Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1906: Fujio shot

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The five **** emperors are all twenty-seven sword emperors in Nanling Sword Palace, and they are super powerful.

"With my current strength, I can deal with two emperors at most, and one emperor can deal with one, and there are two remaining."

Fang Chen thought secretly.

He did not intend to fight against the emperor of the Nanling Sword Palace.


Almost at the same time, Fang Chen grabbed the God of Destruction, and then displayed the Magic Book of Time and Space, and quickly fled from here.

"Huh, knowing that you are a disciple of Guzu, do you think we have no preparation?"

The five great emperors sneered when they saw it.

Numerous energy ripples suddenly appeared in the sky. Under the control of the five great emperors, the energy ripples quickly interweave together, forming a heavenly network.

"Tian Luodi."

With a roar, Tian Luo Di Wang directly covered Fang Chen.


Fang Chen's face changed a lot. On this day's net, he had the powerful effect of imprisoning the true divine power.

"Damn it, or my own strength is too weak."

Fang Chen couldn't help sighing, and then took out the War Fortress.


He and the God of Destruction, got into the fortress of war.

Immediately, the fortress of war turned into a thumb-sized soil grain, rushing towards the sky net.


The defense of the War Fortress is extremely strong. Although Fang Chen ’s current strength cannot control his attack.

But the brute force alone was enough for the general emperor to bear.


Under the impact of the War Fortress, a crack appeared on the Tianluodi network.

"what is that?"

One of the **** emperors widened his eyes and asked silently.

"That's ... the legendary fortress of war."

"God, how could he have a fortress of war?"

"Quickly send the news back and ask for support."

The five great emperors were shocked by the fortress of war and sent back their voices one after another.

In an instant, the fortress of war broke open the shackles of the Tian Luo Di net, and fled.

However, the five great emperors followed and followed.

Huh ...

The Emperor Yihei arrived, when he found the fortress of war, his eyes also showed a hot light.

"War fortress, mine."

Immediately, the speed of the Yiheihuang Emperor doubled, chasing away in the direction of the war fortress.

Over time, more and more Nanling Sword Palace Divine Emperor joined the chasing team.

Fang Chen, hiding in the war fort, gradually became somber.

"Nanling Sword Palace, since you want to kill me, then blame me for being ruthless."

Fang Chen deliberately controlled the fortress of war, slowed down and paused.

In an instant, countless **** emperors chased up and surrounded the fortress of war.

The headed Yihei God Emperor looked greedily at the War Fortress.

"Fang Chen, hand over the fortress of war, I can spare you not to die." Emperor Yihei said coldly.

"Hum, want to catch me, you don't have that skill yet."

Fang Chen sneered, he was waiting, and said that when the emperor of the Nanling Sword Palace had arrived.

"Attack together."

Emperor Yihei led many emperors to attack the fortress crazy.

Fang Chen was inside, watching all this quietly.

After about half an hour, several emperors came one after another. Fang Chen counted, the emperor of the Nanling Sword Palace was basically here.

"Garbage, a bunch of trash."

Disdainful voices came from inside the war fort.

Immediately, Fang Chen controlled the fortress of war and went away.

However, the direction of his flight is not the direction of the emperor's tomb, but the direction of the king's tomb.

In other words, he was flying outside.

"Stop him, don't let him leave the sword mound."

Yi Hei God Emperor shouted in anger.

More than twenty **** emperors in the Nanling Sword Palace, killing all directions, chasing Fang Chen in anger.

The news spread quickly within the sword mound.

"What? My little teacher, actually got a war fortress? Is being chased and killed by Emperor Yihei and others?"

Lin Jian's face changed greatly when he heard the news, and he quickly rushed to support the younger brother.

At the same time, the gods of other forces are also curious.

"Let's go and see too."

"God, the fortress of war actually appeared, I don't know if Fang Chen can keep it."

"How could it be kept, it is said that more than twenty **** emperors of Nanling Sword Palace shot together, and he would be lucky if he didn't die."

