Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1903: Fortress of war

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Stone room, in front of the sixth guard tomb.

Fang Chen sat down on knees with the Emperor God of Destruction, surrounded by a breath of kendo. Both of them are enlightening the lack of sword.

A year is relatively urgent.

Especially for the Emperor Destroyer, his sword skills are not too strong, and the potential is not very outstanding.

Naturally, this kind of opportunity, which cannot be encountered, will not give up, but will go all out.

Compared to Fang Chen, it is a lot easier.

The golden heart is subtly changing his kendo potential. Now, he is no exaggeration to say that looking at the whole God Realm, the one with the strongest swordsmanship under Divine Emperor.

At this moment, Fang Chen's mind is all about Tian Quejian.

"The lack of swords is interesting."

Fang Chen grinned, he did not expect this trick to actually incorporate some of the kendo magic of the creation department, while attacking the enemy, it was actually able to repair his own injuries.

At this point, Fang Chen was very pleased.

The next quite long time, of course, is to practice the lack of sword.

He didn't do the same thing as the God of Destroying God, he started to practice at the beginning. Instead, it took a month to study the details of Tian Quejian. After studying Tian Quejian thoroughly, I started to practice.

In this way, the practice is very familiar.

The golden heart is also helping him to realize the lack of sword, in short, Fang Chen occupies the right place and the right people.

Time is fleeting.

In a flash, half a year has passed.

The God of Destruction is still clueless about Tian Que's sword, and Fang Chen has made breakthrough progress.

One day, Fang Chen opened his eyes, stood up, held the Xingyin sword in his hand, and quickly waved a sword.

This sword is different from the ancient ancient magic tactics, forming a milky sword light in the sky, constantly whirling.

Fang Chen can clearly feel that this milky white sword light is actively absorbing the true divine power between heaven and earth in the process of whirling, and then penetrates into Fang Chen's body.

"Sure enough."

Although there is only some initial clues, Fang Chen has felt the scary power of Tian Quejian.

"However, there are still some deficiencies that need to be thoroughly mastered before the strongest power can be exploded." Fang Chen said secretly, then sat cross-legged and continued to practice.

Research time after time, try again and again.

Nine months later, Fang Chen finally completely repaired Tian Quejian.

When he cast Tian Tianjian's sword, the entire stone chamber was shaking, as if it was about to collapse, with a huge momentum.

"The power of Tian Que Sword is indeed very strong. With my current strength, if I fully exert Tian Qi Sword, there is no problem in dealing with the Demon Blood God Emperor." Fang Chen said secretly.

If you let him take action now, to deal with the **** emperor of the Celestial Family, it should be very easy.

"I don't know if I can take this opportunity to break through to God Emperor Realm." Fang Chen said secretly.

Divine King Realm to Divine Emperor Realm is the essential difference.

Fang Chen's whole body, the pattern of order flashing, he tried to break through.

However, after a while, it ended in failure.

"It seems that it is a bit difficult to break through to the Divine Realm." Fang Chen shook his head and smiled bitterly.


The sixth **** appeared again, looking at Fang Chen's eyes, there was obviously a touch of excitement.

"In seven months, if you build Tianqijian, your kendo potential is very good."

During the speech, the sixth guard shook his wrist and returned the black sword to Fang Chen's hand again.

However, the black sword tempered by the sixth guard is completely different from before.

"In this black sword, there are some situations about the tomb of the devil emperor. When you gather the black sword with nine handles and enter the tomb of the demon emperor, this information will automatically enter your mind." The sixth guard said with a smile.

"Thank you, Senior." Fang Chen thanked with a fist.

The sixth **** waved: "You don't need to be like this. It is also my honor to recommend such a wicked genius like you. I sincerely hope that you can become a heir to Lord Devil."

"The younger generation will definitely do their utmost." Fang Chen said.

The Sixth Guardian glanced at the Emperor Goddess next to him, and then continued: "Now that you have realized the lack of sword, then some things should also let you know."

