Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1879: Stone mirror

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Lei Guan'er's voice passed into the mind of extermination.

Hidden in the cave, his body shook, and his face was overjoyed, "Are you here?"

Meng He thought that it was the Holy Light who came to approach him.

Stand up hurriedly and hurried out of the cave.

However, when he came outside the cave, he stunned suddenly, and his face was completely cold.

"It's you?"

When Fang He saw Fang Chen, his eyes were scarlet, and his anger was burning.

"Why? Didn't you think?" Fang Chen grinned.

The killing eyes fell on the God King of Jiangxin Island, and then he suddenly realized that this person must have exposed his whereabouts.


A sudden and powerful punch came out, and suddenly the void in the sky was condensed by the power of the rules of destruction into a terrifying fist, and he whistled towards Jiangxin Island God King.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen waved his palm and directly resisted the Lord's attack.

Then, God King Jiangxin Island quickly retreated behind Fang Chen.

"Your opponent is me."

Fang Chen looked at Xiao He with a squinted smile, deep in his eyes, a flash of cold murderous intention flashed through.

"Boy, even the destruction of the heavy water failed to kill you, you are really lucky." In fact, in the heart of the killer, the other party Chen was quite afraid.

At that time, if it was not the last moment, if he exhibited the strongest killer, he might have died in Fang Chen's hands.

Right now, the Holy Light Church has not yet come. If you are alone, it is difficult to defeat this person.

Therefore, it can only delay time.


Xiao He shouted, exhibited a wild storm of destruction, and suddenly attacked Fang Chen.

"too weak."

In the past few years, Fang Chen has become famous. But also blessed by misfortune.

Although the realm is still the God King Realm, its strength is close to that of the God Emperor Realm.

Facing the attack of Fang He, Fang Chen can easily resist, and his face is full of jokes.


Fang Chen took out the Star Hidden Sword and exhibited the Taiji Refining God's Refining Technique. He was suppressed.

The God King Jiangxin Island watching from the side was quite shocked.

"It is indeed a disciple of Guzu. Such strength is really powerful."

With Fang Chen's current strength, even among the six ruler kings, it also belongs to the top level. And its attack power is close to God Emperor.

As a result, Jiangxin Island God King was even more excited.

The stronger Fang Chen's strength is, the easier it is for Jiang Xindao's revenge.

"I am going to kill you."

Fang Chen, who was completely crushed by Fang Chen, was finally intolerable and fell into a frenzy, wanting to die with Fang Chen.

However, in front of Fang Chen's absolute strength, he could not even capture the trace of Fang Chen.

Thump ...

Xingyin Jian pierced fiercely into the body of the exterminator, the latter's mouth, the blood stains escaped, and his breath faded.


Mei He raised his palm and wanted to fight back. But it was discovered that Xingyin Sword was absorbing the power of his body frantically. His body instantly became extremely weak.


Fang Chen gently pulled out the Xingyin sword, extinguished the dead body, and fell unwillingly to the ground.

A generation of strong men, once destroying the King of God, finally ended in this way.

Fang Chen glanced at the dead body, and then turned to leave.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt the evil breath in the air.

"Holy Light Church?"

Between Fang Chen's thoughts, a voice came from the void.

"Quiet, here we are."

Remnants of the Holy Light religion, apparently did not expect the traces of extinction will be exposed.

They hurried to meet with the killer, who could have thought that the killer had been killed by Fang Chen long ago.


Immediately after the sound came, the three Kings of the Holy Light Church appeared.


Their eyes fell on the killer's body, and their faces suddenly changed.

"who are you?"

Asked the three gods Wang Hansheng.

"Mie He actually colluded with the remnants of the Holy Light Church." Fang Chen said coldly.

"He is a Guzu disciple."

One of the three **** kings recognized Fang Chen, his face full of gruesome smiles.

"Gu Zu disciple? Hahaha, really God help me too."

"How about the Guzu disciple, destroy him."

Destroyed has promised to submit to the Holy Light Church. Although he has not joined, he is also considered to be half of the Holy Light Church members.

Beheaded by Fang Chen, their three gods will naturally avenge their revenge.

Moreover, the people in front of him are the disciples of Guzu. Over the years, the ancestors have killed many senior leaders of the Holy Light Church. They will take this opportunity to avenge the dead strong men.


One of the **** kings snorted, and the three **** kings shot at the same time.

Rumble ...

The breath of terror spread out instantly, and the three great kings and Fang Chen fought together.


Fang Chen urged all his strength, and punched one of the weakest **** kings with a punch. Suddenly blasted his body.

"He is very strong, don't fight alone."

Another **** king shouted, and at the same time he looked at the headed **** king and said in a deep voice, "Don't take out the killer weapon yet?"

