Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1892: Sword and Divine Emperor

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Kendo with a golden heart is under pressure, and the King's Tomb area hardly encounters any obstacles.

The huge tomb of the king was empty, and there was hardly anyone here.

Because, in general, the people who enter the sword mound are basically the **** emperor realm. For the powerful of the Divine Emperor Realm, they will not waste time to find the inheritance of the weak God Kings who are lower than their realm.

Three days later, Fang Chen and Emperor Destroyer passed through the tomb of the king and entered the range of the tomb of the emperor.


Just entering the tomb of the emperor, I felt a terrifying kendo breath.

At a glance, countless tombs stood quietly on the earth, as if they existed forever.

"Is this the emperor's tomb?"

After entering the tomb, Fang Chen also felt a depression.

call out……

At the same time he was shocked, suddenly a horrible sword gas, cut through the sky, and rushed towards him instantly.

"Be careful."

The God of Destruction God reminded loudly, and at the same time arranged a sword formation array, which was blocked in front of Fang Chen, and blocked that terrifying sword energy.

Click ...

The horrible sword spirit is very strange. Within the sword light, there is a powerful force of corrosion.


This is the first time Fang Chen has seen the wraith spirit of the God Emperor Realm.

Suddenly, the horrible sword gas was broken.

"Quick battle and quick decision."

Shen Tianshen said with a deep voice.

Fang Chen nodded and did not dare to neglect.

The two joined forces to directly trap the wraith in the middle.

Swire refining the magic formula.

As Fang Chenshi exhibited the Sword of Destruction of the Ancient God's Refining Techniques, after all, Wraith could not resist his attack and was directly dispersed.

"Go away."

Destroying God Emperor's face was a bit gloomy, and with Fang Chen, quickly left here.

Just a few moments later, countless wraiths gathered here. An angry roar came from their mouths.

Huh ...

After a while, Fang Chen and the God of Destruction came to a small hill.

There are no tombs around the hill, which is relatively safe.

"What's going on?" Fang Chen was a little puzzled, although the spirit of complaining was very strong. But if the two of them join forces, they can easily kill the wraith.

Besides, the kendo breath released by the golden heart can suppress the attack of the wraith.

"Do you know what is the most taboo thing in the emperor's tomb?" Emperor Destroyer looked at Fang Chen and asked.


"The emperor's tomb is buried with the kendo **** emperor strong since the endless years. Although they fell, but their wraiths are often together, they will also know each other. If in the emperor's tomb, you are a wraith Entwined, it is very likely to face many wraith attacks in the next time. "Emperor God of Destruction:" Although the attack power of two wraiths is not much, if there are ten hundred? You? Can it be beaten? "

Hearing this, Fang Chen was also a little stunned.

Unexpectedly, there is such a thing in the tomb.

Fortunately, the Emperor God of Destruction is here, and his experience is relatively old-fashioned, otherwise, he is likely to put himself in danger.

"However, in the tomb of the emperor is not absolutely dangerous. For example, where we are now is a safe place." Emperor Destroyer continued: "According to the records, there are thirty-six small hills in the tomb of the emperor. Inside the sword mound The sword's breath cannot cover the hills. Therefore, when standing here, you will not be attacked by the wraith. "

Fang Chen nodded and listened quietly.

"Actually, people all say that Jianzuo is more dangerous. However, the real danger is the hearts of people." Emperor Goddess said: "The heart of the heart is separated from the belly, and no one knows what the other person is thinking. Maybe sometimes you think that you can trust the back. , It will stab you at a critical moment. "

"So, although we are temporarily in alliance, I will always be alert to you." God of Destruction God said very directly.

There is a reason why he can survive in the sword mound for so long.

"Let's take a break here first, and then look for the sword and Divine Emperor." Emperor God of Destruction.

Fang Chen nodded, just preparing to sit cross-legged.

Suddenly, when I saw the sky, a black spot appeared.

After that black spot, there are many wraiths chasing.

"There are people there." Fang Chen Shen Sheng said.

The Emperor Destroyer looked up, and his dark eyes showed ecstasy.

"Hahaha, it was really God who helped me. He was originally prepared to go to him, but he didn't expect him to come to the door by himself." The Emperor of Heaven and Earth was very excited.

