Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1897: Black sword

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The Emperor Destroyer grinned and pulled out a slap-sized black sword from his arms.

"this is……"

Fang Chen was puzzled. What does it mean to destroy the Emperor? This black sword gave him a very depressed feeling.

"Brother, the original secret, I will not tell anyone. But I am able to kill the sword and the emperor, it is entirely your credit. Since I exterminated the **** emperor to recognize you as a brother, then I will take everything I know. I told you. "

Destroying Heavenly Emperor and Fang Chen frankly faced each other, raised the black sword in his hand, and said, "Do you see what is special about this black sword?"

Fang Chen took the Black Sword and felt it carefully.

Suddenly, a strange breath came from within the Black Sword, flashed in an instant, and then fell into Fang Chen's palm.


Fang Chen felt a pain, some painful pain.

"what happened?"

While holding the black sword, the golden heart actually started to beat.

You know, general things will not attract the attention of golden hearts, especially those related to kendo.

Fang Chen hurriedly looked into his body, and he suddenly found that the strange breath that had just penetrated into his palm had been absorbed by the golden heart.

Seeing Fang Chen's face change, Emperor Goddess smiled and said, "How is it? Feel the extraordinary of this black sword? I won't sell it to you anymore. I have this black sword, and the sword and the emperor also have one." handle."


Fang Chen vaguely seemed to understand some.

"Actually, I don't hide from you. A long time ago, I was friends with the sword and the **** emperor. In the sword mound, the two of us acted together. Until one time, we met these two black swords ..."

When it comes to this, the look of the God of Destruction has changed somewhat.

It seems that he has been hit hard in this matter.

In fact, seeing him like this, Fang Chen already guessed what happened next.

It is nothing more than the sword and the Divine Emperor's intention to make a fortune, and they want to **** the black sword in his hand to monopolize the shot, and the two eventually turn their backs against each other.

"When we found these two black swords, we were very shocked. Because, these two black swords are related to the devil emperor." The Emperor Destroyer tried to control his emotions and said slightly.

"Devil Emperor?"

Fang Chen exclaimed.

This strong man, he is so sturdy. Although the Devil Emperor has fallen, its legend has always been spread in God Realm.

Devil Emperor is the strongest realm of the Divine Emperor in the last cosmic era. Although he entered the Dao with the Devil, his swordsmanship is not weaker than that of any Sword Emperor.

The strength of its power makes the whole spirit world shake.

Fang Chen did not expect that this short black sword was actually related to the Devil Emperor.

"When we got the Black Sword, we already sensed it. The Black Sword has a total of nine handles. If they are all together, we can find the Devil Emperor's tomb and get the Devil Emperor's inheritance." The Emperor of the God of Destruction: "Also Because of this, Sword and Divine Emperor secretly attacked me and wanted to kill me, but unfortunately I escaped. "

Fang Chen was already checking the sword and the emperor's Xuya ring while the Emperor God of Heaven was talking.

Sure enough, a black sword lay in the Sumiya ring.

Fang Chen took out the black sword, and suddenly felt that the two black swords attracted each other, blinking together.

"Sure enough."

After Fang Chen drowned his blood and recognized the Lord, a large amount of information suddenly entered his mind.

Most of this information records some deeds of the Devil Emperor during his lifetime.

Fang Chen glanced at it briefly, but only the last few words attracted his attention.

"That is……"

"Yes, although we only have two black swords now, each black sword represents a pinnacle of God Emperor Realm." Emperor Destroyer said with a smile.

Under the demon emperor, there are nine guards. Every **** is a strong man at the pinnacle of God Emperor Realm.

The Nine Guards followed the Devil Emperor and fought against the God Realm, leaving a superb name.

Before the Devil Emperor fell, he handed the nine black swords to the nine guards he trusted most.

And now, the nine-handed black swords are scattered in every corner of the sword mound. Obtaining the black sword means that the grave of the nine guards can be found.

"You mean ..." Fang Chen asked.

Emperor Destroyer focused on the head, and then said: "We can use these two black swords to find the tombs of the two guards first and get their inheritance to enhance their strength."