This time they came to find Heihe. The first was to discuss with Heihe about joining the Holy Light Church, and the second was to send him a treasure to deal with Guzu disciples.

Seeing the first king of God, he knew Fang Chen's strength and moved his heart, and a stone mirror appeared in his palm.

This stone mirror is very magical, with complicated patterns flashing around, and the mirror is extremely calm.

When the first **** king injected evil breath into the stone mirror, a slight ripple suddenly appeared on the calm and clean mirror surface.

Immediately afterwards, a brilliant light enveloped Fang Chen.


Seeing the three kings, they laughed.

They naturally know the power of the stone mirror, and the **** king realm, as long as he is shrouded in the light of the stone mirror, will definitely die.

Even the God of Destruction is impossible to escape from the stone mirror.

This is also why Menghe is willing to join the Holy Light Church for the stone mirror.

In the bright light, Fang Chen felt that his whole body seemed to be bound.

"What a strange power."

This peculiar power is different from the evil power of the Holy Light religion and the power of their martial practitioners. It is a brand-new power.

Fang Chen found that the bright light locked his body and further corroded himself.

"I don't know if the Time and Space Illusion Book works."

Fang Chen said secretly, his body flashed immediately, and the rich breath of time suddenly appeared.

In an instant, Fang Chen's body escaped into the void.

"If there is no time and space magic book, maybe it will really be planted in this stone mirror." Fang Chen sighed secretly.

There is nothing strange about God Realm.

For example, this stone mirror is a very strange treasure.

In addition to the shining light, the first **** king kept maintaining the energy of the stone mirror, and the other two kings laughed.

"Covered by the stone mirror, even if he is the king of destruction? Unless he is the emperor, he will definitely die."

"Boss, is this kid dead?" Another **** king said: "This time the harvest is not small. Although the extermination is dead, it is a great thing to be able to kill the Guzu disciples."

"Yeah, maybe the leader will call me in person."

The three great kings thought of this, and their hearts were beautiful.

The greatest honor for members of the Holy Light Church is to be summoned by the leader.

The leader of the Holy Light Church, it is a strong man who can compete with the top divine emperor of God Realm.

No one has seen the true appearance of the leader.

All members summoned by the leader will advance by leaps and bounds. And the position within the Holy Light Church is extremely transcendent.


In the void, looking at three people, Fang Chen sneered.

He quietly came to the weakest **** king, and then he did not hesitate to take out the Xingyin sword, and exhibited the Taiko refining magic tactics.

In order to solve this **** king at one time, the five swords were sent together.

Thump ...

The **** king who was talking and laughing was suddenly pierced in the chest with a long sword.


Blood spilled over the sky, and the **** king was killed directly.

"The third one?"

Seeing the other two kings, they widened their eyes and shouted in silence.

"What the **** is going on?" Shouted angrily as the head king.

Thump ...

The second **** king was also beheaded by Fang Chen. At this time, Fang Chen's figure came out of the void.

As the first God King, after seeing Fang Chen, he shook his head frantically as if dreaming.

"How? How can you escape the shackles of the stone mirror?"

Shouted for the head **** king, some frightened.

Seeing the two **** kings fall to the ground, he was holding the stone mirror tightly in his palm and his body kept receding.


As the first **** king, Shi Jing was pointed at Fang Chen again, and the bright light drowned it.

However, this move is useless.

"I know I am a disciple of Gu Zu, and still use this trick? Don't you know that the space-time repair system can be immune to everything?" Fang Chen sneered and stepped toward the head of the god.

The latter heard his words, his face pale.

"How can it be?"

His heart was full of regret.

However, Fang Chen will not give him a chance, Xingyin sword waved out, the latter has almost no resistance, was beheaded by Fang Chen.


Fang Chen's palm protruded, and Shi Jing was included in the Sumiya ring.

He felt the extraordinaryness of Shi Jing. After he went back, he would study it carefully, and maybe he could improve his combat effectiveness.

When Fang Chen turned his head to look around, the God King of Jiangxin Island was already in place.

He never dreamed that Guzu's disciples were so powerful.

"This ... Qi Xindao's hatred is hopefully reported." After the shock was ecstasy.

For Fang Chen, killing the four **** kings is nothing.

Especially after he reshaped his flesh, he was almost invincible in the realm of God King.

However, for the God King of Jiangxin Island, it was extremely shocking.


The God King Jiangxin Island did not know what language to use to describe his inner shock, and he spit out two words after a long time.

"Let's go back to Tiangu Palace with me first." Fang Chen said.

The figure of the two turned into a breeze and disappeared here.

The information provided by God King Jiangxin Island is correct, so Fang Chen must honor his promise.

However, before that, he had to investigate whether Tianhu Island collaborated with the Holy Light Church.

If the God King Jiangxin Island is true, then he will help him to eliminate Tianhu Island.



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