strength is strong, and the heart's counterattack will eventually cause it to break." The vice-president said, "I'm thinking of a way."

Gu Zu nodded, although he was very anxious, but he needed to wait patiently.

In this way, the two great emperors fell into contemplation.

In a flash, a month passed.

During this period, the two great emperors tried countless methods, with no effect at all. Guzu still cannot enter the heart.

However, the Vice-Palace found a strange thing.

The heavy water of destruction in the heart actually decreased.

What does this mean? It shows that the heart can automatically expel and destroy the heavy water.

This discovery made the two great emperors happy and broken.

"Hahaha, Palace Master, it seems that we don't need to do anything. Fang Chen's heart is quite special, and it won't take long to expel all the destruction of heavy water." Deputy Palace Master laughed.

"This kid always makes people worry." Gu Zu also shook his head and smiled bitterly.

They found that Fang Chen's Yuanshen is also recovering. Although the speed is extremely slow, it is finally moving in a good direction.

Waiting for the primal **** to recover, the heart is intact, and then reshape the body, for the two great emperors, it can't be easier.

Solving Fang Chen's problem, Gu Zu's mood has also become a lot smoother.

At this time, the Deputy Palace Lord had the opportunity to ask about the course of events.

"What? Fang Chen challenged and destroyed the King of God, and defeated it?" The Vice-Palace was a little surprised, but soon it was relieved. This kid's whole body is secret, even the heart is so special, so that the two great emperors cannot see through .

"I'll keep him for the destruction of the King of God. After he reshapes the flesh, go and ask for it in person." Guzu said softly.

The deputy palace master nodded and stopped talking about Fang Chen's things. He sat on the stone bench beside him and shifted the topic: "For the palace master, what happened to the Holy Light?"

Speaking of the Holy Light Church, the ancestor's face changed, "Originally I and the Emperor Taixu had already planned, as long as they had a turbulence, they would wipe them out in one fell swoop. But I don't know what happened, the Holy Light Church actually cancelled The action this time. "

"Withdrawn?" The deputy palace owner frowned.

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