Being able to be the guard of the Devil Emperor, its strength also belongs to the invincible level in Divine Emperor Realm.

Fang Chen is naturally a little emotional, and his cultivation practice has always been stuck in the realm of God King.

Although capable of leapfrogging, it can easily deal with ordinary emperors. But the slightly stronger is a bit more troublesome.

After fighting with the Purple Emperor, Fang Chen felt that his strength was too weak.

"Before I thought that we were not strong enough, but now, my worries are completely superfluous." Emperor God of Destruction.

His heart is actually very shocking.

Unexpectedly, Fang Chen actually has such four abnormal spiritual pets.

"The black sword does not indicate the position of the guard, how do we find it?" Fang Chen asked.

"Hey, don't you know this? Look at me."

It took a long time for the God of Destruction to obtain the Black Sword, and he has been studying it. Finally, he has found a clue.

His voice just fell, and his consciousness slowly penetrated into the black sword.

In an instant, the black sword radiated a bright light all around, directly covering the black light of the sword body itself.

After about half an hour, this situation finally stopped.

"how about it?"

Fang Chen asked hurriedly when he saw the Emperor God of Heaven open his eyes.

"The guardian's information is hidden inside the black sword. I have checked it out." Emperor Goddess of Heaven: "My master of this black sword is the sixth guardian of the black guardian under the Devil's seat."

Fang Chen also used the method of destroying the **** emperor to successfully view the information of the guard.

"How is it?" The Emperor Destroyer asked quickly.

Fang Chen's heart set off a turbulent wave, he stared at the black sword in his hand, some dare not imagine.

"What's wrong? Is it the fifth escort, or the third escort?" Emperor Destroyer asked.

Fang Chen shook his head, staring hotly at the black sword.

"Second guard?"

When the Emperor Shen Tian wanted to come, Fang Chen's black sword was at most the third escort. He never thought it would be the first escort.

Because, the first guard of the Devil Emperor, it was the most powerful Divine Realm in the last universe era.

"First guard."

Fang Chen struggled to stabilize his inner vibration and said slowly.

"What? First guard? Right?"

Destroying Heavenly Emperor was a little unbelievable and asked again.

Fang Chen focused on her head and confirmed that she was not mistaken.

The Emperor Destroyer's face was ecstatic, and he laughed: "We are rich, ha ha ha, I really didn't expect that we could actually get the information of the first guard's tomb."

"The first guard, that was the most powerful Divine Emperor Realm of the last cosmic era. If I could get his swordsmanship, I might be able to break through to Divine Emperor Realm." Heaven Destroying Emperor said happily.

After the shock just now, Fang Chen became sensible.

"Although we got the information of the first guard's tomb, but for the sake of insurance, let's go to the sixth guard's tomb first." Fang Chendao said: "Our current strength, if we forcibly go to the first guard's tomb, there will be danger to life . "

Destroying the God of God nodded, he recognized what Fang Chen said. "Okay, let's go quickly."

The two briefly discussed, and then formulated a very concise route to leave quickly.


Sword mound, tomb of the emperor.

Somewhere in the mountain stream, a bearded man with a huge sword behind him.

He rested on the bluestone, and there was a waterfall nearby.

"The little teacher actually came to Jianzuo."

Suddenly, the bearded man opened his eyes and said with a smile.

He was Lin Jian, the sixth disciple under the ancestor of the bones, and also the six brothers of Fang Chen.

Among the six great disciples of Guzu, only six disciples Lin Jian are good at kendo. Trapped in the God Emperor Realm for a long time, so he came to Jianzuo and wanted to seek a breakthrough.

"I don't know how strong my little teacher is?" Lin Jian said slightly: "If there is a chance, I must meet up with the little teacher."

However, at this moment, an angry voice suddenly sounded.

"Lin Jian, you shrinking turtle."

The voice fell, and a burly-looking man appeared before the waterfall, glaring at Lin Jian.

"Don't you guys in Tiangu Palace only run away?"}

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