Fang Chen knew who the person came when he heard the words of the Emperor.

He carefully looked at the emperor, who had a sword-shaped logo on his collar. He was the emperor of the Nanling sword palace.

Moreover, the enemies sword and **** emperor in the mouth of the **** of destruction.

"He is being hunted down by a wraith." Fang Chen said.

The sword and Divine Emperor who were being pursued by the Wraith had some helpless faces.

The five wraiths behind him have chased and killed him for several days.

"Damn, didn't you just steal the sword of a real artifact from your tomb? As for this?"

Sword and Divine Emperor couldn't help vomiting, and he was looking around.

If you can't find a safe place, your body's strength will be exhausted.

"I hope I can hold on to it, and I have passed on to the elders nearby." Sword and Divine Emperor said secretly.


Behind him, a wraith near him suddenly slashed out an unreal sword, and slashed on the sword and the **** emperor's back.

Suddenly, the sword and the emperor's body staggered.

However, after all, Sword and Divine Emperor are the powerful players in Nanling Sword Palace, and their strength is extraordinary.

And the reaction ability is outstanding.

In an instant, the sword and the emperor turned a carp and jumped aside, and then exhibited the sword art of the Nanling Sword Palace, and the long sword in the hand cut the grudge.

After the Wraith was hit, it took a few steps backwards, which gave the sword and the Emperor some chance to escape.

He accelerated sharply and went straight away into the distance.

"There is a safe place over there."

I thought there would be a sword and a divine battle, and when I saw the hill in the distance, my eyes were straight.


Sword and Divine Emperor opened their hearts and laughed.

In an instant, he came to a safe place.

However, at this moment, he saw the smiling God Emperor.

"Emperor God of Heaven, do you dare to enter the tomb?"

Sword and Divine Emperor shouted angrily, stepped out, ready to enter the hill.


Destroying Heavenly God Emperor didn't say anything, he directly split with a sword, the sword and the God Emperor were caught off guard, and the body kept receding.

"You ... Destroy the God Emperor, do you dare to stop me? Don't you want to live?" Midair, the sword and the God Emperor shouted angrily.

Seeing that the Wraith is about to catch up, once surrounded, he will be seriously injured without dying.

"Sword and Divine Emperor, do you also have today?" The God of Destruction Heaven sneered, his attitude showed everything, that is, to prevent the sword and Divine Emperor from stepping onto the hill.

"Okay, very good. I want to see how you can stop me from entering the hill."

Sword and Divine Emperor's heart burned with anger, and at the same time he wielded a long sword in his hand, and the whole body of Kendo breathed.

call out……

A cold light cut through the sky and slashed towards the **** of destruction on the hill.

"not good."

Destroying the God Emperor screamed and looked at Fang Chen.

The latter exhibited the Taigu refining magic tactics, teamed up with the God of Destruction, and took off the sword and the God's attack.

"Huh? Kid, who are you? Will you stop me?" Sword and Divine Emperor's face was somber to the extreme.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the five wraiths rushed up, directly surrounding the sword and the emperor.

Thump ...

The deafening roar resounded through the sky.

Sword and Divine Emperor were surrounded by the five major wraiths, and for a moment they looked very embarrassed, with blood spilled into the sky.

"I can not be reconciled."

Sword and Divine Emperor Yang Tianchang Xiao, at the same time, he transmitted a sound to the nearby elders, urging them to rush here.

"Bash ..."

After some melee, Sword and Divine Emperor finally defeated a wraith, but he was seriously injured as a result.

"hold onto."

The sword and the emperor's eyes were scarlet, and their faces were pale, and their teeth were gnashed.

On the hill.

"Are we going to shoot now?" Heaven Destruction Emperor asked.

Fang Chen shook his head and said: "There are also four wraiths, waiting for both the sword and the Divine Emperor to fight against them and hurt us to shoot."

"Hahaha, I am so happy. Boy, I found that with you, my luck is much better." The God of Destruction God is in a good mood, grinning: "I can escape alive when I meet the Vine King, and now the enemy Even in front of him, he was sieged by the spirit of complaining. "

This feeling is simply cool.

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