Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1876: Post task

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In a blink of an eye, Fang Chen's flesh has grown completely. It seems to be no different from before, but the essence has changed a lot.


Gu Zu and the Deputy Palace Master also discovered the changes in Fang Chen's body, and the two carefully guarded Fang Chen.

Feeling the change of the golden heart in the body, Fang Chen sat directly on the ground with his knees closed and closed his eyes.

At this moment, the golden heart was beating rapidly, and the golden liquid emerged and spread into the limbs.

"Golden heart, seems to be changing my physique?"

Fang Chen secretly said in his heart that he could feel that the golden liquid had changed, his own meridians and bones were changing.

After a few breaths, Fang Chen felt as if she had been reborn.


The horrible sword gas exploded from its body.

Gu Zu and Vice Palace Master are also a little surprised. A **** king realm can actually burst out such a surprising sword spirit.

"Gu Zu, your apprentice's talent in kendo is not so strong." The vice palace sighed.

After surviving the endless years, looking at the whole God Realm, he has seen countless kendo geniuses.

However, Fang Chen at this moment made him feel shocked.

Even the Swordless Emperor of the Nanling Sword Palace might not have been so evil when he was young.

"The whole body is flooded with cold sword energy, he was born for the sword." Gu Zu groaned.

He really can't understand that a sword repair can accomplish that kind of accomplishment in the space-time repair system.

Hiss ...

The longer the time, the more Fang Chen's body was wrapped in the sky.

Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, and Fang Chen's body is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

"The meridians and bones have transformed, and even the small molecules that make up the body are changing." Fang Chen shook his heart.

After such an hour, the golden heart finally stopped changing its body.

At this moment, Fang Chen felt that his body was full of unprecedented power.

As soon as the mind moved, the sword energy of the whole body instantly converged.

"Is this the real perfect sword?"

Fang Chen said to himself.

"The physical strength has increased at least ten times."

What is this concept? This means that Fang Chen's physical strength is now comparable to that of God Emperor Realm.

Even if he is standing still on the ground, the ordinary **** king realm will never want to hurt him.

And more importantly, his perception of Kendo has reached a certain level.

His mind is full of profound mystery of kendo.

And all this is due to the perfect sword body.

"The perfect sword body before was just a fake sword body." Fang Chen sighed.

Fighting against the God of Destruction is a blessing in disguise. The flesh was reshaped, and the earth-shaking changes took place.

Really perfect sword awakening.

"The previous perfect sword body, although powerful, was unable to stabilize the Xuanyin Phoenix body. Now the truly perfect sword body can definitely overwhelm the Xuanyin Phoenix body."

While Fang Chen was thinking, Gu Zu said, "Fang Chen, congratulations on your blessing this time."

"It's incredible. I've seen many **** kings reshape their flesh, but none of them is like you." The deputy palace master Qi Chen was also full of praise.

"Thank you, Master." Fang Chen thanked with a fist.

"If you want to thank, thank the deputy palace master, but he did a lot of work." Gu Zu laughed.

"Thank you, Vice Palace Master." Fang Chen turned to look at the Vice Palace Master.

The latter smiled slightly, spread his hand, and motioned Fang Chen not to be so polite.

Guzu felt more and more that he could not see through this disciple.

"Fang Chen, have you ever inherited some powerful swordsmen?" Gu Zu asked.

Fang Chen nodded and said simply: "The disciples have received some inheritance before, but they don't know which powerful person's inheritance."

After all, when it comes to the ancient **** of the universe, Fang Chen is reluctant to disclose, even if this person is his own master.

The attraction of cosmic gods to top divine emperors cannot be imagined.

Perhaps one's own random words will cause some unexpected troubles.

Gu Zu nodded lightly and didn't say much. He told him, "You have just remodeled ** and have a good rest. As for the destruction of the King of God, I will leave his life to you to claim."

"Thank you Master."

Fang Chen was secretly happy in his heart.