Fang Chen's heart moved slightly, listening with his ears.

"You should see it. My tomb was built in a war fort." The sixth guard said. "At that time, Lord Devil gave us nine war escorts each a war fort. Of course, this kind of war fort is only the lowest level of war fort."

"In this case, my war fort, placed on the outside world, will certainly cause robbery." Sixth Guards Road.

Fang Chen nodded, but he believed what the sixth guard said.

The fortress of war can be seen literally, this is what is used in war.

Put the fortress of war in a city, and this city will instantly become solid, even if it is a God Emperor Realm, it cannot be destroyed.

"Senior, is this war fortress still classified?" Fang Chen asked curiously.

"The fortress of war is a very terrifying weapon. Even in God Realm, almost no one can refine it." When the sixth guard said here, his eyes were a little confused, and he was quite sighed in his heart: "I want to refine war The fortress must be a heaven-level refiner. "


Fang Chen's mind rang loudly.

He was also shocked by the sixth guard. Refining the war fort actually requires the heaven-level refining master.

Others do not know, but he is very clear, how powerful Tongtian level refiner is.

The refining master is divided into extraordinary level, saint level, deity level, and heaven level.

The extraordinary level can refine artifacts, while the sacred level can refine celestial artifacts, and the extraordinary level can refine real artifacts.

Nowadays, looking at the whole God Realm, the strongest refining master is nothing more than a superlative level.

There is no one-level refiner.

Tongtian-level refining master can refine the existence of universe spirit treasure.

Moreover, from the side, Tongtian level refining master, that is the level equivalent to the universe god.


Fang Chen's heart shook.

Is Devil Emperor a Heaven-level Refining Master? Are these fortresses made by the devil?

A series of questions appeared in Fang Chen's mind.

"War fortress, there are three levels. Elementary, intermediate, advanced. Simple and clear, but very rude." The sixth guard said: "In general, the elementary war fortress, top-level god-level refining division can also reluctantly refine System, but there are few in the whole life. "

"As for the intermediate and advanced levels, only Tongtian-level refining masters can refine it." Sixth Guardian said: "In that year, Lord Devil also accidentally received the inheritance of a cosmic god, and thus obtained nine primary war fortresses. An intermediate war fortress. But all are broken. But Lord Devil Emperor himself is a top-level god-level refining master, which has been repaired after hundreds of millions of years of repair. "

Hearing this, Fang Chen finally understood.

Devil Emperor is really too powerful. He has nine junior war fortresses and one intermediate war fortress. He said that he could sweep across the realm of God.

However, after the shock, Fang Chen's heart raised another question.

How did such a powerful Devil Emperor fall?

"You can refine the tombstone in front of my tomb, you can control the entire fortress of war." The sixth guard said.

Fang Chen was ecstatic in his heart, but he did not expect that the sixth guard would give him the fortress of war.

"Thank you senior."

The sixth guard waved his palm, gently on Fang Chen's forehead, and suddenly a large amount of information poured into his mind.


Fang Chen quickly received the information and walked to the tomb in a moment.

Put your hands on the tombstone and start refining.

Recognized by the sixth guard, within a quarter of an hour, the tombstone was completely refined.

Fang Chen could feel that his own mind could control the fortress of war.

"Boy, if you have a chance, get all the other eight fortresses of war as well, which is of great benefit to you." The sixth guard sighed: "The sky is about to change, and in the near future, God Realm will be in chaos . You need to improve your cultivation as soon as possible. "

"Senior, do you know anything?" Fang Chen asked.

However, the sixth guard no longer answered him and shook his head.

Fang Chen is also very interesting and no longer asks.

It was at this moment that the Emperor Destroyer woke up.


Destroying the God Emperor seems to have some problems. Deafening voices came from the body, and his clothes were directly blown up, embarrassed.

"Damn it, it's almost that."

Fang Chen heard the complaining voice of Destroying God.

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