Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1895: The end of the purple emperor

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The emperor Ziyi looked at Fang Chen playfully, his face full of ridicule.

The sword of silence is also his strongest swordsmanship. But by his display, the attack power was over the sword and the emperor.

Fang Chen stood quietly on the ground, thinking secretly in his heart.

After the first battle, he has initially learned the approximate strength of the Purple Emperor.

"His strength is indeed stronger than that of Sword and Divine Emperor. Dealing with him alone is somewhat difficult and requires quick battles and quick decisions."

Thinking of this, Fang Chen secretly transmitted the sound to the four mice and let them prepare.

Immediately, Fang Chen exudes a strong line of breath.

At the next moment, the supernatural-level formation enveloped the Purple Emperor.

"Awesome formation?"

The Emperor Ziyi was also a little surprised. He didn't expect this kid to be a master of magical ranks.

In his eyes, the murderous intentions are vertical and horizontal, without the slightest disguise.

"Do you think that by virtue of the supernatural-level formation, can you trap me? Then I will show you the strength of our twenty-seven sword emperor in the Nanling Sword Palace."

Ziyi Shenhuang's words just fell, and suddenly his palm clenched into a fist, his whole body was shocked, and he punched a punch with a punch.

Click ...

Peer-level formation method, unable to resist the attack of the purple-clothed **** emperor, gradually collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was also at this time that Fang Chen sneered and exhibited the Qianye needle.

Tens of thousands of embroidery needles condensed in the formation, directly submerged the formation.

Immediately, under the control of Fang Chen, he quickly shot towards the Purple Emperor.

call out……

A series of embroidery needles exploded in front of the Purple Emperor, and the terrifying energy fluctuations were affecting the Purple God Emperor's Yuanshen.

The primordial **** of the purple emperor was temporarily restrained.

The God Emperor Realm is strong, Yuanshen is very powerful. The consciousness can look around in all directions, and it is very important when fighting.


The purple emperor shouted in anger, and the sword of the real artifact in his hand continued to wave out.

The sword lights that split the sky, destroying thousands of embroidery needles quickly.

At the same time, Fang Chen exhibited the Magic Book of Time and Space and came behind the Purple Clothes God Emperor. Then he made a sword without hesitation.

Taikoo refining the tactics of the gods, the five great swords move together.

The five incredible sword lights merged in the void to form a hundred-foot sword shadow.

"Come out."

Fang Chen said softly in his mouth.


The ripples in the void flash, and the four guys appear instantly.

"It's finally possible to shoot."

"The enemy is a strong player in the Divine Emperor's Realm. He can't underestimate the enemy. Arrange the battle array quickly." The pangolin is speaking, and he is the most stable one of the four guys.

At the same time, it is also the most vigilant one.

Knowing that the enemy is a powerful player in the Nanling Sword Palace, he dare not carelessly.

The little mice, Xiaohuang and Xiaohai also nodded one after another. The four guys stood in the four positions of the Purple Emperor in a familiar way. An invisible battle enveloped the Purple Emperor.

Under the huge attack method of the emperor Ziyi, the dense embroidery needles were eventually defeated by him.

It was also at this time that a hundred-foot-sized sword shadow was severely cut on its body.

Click ...

Unexpectedly, the body of the emperor Ziyi was directly cleaved into the ground.

His shirt was cracked and his body was in a state of embarrassment.


The emperor Ziyi rushed out from under the ground, his face was grim, and his face was covered with anger.

"I want you to die."

Purple Emperor Zi has lost his mind a little, and there is only one thought in his mind, that is to kill Fang Chen.

There has never been a God Realm who made himself so embarrassed.

Death Divine Emperor's words have long been forgotten.

The Emperor Ziyi once again exhibited the sword of silence, turning into a horrible black vortex.

The black vortex is growing rapidly, and is running rapidly.

"Stop him."

Fang Chen said loudly that he once again exhibited the Taiko Refining God's Secret.

The battle of the four guys also exerted an unexpected effect.

The first was the little mouse. His whole body, with its purple luster surging, quickly condensed into a ghost of a purple mouse a few feet tall behind him.

"Pole penetration."

The little mouse chose the most penetrating talent for supernatural penetration.