After a moment, Gu Zu and the vice-lord left.

"Destroy the King of God."

In the mouth of Fang Chen, the word "Destroying the King of God" was chanted, and a cold killing intention was emitted from his body.

No, to be precise, there is only one God of Destruction in God Realm now, that is Fang Chen.

Since he defeated God of Destruction after the first battle, the temples recognized him as one of the six rulers of God.

However, it was not announced to the outside because Fang Chen was too injured.

All the temples have their backs. If Fang Chen fell, then the **** of destruction is still the predecessor.

Fang Chen immediately contacted the Temple of the Gods and informed him of his thoughts.

Within a day, the temples announced that Fang Chen was the new King of Destruction.

One stone stirred thousands of waves.

When this news spread, all the kings exclaimed, and even the other five ruler kings were a little puzzled.

"What? The God of Destruction is defeated?"

"God, how strong are the Guzu disciples? Actually defeated the God of Destruction?"

"Hahaha, I can actually see the Lord of Destruction change his life."

Many **** kings are talking about this matter.

However, a more shocking news came from the Tiangu Palace.

Fang Chen used the mission system of the Tiangu Palace to face the entire Divine Realm and issued a mission.

If someone can provide the whereabouts of extermination, owe him a favor, as long as he is within his ability, he will shoot.

What a joke, the favor of Guzu disciples, but many people are rushing to ask for it.

"What? Fang Chen is looking for God of Destruction? He is trying to kill him."

"Isn't this necessary? Even if the King of Destruction is defeated, he won't be chased by him?"

"Then who knows, hurry up and find it, the value of Gu Zu's discipleship is too high."

Many **** kings, eager to move, madly poured into the land of the extreme south, frantically looking for the destruction of the king.

Destruction is the real name of God of Destruction.

He was defeated by Fang Chen, and the title of God of Destruction was taken back by the temples.

Therefore, Fang Chen said his real name when he released the mission.

God Realm, a very hidden place.

Desperately opened his eyes violently, exuding a wild atmosphere of destruction.

His eyes were scarlet, and his heart was full of hate.

"Fang Chen, are you trying to kill me all?" Extermination shouted angrily.

He was defeated by the latter in the battle of the Temples. At the critical moment, he used his strongest killer. He thought that he could be killed, but who can expect that Fang Chen did not die.

"Huh, the destruction of the heavy water failed to kill you, your life is indeed hard enough. But you think I am still the previous me, if you bully, then you are very wrong." Extermination is crazy.

"Beheaded and killed the Guzu disciples, even if I die, I can be famous in God Realm. And, as long as I plan well, I will definitely be able to retreat." Hei He stood up suddenly and disappeared into darkness.


The South China Sea, the Antarctic continent, the territory of the Phoenix family, the mansion of Luna.


Fang Chen's avatar suddenly opened his eyes.

"Brother Chen?"

Seeing this, Xingyue was stunned for a moment, immediately ecstatic, and directly embraced Fang Chen.

She, who had never spoken well, wept with joy.

In the past few years, she has been guarding Fang Chen while practicing.

From hope at the beginning to despair in the later period, she has even made a comprehensive plan to avenge her husband.

But now, Fang Chen woke up suddenly, and she had some difficulty controlling her feelings for a while.

Suppressed emotions for a long time, suddenly came to mind.

"Yue'er, you have worked hard." Fang Chen said softly, stroking Xingyue's head.

"Not bitter." Xingyue said.

Fang Chen looked at the sky with a firm color in his eyes.

"Relax, wait for a while and wait for me to kill him completely, then I will come to Antarctica to pick you up."


At the same time, the atmosphere of terror rose into the sky in the Moon God Mansion.

Moreover, it was a series of four breaths of terror that shocked many true gods of the Phoenix family.

"A strong breath, has anyone broken into the realm of God King?"

"The breath came from the Moon God Mansion. Who broke it?"

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