One emperor after another, hiding in the void, watching this good show.

Time is fleeting.

A few days later, Fang Chen was in control of the war fort and had reached the edge of the tomb of the king.

Going forward, there is boundless swamp.

The war fort suddenly stopped, and Fang Chen's figure appeared above the war fort.

Huh ...

Yi Hei Shen Huang and others quickly came.

"Boy, figured it out?" Yi Hei Shenhuang said coldly.

Fang Chen looked around the twenty emperors in front of him, and then moved his mind, and released the four blood emperor emperors trapped in the fortress of war.

"Everyone says that the twenty-seven sword emperors in Nanling Sword Palace are very powerful. They are basically the top level in God Realm." Fang Chen said suddenly: "In addition to the purple clothes **** I was killed In addition to the emperor and the blue emperor, the remaining twenty-five emperors came to twenty-four. You really can't deserve our Fangchen. "

"Boy, Hugh wants nonsense, surrender the fortress of war, and then obediently capture." Yi Hei God said imperially.

Fang Chen laughed, his face full of ridicule.

"are you an idiot?"

Fang Chen said disdainfully, the people in Nanling Sword Palace are all virtuous, thinking how powerful they are, but actually very weak.

At this time, there are more and more secret emperors.

They were also curious about what Fang Chen was going to do.

"Boy, we have more than twenty divine emperors in the Nanling Sword Palace. If you still can't capture you, how will you be mixed up in God Realm in the future?" Emperor Yihei seemed very confident about this action.

"Although you have a war fort, you are in the realm of God King after all, and you can't fully control the war fort." Emperor Yihei sneered: "The war fort needs huge energy to run. If I guess well, inside the war fort Almost no energy anymore? "

"So, you still have to obey your hand and catch it."

Fang Chen shrugged and said, "You know, why did I bring you here?"

"Because, this is a feng shui graveyard I chose for you." Fang Chen said: "There is a scum like you in the emperor, which is really shameful."

"Want to kill us?" Emperor Yihei sneered and seemed to hear a big joke.

Fang Chen had already secretly contacted the king of the vines, who could shoot at any time.

"Yes, you Nanling Sword Palace repeatedly want to kill me, it is unbearable. Today, we Fang Chen put down the cruel words here, and all the twenty-seven sword emperors of the Nanling Sword Palace will be killed." Fang Chen's voice It is full of arrogance.

"You wanton."

Emperor Yihei shouted angrily: "Who do you think you are? Today you can't escape from heaven. Even if you are a disciple of Guzu? This is Jianzuo."

Fang Chen no longer ignored the roar of Yihei God Emperor, said calmly: "Everyone, what last words do you have to say, hurry up, or you will have no chance for a while."


After all, Yi Hei Shenhuang couldn't bear the provocation of Fang Chen. With a loud roar, twenty-four **** emperors joined forces, and the terrifying attack instantly shot towards Fang Chen.


Almost at the same time, Fang Chen hid inside the war fort, then controlled the war fort and rushed into the boundless swamp.

"You can't escape."

Headed by Yihei God Emperor, many God Emperors launched a strong attack.

In a blink of an eye, twenty-four **** emperors all appeared above the boundless swamp.

It was at this time that Fujio shot.


In the air, there was a killing intention.

Immediately afterwards, Yihei Shenhuang and others were all still in mid-air.

The trembling breath diffused, completely drowning the twenty-four people.

Many **** emperors hidden in the distance watched, shaking their hearts.


At the same time as everyone exclaimed, the heart of the Yihei God Emperor also generated great fear.

"Do not……"

King Vine is a powerful emperor of God Emperor Realm. He wants to kill people with all his heart, and no one can stop him.

Twenty-four **** emperors suddenly fell by half.

The remaining half lost their freedom of movement, and their faces were pale.

"We are Nanling Sword Palace ..."

Before they finished speaking, they were rolled up by the vine king's branches and swallowed into their stomachs.

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