When the purple mouse phantom opened Xuepeng's big mouth, he suddenly shot a thick purple spear in his mouth.

The spear carried a sharp and extreme penetration and shot at the black vortex.

Click ...

The black vortex has almost no resistance, and is penetrated by the purple spear.

At the same time, the little mouse controlled the purple spear and exploded in a black vortex.

Rumble ...

Suddenly, the black vortex was somewhat unstable.

The angry roar of the purple emperor was heard from inside.

However, the next attack made the Purple Emperor in despair.

Immediately after the little mouse attack is Xiao Huang, he himself is an ant royal family, and his attack power is super strong.

The two antennae on the small yellow head extend quickly until they touch the black vortex. The powerful force of corrosion began to attack the black vortex.

The black vortex that was shaking itself, had no time to take care of the two tentacles of the little mouse, and the outermost strength was instantly corroded.

At the same time, the attacks of pangolins and Xiaohai followed.

The pangolin hid his head, turned his body into a ball, and hit the black vortex hard.

Click ...

A large crack appeared in the black vortex, and the pangolin took the opportunity to enter the black vortex.

Huh ...

Xiaohai opened his mouth like a torrent like a waterfall, flowing out of his mouth, submerging the black vortex.

The repeated attacks of the four little guys, so that the purple emperor can not fully display the sword of death.


Finally, after a while, the black vortex collapsed.

The body of the purple emperor flew out of the explosion.

At the moment, he did not look like the twenty-seven sword emperor in Nanling Sword Palace. The whole body was embarrassed. If he didn't know him, he thought he was a beggar.

"How are you over there?"

At this time, the voice of the blue emperor came.

"Immediately." Emperor Ziyi gritted her teeth and said coldly.

His scarlet eyes stared at Fang Chen.

"Boy, your success angered me."

"You talk too much nonsense."

Before the Purple Emperor's words were finished, he was interrupted by the little mouse.

The latter exerted the talented supernatural power to engulf, and the horrible power of engulfing, shrouded the purple emperor.

In an instant, the body of the Purple Emperor Zi was pulled to his side.

The other three guys attacked again.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Although the goddess of purple clothing desperately resisted, but some can not resist.

"it's time."

Fang Chen held the Star Hidden Sword, urged the golden heart, and countless golden liquids emerged from it.

Finally, through the meridians, came to Fang Chen's palm.

Looking down at the rich golden liquid in his palm, Fang Chen grinned.

Then he clenched the Xingyin sword tightly, and the golden liquid poured into the Xingyin sword completely.

The surface of his skin, the sword-shaped runes flickered, and the perfect sword body was pushed to the extreme.

Only when the perfect sword body cooperates with Taikoo Refining God's tactics can the greatest power be exploded.

With the addition of golden liquid, the body of Xingyin sword skyrocketed.

Fang Chen exhibited the five swordsmanship of Taikoo Refining Spirit in one breath. The five swords that have been boosted by the golden liquid have released their peerless prestige.


Time and space magic book is displayed, Fang Chen's figure jumps in the void, and the Xingyin sword is quickly waving.

Thump ...

Destroy the sword light and take the lead to stab the purple emperor.

The latter's body exploded, and there was blood at the corners of his mouth, which also made him mad.

"Continue to increase the attack." The mouse rattled.

The four guys encircled the purple emperor, leaving the latter to be self-confident.

And Fang Chen's Taigu refining magic formula followed.

The remaining four sword lights continuously penetrated into the body of the purple emperor. Suddenly pierced his body, full of holes.


The emperor Ziyi shouted miserably, he was not reconciled.

He is the Divine Emperor, and was forced to such a point by a Divine King.

"Lao Lan, save me."

After all, the Purple God Emperor could not resist the fear of death and shouted loudly.

The emperor in blue, who was in a fierce battle with the goddess of destruction, changed his face greatly when he heard the voice.


The blue-clothed **** emperor forced a retreat to destroy the goddess of heaven, jumped forward, and prepared to rescue the purple-clothed **** lord.

"Lao Zi, hold on."

"Your opponent is me."

At this time, despite the inner shock, the Emperor God of Destruction knew that his task was to stop the Blue Emperor.

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